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LOS ANGELES.–Special Counsel Jack Smith, 55, and his band of partisan Democrats delivered their fake October surprise, claiming that 78-year-old President Donald Trump knew from the beginning that his claims of voter fraud were all false. Smith, in a new 165-page brief, rehashes the disproven House Select Committee conclusions taken as gospel by partisan Democrats that Trump knew all along after the Nov. 3 presidential election that he lost fair-and-square to 81-year-old President Joe Biden, yet continued to spawn false claims about voter fraud. Smith simply rehashed old Jan. 6 Select Committee claims that prompted his appointment. Releasing his brief before the Nov. 5 presidential election is egregious election interference but no news at all, simply rehashing conclusions the partisan Jan. 6 House Select Committee’s findings that led to Smith’s appointment by 72-year-old Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland.

Smith’s brief claims that it’s detailing evidence, when, in fact, its fabrication, elaborating and concocting more wild conjecture about Trump’s state of mind while he contested the results on the 2020 election. Smith hopes to show why Trump is not immune, as the Supreme Court ruled July 1, on Trump’s limited presidential immunity. Democrats hope that the October Surprise will take votes away from Trump only a month before the presidential election but the public will figure out Democrat ‘s chicanery and watch Smith’s new brief backfire. There’s nothing new or different in Smith’s brief from the conclusions forwarded to Smith by the Jan. 6 House Select Committee. Can you imagine the Jan. 6 Select Committee focused on mind-reading Trump because they have zero evidence that he did anything wrong, including the Select Committee’s fickle explanations of how the Jan. 6 Capital riots started.

Smith showed beyond any doubt he’s a rogue, renegade prosecutor, out now to besmirch Trump before a presidential election, deciding the government would make its case against electing Trump. “The defendant personally posed a tweet . . .at a point when he already understood that the Capitol had been breached,” prosecutors wrote in the brief. Imagine that, Trump tweeted something. So, what was Trump supposed to do to stop a riot of lunatics and rabble rousers at the Capitol? Smith forgets that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) already charged Trump in his second impeachment of “incitement of insurrection,” hoping to accomplish two things. One, tying Trump to planning and orchestrating the riot and second, that he tried to stop certification of the Electoral College vote. But the Jan. 6 House Select Committee never proved that Trump had anything to do with the riot, in fact telling his morning crowd to protest peacefully.

Every statement in the fake news and in Smith’s new brief about Trump involvement in the Jan. 6
Capital riots, claiming that all the rioters were “Trump supporters.” Calling rioters “Trump supporters” is an outrageous insinuation of guilt, the worst aspect of any legal system that violates every Constitutional protection of evidence and due process. Trump was acquitted Jan. 13, 2021 in the Senate for any role in the Jan. 6 Capital “insurrection.” Pelosi called Trump’s actions “incitement of insurrection,” hoping to use the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from appearing on any future ballot. Pelosi’s strategy was struck down March 4 when the Supreme Court ruled the 14th Amendment cannot be used to prevent Trump from appearing on the ballot. Yet the Colorado Supreme Court, with its embarrassing bias against Trump, forced the Supreme Court to rule on the issue.

Smith claims that Trump tweeted “So what,” when told that Pence was evacuated from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump wanted Pence to stand up and say he would not certify the Electoral College vote. But whether Trump was angry with Pence on the Jan. 6, 2021, what difference does it make that Trump tweeted, “So what?” Smith claims Trump told his daughter Invanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner that “it doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell,” a comment made on Marine One. Trump was saying you had to fight for election integrity to assure that democracy prevailed on Election Day. Yet Democrat hack Jack Smith interprets Trump’s statement to mean he never believed he won the election. House Jan. 6 House Select Committee was the most biased Congressional Committee every assembled in U.S. history.

Smith has breached U.S. election laws trying in his obsession with charging-and-convicting Trump to get Kamala elected. What Smith does today is no different that 63-year-old former FBI Director James Comey in 2016 talking about Hillary’s email scandal before the election, hurting her chances in the election. Smith is a rogue Democrat prosecutor with one mission to prevent Trump from becoming president. All his facts in his 165-page brief come from the House Jan. 6 House Select Committee, nothing new at all other than the fact it’s a month before the election. Whatever Trump did or didn’t do on Jan. 6, 2021, he had nothing to do with the Jan. 6 riots that were planned, according to the FBI, for months. Smith should resign from Special Counsel and lose his law license for violating every known Constitutional principle related to the 14th Amendment, due process under the law.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.