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LOS ANGELES.–Biden held his “I’m up for the job” press conference at the end of the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. yesterday with the bar so low, he could have said nothing and still made it through the fake press event. Biden spent nearly an hour defending his qualifications for running, talking about no substance related to the Ukraine War, Gaza War, Red Sea shipping fiasco, growing tensions with China and North Korea and deteriorating U.S. economy. No, the fake press conference was designed for only one thing, to prove Biden was fit for four more years. Well, that didn’t happen because Biden only made the case that maybe he shouldn’t resign the presidency immediately under the 25th Amendment due to his age-related cognitive decline. Now Biden’s White House handlers have a bigger feat watching him denounced by CNN and MSNBC, two of his biggest media backers.

CNN and MSNBC turned on Biden because they see the prospects of the first half-African American, half-South Asian in Vice President Kamala Harris beating Trump and winning the presidency. Whether that happens or not is anyone’s guess. But there’s been a decisive switch from Biden to Harris for the major Democrat-controlled cable networks where most Americans get their news. CNN and MSNBC mirror network news on all major stations including CBS, NBC and ABC News. Now that they see the prospects of the first African American/South Asia president in Kamala they’re all in, no longer defending Biden. “No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path,” said an unnamed strategists, saying that growing numbers in the Democrat Party see Biden no longer as viable running against 78-year-old former President Donald Trump.

Astonishing how fast the liberal media has turned against Biden, all because they want to see Vice President Kamala Harris run for president. No one the liberal press wants to admit at 38.3% aggregate approval ratings, Kamala is a weak candidate, with approval ratings lower than Biden’s by only one percent. “The question for me, and a lot of us, is: Who is the best person to beat Donald Trump?” asked another unnamed liberal source. “There are a lot of us that are true blue that are question our initial thoughts on that,” meaning, that they’re not sure which possible candidate would run the best against Trump. “Patently false,” Biden campaign spokesman T.J. Ducklo said. “This team stands with the president,” confusing the issue because none of the Democrat strategists say that the White House has changed its mind about supporting President Joe Biden.

White House officials like Biden campaign chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez still think there’s a path to victory for Biden based in internal polling that shows Biden still within the statistical margin of error in battleground states. “No one is denying that the debate was a setback,” Dillon and Rodriguez wrote. “But Joe Biden and his campaign have made it through setbacks before. We are clear eyed about what we need to do to win. And we will win by moving forward, unified as a party, so that every single day between now and the election day we focus on defeating Donald Trump,” wrote Dillon and Rodriguez. Both know at this point in the 2020 election cycle Biden was winning in swing states by eight-to-ten percent, not trailing by four percent. Dillon and Rodriguez won’t admit that the campaign is behind the Eight Ball.

White House officials are in panic mode knowing that present trends don’t bode well for Joe in the November election. Getting through yesterday’s press conference was another hurdle but most of Biden’s strategists know they’re one day, one hour, one minute removed from another painful gaffe due to underlying facts about Biden’s state of mind. Senior Democrat strategist James Carville urges, in no uncertain terms, Biden to withdraw from the race and give Vice President Kamala Harris the best shot at beating Trump. Judging by the response from CNN and MSNBC, mirroring the Democrat Party, they’ve given up on Biden, realizing he’s just too old to sell in the campaign for four more years. Democrat strategists have no confidence selling an aging, cognitively challenged candidate.

CNN and MSNBC have given up on Biden whether the White House continues to sell his candidacy to the public. “I worry that the symbol of our part is the person who’s running for president and that that does absolutely trickle down to the down ballot races,” said another unnamed source, worried that Biden will turn the House and Senate back to Republicans. Liberal TV networks have turned on Biden knowing that VP Kamala Harris has a better shot of competing against Trump in November. Whatever Kamala’s low approval ratings, she still has more current stature than other candidates, including 56-year-old Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom or 76-year-old former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Democrat-controlled cable and TV networks would like to see Kamala at the top of the ticket and are now pushing her candidacy over Biden.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.