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Reports from Wuhan, China through Radio Free Asia [RFA] show a big disconnect with the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 cases and deaths reported by the Chinese Communist Party. Today, China reported 81,470 total cases, 31 new cases and 3,304 total deaths. China has been reporting about 31 new cases for weeks, something that doesn’t jibe with first-hand reports to RFA. “Maybe the authorities are gradually releasing the real figures, intentionally or unintentionally, so that people will gradually come to accept the reality,” Wuhan resident “Mao” told RFA. Mao corroborates other reports from Wuhan for months that its 14 crematoriums have been operation their oven 24/7. Wuhan authorities banned funerals in January, requiring corpses disposed through cremation. China’s reluctance to admit the SARS CoV-2 epidemic in Wuhan cost the world dearly.

It didn’t take long for China to unleash the Covid-19 epidemic to the rest of the world, allowing Wuhan’s infected residents to travel to Italy and other popular European tourist destinations. Had Chinese President Xi Jinping informed the World Health Organization [WHO] in November or December 2019, the world could have been spared the worst global pandemic since the 1918 Spanish flu that infected 100 million or 25% of the world’s population, killing 50 million. No, Xi couldn’t admit he faced a runaway epidemic with a deadly virus, mowing down Chinese citizens in droves. Lately, everything’s rosy in China, with the Communist Party touting China’s effective response to clamp down on the epidemic. Yet the figures given by China to WHO just don’t add up, leaving the world with growing skepticism over the number of SARS CoV-2 cases and deaths in China.

China was so thoughtless, it let infected tourists swarm other nations around the planet, violating every known principle to contain a spiraling epidemic. Italy didn’t know what hit it at during the Holidays from China, now dealing with 101,739 total case and 11,591 deaths, by far the worst mortality rate of 11.39%., three times the world death rate and five times the rate in the U..S. China can’t level with WHO because it’s concerned about future business, that’s impacted them so much now it will leave China in economic slowdown or recession for years. Despite the damage China has caused the world, the Communist government blamed the U.S. military for causing the epidemic March 14. Because China’s totalitarian government has no free press, they’re able to promote any outrageous lie that keeps the public in the dark. Blaming the SARS CoV-2 pandemic on the U.S. military saves Beijing’s utter failure.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who contracted Covid-19 last week, said that he will deal forcefully with Communist China. Johnson hinted that he’ll cancel the multi-billion dollar Huawei Telecom contract to build Britain’s 5G system. When Chinese Foreign Minister Foreign Minister spokesman Zhao Linjin blamed the U.S. for the coroonavirus pandemic March 14, Johnson realized the China could not be trusted with the U.K.’s national security. World governments, like the U.S., Italy and Spain, must hold China accountable for the global pandemic that’s shaved $35% trillion off World Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. U.S., U.K. and European Union [EU] will remain in slowdown, recession or possible depression for years because of China’s gross negligence in managing their SARS CoV-2 epidemic that jumped international borders and infected the world.

Chinese citizens face incarceration, possible death, for telling the truth about anything related to the coronavirus crisis. Reported by Chinese media outlet Caixin, one funeral home received a shipment of 5,000 urns for ashes, only to watch the story purged by the Communist Party. “It can’t be right . . . because incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?” said Wuhan resident named Zhang. China reports only four new deaths, something that doesn’t match the facts on the ground in Wuhan. “There have been a lot of funerals in the past few days, and the authorities hand out 3,000 yuan [$428] in hush money to families who get their loved ones’ remains laid to rest ahead of Qing Ming,” Wuhan resident Chen Yauhui said.
Yauhui faces extreme punishment by Communist Party for saying anything to foreigners about the SARS CoV-2 epidemic.

China must be held accountable for unleashing to worst viral plague on the world since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. World governments needs to investigate the origins of the deadly virus outbreak to prevent a future episodes from upending the global economy, not to mentions the massive loss of life. China hasn’t owned up how the deadly SARS CoV-2 epidemic began, nor have they admitted to failing to inform the WHO once the epidemic became a public health emergency. No matter how many iPhones Apple Inc. makes in China, China must be held accountable for killing world citizens and wrecking the global economy. Xi can’t hide behind his phony grin, pointing fingers elsewhere to save face. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said today that China’s SARS-CoV-2 cases and deaths are up to 40 times what’s reported by the Communist government.