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LOS ANGELES.–Kremlin’s Security Council co-chairman Dmitry Medvedev warned NATO that would risk all out war in Ukraine, possibly spreading to Europe, if it invites Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk to join the Transatlantic Alliance. Zelensky antagonized Putin into invading Ukraine Feb. 24, 2022 because he insisted on NATO membership, despite the fact that he lacked the money, political and economic development to join the Alliance. Zelensky continued to beg for NATO membership last week at NATO’s 75th anniversary conference. Zelensky was told politely that Ukraine was too corrupt to join the alliance, lacking the financial resources because of its battered economy to pay the necessary dues. Zelensky often calls Ukraine a European democracy when he’s never held fair-and-free elections since taking over May 20, 2019, citing martial law.

Medvedev said joining NATO would be a declaration of war against the Kremlin, despite some NATO countries wanting to extend membership to Zelensky’s Kiev government. “This in essence would be declaration of war—albeit with a delay,” Medvedev said in remarks published today. Countries like the U.K. would like to offer Ukraine an “irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership, giving no assurance if or when that would happen.” Most NATO countries know what would happen, including a possible declaration of war against the European Union [EU]. “The actions of Russia’s opponents have been talking against us for years, expand the alliance . . . take NATO to the point of no return,” said Medvedev. Zelensky doesn’t care whether the EU would be sucked into WW III or nuclear war because of current conditions in Ukraine.

Putin offered to end the war but not on Zelensky’s unrealistic terms that include prosecuting Putin at The Hague’s International Criminal Court for war crimes. What kind of starting point is that for ending a war? Zelensky also expects Putin pay war reparations to Ukraine for the two-and-a-half-year conflict. “The more such attempts there are, the harsher our answers will become,” Medvedev said, warning the West of dire consequences. “Whether this will shatter the entire planet into pieces depends solely on the prudence of the [NATO] side,” asking cooler heads at NATO to use common sense when it comes to the Ukraine War. Putin wants to end the war based on mutual respect, since Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union for over 70 years before its collapsed in 1991, leading to the independence of former Soviet satellites like Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc.

Trump sees the Ukraine War clearly that the U.S. can’t realistically defeat the Russian Federation without creating WW III or nuclear war. Biden has no plan in Ukraine other than funding perpetual war, something that would drain the U.S. Treasury indefinitely. Before Biden wrecked U.S.-Russian relations, generations of U.S. presidents would do their utmost to get along with Moscow, including compromising on many sticky foreign policy issues. Funding proxy war in Ukraine, Biden has undermined all the good will developed over the last 75 years. Biden talks about the job of the U.S. defending European Democracy. But perpetual war in Europe does nothing but destabilize peace on the European Continent, putting the Euro-zone in a state of perpetual warfare. Trump sees the big picture and wants to restore normal diplomatic relations with the Kremlin and Communist China.

Medvedev blames the United States tor replacing former Norway Prime Minister and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg with Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Medvedev sees no change unless Biden is replaced by Trump. Trump has made no bones over his opposition to the Ukraine War, not believing Biden’s promise to vanquish the Russian Federation. “For Russia, nothing will change, since key decisions are made not by NATO member countries, but by one state—the United States,” Medvedev said, blaming Biden for having such a misguided policy against the Kremlin. Biden doesn’t see the damage he does to U.S. foreign policy and national security by funding proxy war in Ukraine against the Kremlin. Biden has stated as long as he’s president, the war in Ukraine will go on, unless Russia surrenders to the U.S. and Ukraine.

Biden has the U.S. and world on a collision course with WW III or nuclear war in Ukraine. He’s given Zelensky a 10-year security commitment knowing that for however long he remains president, he’s committed to defeating the Russian Federation. Trump recognizes for the U.S. to get back on track with the economy and foreign policy he must end the Ukraine War and start working on diplomacy again. Biden made the mistake of abandoning diplomacy for Russia and China, all because he holds a vendetta with Putin. Biden was beaten by Putin in Syria during his time as Vice President in the Obama administration. Syrians lost over 500,000 citizens, driving 15 million into exile, nearly breaking the EU all because of another failed Obama-Biden policy. Biden asks voters to give him four more years to turn the U.S. economy and world peace into a nightmare.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.