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LOS ANGELES.–Democrat strategist James Carville, 80, tried to excuse anti-Semitic elements in the Democrat Party, especially the party’s progressive wing, saying that Republicans are actually more racist because they back Israelis because they’re lighter skinned than Palestinians. Carville’s remarks, on the eve of the DNC convention in Chicago, show that he ain’t what he used to be when he ran former President Bill Clinton’s 1992 election campaign against President George H.W. Bush. Carville was the first forceful strategist to call for 81-year-old President Joe Biden to abandon his bid for a second term, fearing he could drag the whole party down in the 2024 election. Actually, CNN pundit, former President Barack Obama’s chief strategist David Axelrod, questioned in Dec. 2023 whether Biden should run at all, showing more foresight than most in the Democrat Party.

Skin color of Palestinians, being darker that Israelis, has nothing to do with why Republican strongly back Israel. Carville has a short memory forgetting what the hand off was like from Clinton White House to former President George W. Bush. Bush was treated nine months into his first term with Sept. 11, where Americans saw Palestinians dance in the streets when Saudi-born terrorist Osama bin Laden flew jetliners into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa. Carville knows the Muslim factions in the Democrat Party, personified by Rep. Rashid Tlaib (D-Mich.), the only Palestinian in Congress, frequently make anti-Semitic remarks, never really condemn the Holocaust-like Oct. 7, 2023 attack that left 1,200 Israelis slaughtered like in Nazi concentration camps. Palestinians like Tlaib have been raised to believe that any act of terror against Israel is a legitimate act of resistance.

Speaking to Al Hunt’s “Politics War Room,” Carville went off-the-rails, showing that he should be muzzled by Democrat Party bosses. “And the reason I suspect that most of these people [Republicans] describe themselves as pro-Israel is because the Jews are whiter than the Palestinians,” Carville told Hunt. Carville insisted that racism drives Republicans support for Israel, previewing what’s likely to leak out this week at the DNC convention. “It’s really about the misogyny and the racism that drives the thing, and we got to recognize that. It’s not about any policy prescription,” Carville told Hunt, saying that the GOP support “whiter” Jews over Palestinians. Such rubbish has frequently flowed from Carville that has issues with Jews himself, making such preposterous statements. Every presidential election cycle has Democrats attacking Republicans as racist, especially in 2020, when the country dealt with race riots after George Floyd’s death.

Carville conjectured with Hunt about the expected pro-Palestine protests set to return to the DNC convention in Chicago. Democrats refuse to admit that pro-Palestine protests are largely funded by the leftist, San Francisco-based Tides Center of Drummond Pike, who collects oodles of cash from leftist philanthropist George Soros. Carville has nothing good to say about Republicans, telling MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle that it all boils down to who’s “classy” who’s “trashy,” insisting that Harris and her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walsh are the “classy ones.” Carville doesn’t like to talk about real issues, saying national and in battleground states Trump beats Harris by double-digits on the economy. Whether Carville likes it or not, the economy is the No. 1 issue in 2024, with many American strapped by the inflation that’s eaten up household income.

Carville thinks pro-Palestine protesters target Democrat because they’re the more open minded party. But which country has been joined with Israel to fight the war on terror even before Sept. 11? It hasn’t been Palestinians who take copious amounts of cash-and-arms from Iran, the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror. Where has Carville been over the years while the U.S. and Israel have battled Islamic terrorism, now coming from the Hamas-run, Palestinian Gaza Strip? “So the reason that they say we’re targeting Democrats is because, well, we think they would be more open-minded about this. But we’re not going to do anything to the Republicans because we’re not going to have any influence,” Carville said, knowing Democrat worry about getting votes in Michigan, a battleground state, from Muslims. Carville knows supporting Hamas is a loser for the Democrat Party.

Carville wished the Democrat Party didn’t have to deal with the progressive wing that backs Palestinians, demanding today an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. But no progressive admits that the U.S. should not be placating any terror group, knowing it’s against U.S. national security. “Well that’s just some dumb—political s—,” Carville said, frustrated that progressives operate without common sense hurting the Party with independents. “So you’re going to hurt the person that actually has the best chance of resolving this issue in a satisfactory way cause you can’t influence the other person,” Carville said, about progressives obsession with Palestine. “I don’t get the logic. I don’t get the logic at all. I just don’t,” Carville said, hoping that the expected pro-Palestine demonstrations don’t hurt the party. Carville thinks pro-Palestine protesters hurt the Democrat Party.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.