Since fired by Trump Aug. 18, 63-year-old former Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon has granted numerous interviews to the anti-Trump media, taking the luxury of retaliating while sucking up the media attention. Bannon’s former and now expected employer Breitbart News, a spin-off of the Drudge Report by the late employee Andrew Breitbart, was nothing until former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to paint 71-year-old Donald Trump as a racist. Hyping Bannon’s former role as executive editor of Breitbart, Hillary practically stood on her head to paint Bannon and Trump as racists. Before Hillary hyped Breitbart, it was a mediocre, poorly visited right-wing news site with very little notoriety. Selling the Trump-Bannon racist conspiracy theory was Hillay’s devious way to peel off independent and moderate GOP votes from a surging Trump campaign.
Bannon told William Crystal’s “Weekly Standard” yesterday that he welcomed the opportunity to return to Breitbart to continue his right-wing revolution, something so preposterous, so off-the-wall, so twisted that it defies imagination. However Bannon helped Trump with economic nationalism and anti-immigration politics during the campaign, Bannon’s off-the-rails thinking he’s leading a right-wing revolution. Trump was the closest thing Bannon got to a revolution, with Bannon playing a minor role in pulling off the Trump’s unlikely victory against Hillary. No administration has been so divided among itself about the direction where it should go,” Bannon told the Washington Post. Exploiting the Post to retaliate against Trump, Bannon showed zero loyalty to his former boss. Talking to the Post, Bannon knew exactly what he was doing: Stabbing Trump in the back.
Nothing Bannon said to the Post can be taken with any credibility. Post editors know that Bannon was the most divisive part of the White House, often at odds with Trump’s daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both senior advisers to the president. Liberal news outlets love to interview and exploit anti-Trump Republicans like Sen. John McCain (R-Az.), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), former GOP nominee Mitt Romney, former GOP candidate and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and anyone else looking to slam Trump. Left-wing news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc., like to interview Trump-bashing Republicans. Watching publicity-hungry politicians, like McCain and Graham, slam Trump at every opportunity, shows how liberal press exploits members of Trump’s party whenever possible.
Before Bannon was canned, he had zero credibility by any mainstream media source. Now that he’s fired, he’s the perfect person to exploit to slam the president. Whether admitted to or not, the only war in the White House was with Bannon’s white nationalist agenda. Getting rid of Bannon was like lancing a boil, ridding the White House of a festering wound. Bannon wants to pass the chaos off to other White House staff, like Ivanka and Kushner, but the truth is that Bannon was the divisive element. Surely the liberal press knows this but now acts like Bannon has some new credibility, now that he’s fired. Liberal groups want to hype Bannon’s status, despite knowing he was the disruptive figure in the White House. Trump wasn’t wed to Bannon’s right-wing ideology, other than for getting votes. Bannon knows Trump’s much too liberal to embrace his farfetched ideas.
Watching Bannon interviewed on liberal and conservative news shows, affords him far too much press for someone without a portfolio. If there are any insights into his termination, it relates to his extreme right-wing ideology and way-out conspiracy theories. Hillary cleverly exploited Bannon’s past description of Breitbart as a “platform for the Alt-Right. Breitbart News has so few viewers it can’t be regarded as having any real influence.. Hillary made Breitbart News famous for only one reason: To paint Trump as a white nationalist bigot. Hillary succeeded in turning the minority vote away from Trump, only to find out she missed the white blue collar vote. Opining on major news sites, Bannon becomes the latest member to Trump’s team targeted for exploitation by the mainstream press. Bannon has nothing to say either about Trump or himself after losing his job.
Watching Bannon exploited by the press to rip Trump shows how the media will do anything possible to discredit Trump. Trump winning the election was the most stunning rebuke of the mainstream media after they all endorsed Hillary. Going after Trump since Nov. 8, 2016 was the media’s way of salvaging its credibility. When you consider Trump’s abysmal approval ratings, it’s directly related to the press’s war against Trump. Returning to Breitbart could not be more pedestrian for Bannon. His vaunted White House Chief Strategist portfolio now vanquished, Bannon is reduced to just another right wing hack. He’ll have no more credibility at Breitbart with its small viewer-ship than any garden-variety right wing blogger. Hillary hyped Breitbart to paint Trump and Bannon as racists, not because the oddball right-wing site had any real clout on the Internet.