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LOS ANGELES.–When 71-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin warned 81-year-old President Joe Biden about arming Ukraine to the teeth in the months before the Feb. 24, 2020 Ukraine War, Biden didn’t take him seriously, then the invasion happened. Biden refused to talk with Putin about new security arrangements for months before what Putin called his “Special Military Operation,” essentially de-fanging Ukraine from U.S.-supplied arms. Now a new warning comes from 74-year-old Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov doesn’t speak to the press unless he’s told to do so by Putin with whom he’s served as foreign minister for over 20 years. Ukraine used of U.S. and NATO weapons to invade Russia has now presented the kind of existential threat to the Russian state that triggers a first use provision of Russia’s 2020 revised nuclear doctrine.

Biden showed he’s oblivious to the consequences of funding proxy war in Ukraine, now isn’t capable to responding to Russia’s clear warnings to the U.S. and European Union that it’s crossed a red line in allowing Ukraine to invade Russia. U.S. and NATO officials claim they were blindsided when Ukraine sent thousands of troops Aug. 6 into the border Kursk region of Russia. Lavrov said the U.S. was “asking for trouble,” saying that whatever the Russian response in Ukraine, it could extend to the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed in her Aug. 22 acceptance speech that she would continue the Biden policy of funding proxy war in Ukraine. Former President Donald Trump, 78, has said he would end the Ukraine War as his first order of business as president. No one in the White House or Congress takes the Ukraine War seriously.

White House officials, with their war hawks in Congress, have been gung ho in supplying arms and logistics to Ukraine as they seek to repel the Feb. 24, 2022 Russian invasion. “We are now confirming once again that playing with fire—and they are like small children play with matches—is a very dangerous thin for grow-up uncles and aunts who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country,” Lavrov told reporters in Moscow, issuing a warning the U.S., EU and NATO that they have crossed a red line for Russia. Lavrov explicitly stated that Russia would hold the U.S. responsible for continued encroachment in Ukraine on Russia’s sovereign territory. Biden no longer shows any real capacity to manage the Ukraine War with his Vice President rubber stamping the U.S. and NATO’s aggressive posture supplying cash-and-lethal-arms to Ukraine.

When Trump says he will end the war as his first act after winning the president, he’s not kidding. Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped out and endorsed Trump Aug. 23 precisely because he wants the reckless, costly and dangerous Ukraine War to end. At great sacrifice to his career and family relations, RFK Jr. felt so strongly about the prospects of nuclear war, that he endorsed Trump for president. What doesn’t RFK Jr.’s simblings and family get about his commitment to world peace and prosperity? His uncle, John F. Kennedy and father Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy worked feverishly to reduce the chances of nuclear war. Biden was the first and only U.S. president to go to war against the Kremlin, all because Biden, while former President Barack Obama’s VP, let the CIA foment the Feb. 22, 2014 Maiden Revolution in Ukraine.

No White House or elected official admits that toppling the Kremlin backed government of Viktor Yanukovych Feb. 22, 2014 started the current geopolitical mess that, as Lavrov says, could morph into WW III or nuclear war. “Americans unequivocally associate conversations about Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will not affect Europe exclusively,” Lavrov said, serving notice that that the U.S. is responsible for creating the mess in Ukraine. Lavrov wanted to clarify Russia’s 2020 first use nuclear doctrine that if the Russian state is threatened by the U.S. and NATO then it would trigger its right for a first strike. What would Biden do today if Putin hits Kiev with a nuke? Would Biden start a worldwide nuclear war, ending civilization as we know? How far is Biden and Congress willing to push the Ukraine War, given the consequences?

Russia holds the U.S. and NATO responsible to Ukraine Aug. 6 incursion into Russian territory, because of U.S. and NATO supplied weapons. “When the very existence of the state is put under threat,” says Russia’s 2020 nuclear doctrine, then it reserves the right to use nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction.” When Lavrov tells the U.S. and NATO that they’re playing with fire, he’s not kidding, just like when Biden ignored Putin’s pleas before the Ukraine War to discuss new security arrangements in Ukraine. Putin’s foreign intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin said he did not believe Western denials about collaborating with Ukraine on its Russian invasion, calling it “an obvious fact.” Biden and Congress have pushed the Ukraine war to the brink or WW III and nuclear war and must dial back the insanity before it’s too late. So far, only Trump gets the gravity of the situation.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.