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Ambushed by questions from 72-year-old Fox News moderator Chris Wallace in the first presidential debate in Cleveland last night, 74-year-old President Donald Trump went into defensive mode, dealing with undeniable bias No one in the broadcast of print media mentioned anything about how Wallace, a known Trump critic, fashioned his questions to help Biden. Wallace concocted his question to play into Trump’s weakness and former Vice President Joe Biden’s strengths, spending considerable time on racism and climate change. It was clear Wallace sabotaged Trump, giving Biden a chance to repeat campaign talking points to answer Wallace’s questions. When asked anything new, Biden showed the same kind of hesitancy leading to speculation about his cognitive capacity. Wallace objected strongly to Trump interrupting Biden’s outrageous attacks.

After called a clown and a liar repeatedly by Biden, Trump listened to Joe blame him for over 200,000 deaths for the Covid-19 crisis, insisting Trump could have stopped it January. Democrats have built Biden’s campaign around Trump botching the Covid-19 crisis, using former Washington Post journalist-turned-political-hack Bob Woodward new book say Trump knew everything about the Coviid-10 crisis before the first U.S. death back in February. On Jan. 31, Trump banned flights from China but hardly had a crystal ball. Woodward accused Trump of some kind of divine omniscience about Covid-19 when there were very few cases and deaths in the U.S. in Jan. and Feb. Biden repeated the Dems’ talking points, pure fabrication, blaming Trump for over 200,000 deaths. Woodward couldn’t understand in his book “Rage,” why Trump didn’t warn the nation about the impending epidemic.

Wallaced like watching Trump squirm while Biden repeated memorized campaign talking points blaming Trump. Then Wallace pivoted to another favorite Democrat topic painting Trump as a climate change denier and racist. Both topics gave Biden his best chance of scoring points until Trump said, “it was two against one,” referring to Wallace and Biden piling on. Wallace brought up Charlottesville, Va, where Antifa confronted white crowds protecting the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Wallace challenged Trump directly with a loud-and-imperious voice to denounce White supremacists and nationalists battling Antifa in Charlottesville. When Trump refused to acquiesce to Wallace’s demands, the media’s headline today accused Trump of refusing to denounce white supremacists. Wallace, as debate moderator, scored points against Trump.

When Wallace shifted the topic into climate change, you know he had the “gotcha moment,” helping Biden launch into his campaign attacks on Trump backing the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Neither Wallace nor Biden liked it when Trump fought back, saying the Paris Climate Agreement unfairly punished the U.S. when it already has some of the strictess anti-pollutions laws and requirements in the world.. But no, Wallace and Biden pounded Trump for being a climate change denier. When Trump said the Green New Deal would cost the U.S. $100 trillion, bankrupting the country, Wallace went silent while Biden explained it would be a boon for the economy. Biden explained how he would get the country carbon neutral by 2035, retrofitting U.S. buildings while assuring the auto manufacturers would switch to electric vehicles.

If Wallace didn’t have it in for Trump, the debate might have gone better, prompting the commission to implement new ways to prevent a repeat of the kind of free-for-all that interfered with a orderly debate. “I just hope there’s a way in which the debate commission can control the ability of us to answer the questions without interruption,” Biden said, not admitting that Wallace teed up questions to sabotage Trump. “Two on one was not surprising, but fun,” Trump tweeted, recognizing that Wallace had it in for him throughout the debate. It’s one thing to deal with your opponent yet another when the neutral moderator shows such undeniable bias in the types of questions selected for the debate. Wallace admitted before the debate he created all the questions that clearly favored Biden. CNN, one of cable news most anti-Trump networks, claimed that its poll showed Biden the winner.

No one in the press has raised Wallace’s bias against Trump, picking questions to make Joe look good. When Trump talks about “two on one,” it’s no joke, letting a known anti-Trump broadcast or print journalist to moderate a presidential debate. Questions should have been randomly posed by any number of groups, not a single journalist that can use his knowledge of the issues to favor one candidate over the other. Wallace deliberately avoided any foreign policy topic because they would have exposed for all to see Biden’s incredibly bad judgment backing the Iraq War, Libyan War and Syrian Civil War. Wallace could have been evenhanded but chose to put his thumb on the scale to help Biden. Wallace was praised the Commission on Presidential Debates, showing that they approved of the way Wallace set up Trump with highly biased questions.