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Rep. Pete Aquilar (D-Calif.) rejected a Senate bill demanding that the White House declassify all information related to the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus, insisting declassification is best left with the Executive branch. “ “Declassification conversations are best left to the executive,” Aguilar said, opposing a Senate bill sponsored by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) requiring the Biden administration to declassify all intelligence related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and origins of the Covid-1o global pandemic. Wall Street Journal reported Feb. 27 that the virus likely originated from a Wuhan lab. Aguilar backs the White House cover-up related to nearly three years of fake reports from Democrats and the media about the origins of the virus. Democrats and the press dismissed the Wuhan lab-leak as a bogus conspiracy theory.

Since the outset of the deadly novel coronavirus, the U.S. leading infectious disease expert 82-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed the view that the virus likely originated from a zoonotic or spillover origin, jumping from bats to animals, then to humans. Fauci has no evidence of his theory but used it to discredit 76-year-old former President Donald Trump who said April 30, 2020 that the deadly virus leaked from a Wuhan lab. Faiuci collaborated on his spillover theory with 55-year-old New York-based EcoHealth Alliance CEO Peter Daszak who wrote a letter Feb. 27, 2020 endorsed by 27 scientists to the British Medical Journal Lancet saying the virus originated from a natural source in Wuhan, China. Fauci endorsed Daszak’s letter, insisting the deadly novel coronavirus jumped to humans in Wuhan, China. Fauci has no evidence for his natural occurrence theory.

So, why was Fauci and Daszak so invested in the natural occurrence theory. Fauci granted from the National Institutes of Health over $15 million to Daszak’s EchoHealth Alliance, who in turn gave $1 million to Shi Zhengli’s lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Zhenglin collaborated with international scientists to experiment with harmless bat coronaviruses, engineering theme to infect humans. Dr. Ralph Baric, microbiologist at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, admitted to injecting bat coronaviruses with Angiotensin II [Ace 2], a beta-blocker medications designed to alter the coronavirus spike protein to make it more infectious to humans. Scientists studying deadly novel coronavirus found the spike protein entered the human cell on the ACE 2 receptor site. Not one Democrat or journalist reported on overwhelming evidence that the deadly novel coronavirus was lab created.

When Trump announced April 30, 2020 that the deadly virus originated in a Wuhan lab, Democrats and the press found every reason to discredit his statement. Democrats and media sought everything to discredit Trump, demonizing him as racist and bad manage of the Covid-19 crisis. Every day, week and month that goes by provides more compelling evidence that Trump was right about the virus leaking from a Wuhan lab. Fauci’s zoonotic theory was so improbable genetically, knowing that 2003 SARS CoV-1 only infected 8,000 worldwide, killing 800. If the SARS CoV-1 and SARS CoV-2 were in any way related, how could SARS CoV-2 be so much more deadly, infecting 680,091,329, killing 6,800,782? Fauci knew that unlike SARS CoV-2, Sars CoV-1 was not genetically engineered to penetrate human cells with ease, infecting millions of humans worldwide.

House Democrats continue to stonewall, hoping to protect the media from all the years of fake reporting on the deadly novel coronavirus. Washington Post journalist 79-year-old Bob Woodward interviewed Trump on Jan. 28, 2020, saying in his book, “Rage,” that Trump knew everything about the virus but hid the dangers from the public. At the time of Woodward’s interview, there were only a few cases and no deaths in the United States. Trump banned all incoming flights to-and-from China Jan. 30, 2020 to protect the U.S. from exposure. Reports from Wuhan showed bodies piling up on the streets, with crematoriums running 24/7. Yet Democrats, Woodward and Fauci all claimed Trump wasn’t taking it seriously. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus admonisted Trump Feb. 6, 2020 at a Geneva press conference for restricting China’s rights.

Democrats and the press had a ax to grind assuring that the public would discredit Trump’s April 30, 2020 statement that the virus originated from a Wuhan lab. What Trump didn’t know at the time was that Fauci, who ran his Covid-19 task force, contributed to the development of the virus by funding Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. Fauci denied under oath that he funded dangerous “gain-of-function” research, designed turn harmless bat coronviruses into the deadliest pathogens known to man. Emails show that Fauci thanked Daszak for spreading the zoonotic theory, hoping to protect his decades-old reputation from the truth. How would the public feel knowing that Fauci funded dangerous experiments in Shi Zehengli’s bioweapons lab, knowing that a lab-leak unleashed the worst global pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu? Democrats and the pres can only stonewall for so long.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.coma and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.