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LOS ANGELES.–Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr is set to gaslight the United Nations, including the Security Council, hoping to gain support for his new “victory plan,” that is no plan at all only a call for more cash-and-arms to continue his three-year-old Ukraine War causing widespread destruction to Ukraine, prompting Zelensky to draft more young Ukrainians leery of going the front lines to fight Russia. Zelensky new “victory plan” calls for the U.S., U.K. and NATO to permit the use of weapons deep inside Russian territory. Zelensky already boasts about his Aug. 6 offensive that moved thousands of Ukrainian troops inside the Kursk border region, refusing to leave Russian territory. Zelensky thinks holding Russian territory gives him leverage with 71-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin, someone Zelensky has called for his arrest by The Hague’s International Criminal Court.

New reports from the Kusk region show that Russia’s recent counteroffensive has begun to work, taking two formerly Ukrainian held villages. “Our entire front has moved forward,” said Major Gen. Apti Alaudinov, Commander of Chechnya’s Akhmat special forces and deputy head of the Russian defense ministry’s military political department.” Alaudinov said Russia had re-captured Nikoloayevo-Darino and Darino, villages about 15 km [9 miles] from the Ukrainian front lines. Russian forces look to capture Sverdikovo which Ukraine currently holds as a logistical hub in the Kursk region. Zelensky has told U.S., U.K. and NATO officials that its forces have held on to most territory captured in the Kursk border region and expects to gain more leverage for any future peace talks. Zelensky’s strategy of seizing more Ukraine territory has backfired with Russian forces advancing.

Zelensky’s “victory plan” ignores the current train wreck in Kursk where Ukrainian forces attempted to divert Russian forces away from the eastern front in Donbas to allow Ukrainian troops to reclaim lost territory. Putin didn’t take Zelensky’s bait but instead waited patiently until he deployed new units to deal with Zelensky’s invasion in Russian territory. Zelensky’s sales job to U.S., U.K. and NATO officials ignore the discontent from within his ranks, especially with Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko, most likely the next president of Ukraine. Zelensky pleads with allies to allow him to start attacking Russian military targets deep inside Russia. Putin has said the any use of long-range weapons to attack the Russian homeland would be considered an act of war, prompting a military response from Moscow. Does the U.S., U.K. and NATO want to escalate the war?

Zelensky’s “victory plan” carries high risks of escalation not just for Ukraine but for the U.S., U.K. and NATO allies, all of which bear responsibility for Ukrainian attacks. When it comes to future peace talks, Zelensky thinks he must have bargaining chips, like Russia land, to exact concessions from the Kremlin. Zelensky’s recent military moves and future plans show no end in sight to the Ukraine War, only escalation. Putin won’t surrender to Ukraine or the Transatlantic Alliance, continuing the conflict into the indefinite future. Zelensky wants to enter the next round of Lucerne, Switzerland peace talks with leverage but his plan won’t win concessions it will only escalate the war. Zelensky takes his advice from Biden who’s been his primary benefactor in funding the Ukraine War. But Biden only has a few months more in office before he heads to retirement.

Recent efforts from Ukraine in Kursk to invade more Russian territory have met stiff resistance from Russian forces. Maj. Gen. Alaudinov confirmed that the while recapturing territory has been slow, it’s gaining momentum. Zelensky has told U.S. and NATO officials the opposite that he’s able to do just about anything he wants in the Kursk region. Western nations have little eyes-and-ears on the ground in Donbas or Kursk to verify Zelensky’s claims that he’s making progress against the Kremlin. Zelensky goes to the U.N. General Assembly hoping to apply more pressure on Russia to get out of Ukraine. Zelensky does not have the backing of India’s 75-year-old President Narenda Modi or 71-year-old Chinese President Xi Jinping, two of the most populous countries and Russia’s largest trading partners. China and India think the U.S. and NATO have meddled with Russian security.

Zelensky’s new sales pitch heading into the U.N. General Assembly is to give him all the cash-and-weapons and, most importantly, the green light to attack deep inside the Russian Federation. Zelensky isn’t concerned about starting WW III or nuclear war because he already thinks WW III has happened in Ukraine. Unable to get NATO membership or get U.S. and NATO to commit troops to Ukraine, Zelensky looks for more lethal weapons with which to attack deep inside the Russian Federation. Putin has served notice on the U.S. and NATO that allowing Zelensky to attack the Russian homeland would be considered a direct attack by the U.S. and NATO on the Russian Federation. Zelensky’s new “victory plan” is nothing more than his old plan to get as much cash-and-weapons as possible from the U.S. and NATO to keep the war going into the indefinite future.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.