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Yesterday’s testimony in the public Jan. 6 House Select Committee by 26-year-old former Mark Meadow’s aid Cassidy Hutchinson gave Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans their smoking gun,saying Trump lunged to commandeer the steering wheel of his armored SUV AKA “the Beast.” But no sooner than Hutchinson, who was not present in the SUV, gave her second-and report, Secret Service agents Tony Oratao and Bobby Engel, who were present in “the Beast” said the incident never happened. Immediately Democrats and Trump-bashers said the two agents would lie for Trump because of their close ties. So, to get the record straight, House Democrats used someone with second-hand information to say “she heard” Trump lunged at the steering wheel to commandeer the SUV to go to the Capitol, not back to the West Wing. Hutchinson swore under oath that she heard the story.

When it comes to former President Donald Trump, anything goes when it comes to the truth, any lie, any wild story any unverified second-or-third-hand report qualifies as “breaking news” or a “smoking gun,” as long as it implicates the former president in a crime. For his year-long campaign and four years in office, Trump was accused by Democrats, largely former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Trump’s 2016 Democrat rival, of a covert relationship with the Kremlin and Russian bank. FBI and CIA officials thoroughly investigated Democrats’ allegations over a two-year period with 77-year-old former Special Counsel Robert Muller who found after a $40 million investigation that there were no ties to Moscow. Yet the Democrat rumor-mongering about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin persisted long after Mueller concluded March 23, 2019 that there were no such ties to Russia.

So after two impeachment trials that ended in failure for Democrats, the latest charade gets a meg-dose of disgrace, something Democrats don’t acknowledge. Listening to House Democrats and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) interview Hutchinson, you’d think she was an eye witness, when she admitted to hearing the story second hand. Accused to attacking his own secret service and grabbing “the Beast’s” steering wheel didn’t sound credible from the beginning, knowing there’s a lot of distance between the back seat the vehicles steering wheel. Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans have done everything possible to embarrass and disgrace Trump, making up all kinds of stories for public consumption. Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans want him indicted by 70-year-old Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland for alleged crimes connected with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and melee.

Hutchinson testified yesterday that Tony Ornato, a Secret Service agent who was present on the SUV, told her that Trump lunged for the steering wheel. Ornato has said he will take a lie detector test and testify before the House Select Committee that he never told Hutchinson any such thing about Trump. House Select Committee wants no part of Ornato’s testimony because they wish only to spread more wild rumors about Trump, this time that he tried to commandeer his armored SUV. All major newspapers had no problem running with the story as expressed by the 26-year-old former aid of Trump’s former Chief of Staff Marck Meadows. House Select Committee Chairman Bernie Thomson (D-Miss.) and his partner Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) want no part of any testimony by three Secret Service agents present in the vehicle, all saying that Trump did not lunge at the steering wheel or anything else.

Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig was quick to impeach the credibility of Trump’s Secret Service detail, calling them enablers and “yes men,” not asking why the Jan. 6 House Committee should rely on someone not present in the vehicle as their “smoking gun” witness. “And some people accused them of at times being enablers and ‘yes men’ of the president–particularly Tony Ornato. And very much people who wanted to do what he wanted and see him pleased,” said Leonig, violating every known principle of ethical journalism. Instead of questioning Hutchinson, Leonig acts like she’s on the House Select Committee looking to convict Trump of more high crimes and misdemeanors. With Orato, Engel and others repudiating Hutchinson’s blockbuster testimony, Leonid should remain skeptical, not find ways to find Hutchinson’s testimony credible by attacking Secret Service in the SUV.

Hutchinson’s second hand testimony personifies the kind of witch-hunt used by the Jan. 6 House Select Committee to find anything new to indict Trump. Were it not for the highly biased left-wing media, no one would accept, let alone tout, the testimony of a second-hand witness, someone not present in the SUV at the time of the alleged incident. Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans got what they deserved fabricating more fake news about Trump to advance a Democrat agenda. Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans hope to humiliate Trump enough in public that he won’t run for president in 2024. Whether that happens or not is anyone’s guess. What known now with Hutchinson’s testimony is that Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans will make up any lie if it discredits Trump. Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans aren’t concerned about the truth only discrediting and indicting Trump.