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LOS ANGELES.–efusing to hand the torch to 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris, 81-year-old President Joe Biden thinks that blatant defiance will discourage Democrats from replacing him at the top of the ticket. Biden’s June 27 CNN debate showed for all to see that he’s not fit for president and certainly not for another term. Biden lacks the self-awareness to know that he’s long overdue for retirement, once telling voters in 2020 that he would only serve one term. But things have changed now that Biden shows signs of age-related cognitive decline, leaving his memory and exectutive functioning in doubt, especially have his incoherent debate with 78-year-old president Donald Trump. Biden sees any attempt to replace him on the ticket as an affront to his rights as president. But voters and fellow Democrats are only telling Biden that it’s time to let a younger generation takeover.

Biden insists in many appearances since his disastrous June 27 debate, that he’s the best candidate to beat Trump, something not supported in the polls. Biden denies that his abysmal debate was anything but a one-time glitch, but those listening to his post-debate campaign stops and interviews know it was anything but. Biden continues to make egregious gaffes and verbal faux pas on the campaign trail, attesting to undeniable cognitive decline. When former Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report Feb. 5 saying he couldn’t prosecute Biden for mishandling classified docs because of his profound memory issues, Hur was savaged by the White House and Democrat press. Then Biden savaged himself in the debate and Democrats and the press continue to cover for him. Covering up Biden’s cognitive dysfunction endangers U.S. national security.

Biden views calls for him to step aside as an assault on his rights from his primary victories to represent the party in November. Lacking the self-awareness of his own limitations, Biden doesn’t see how he robs the country of effective leadership. Only Biden and a handful of his family and personal advisors think he’s fit for the presidency, let alone four more years. “That candidate must be able to clearly, articulately and strongly make his or her case to the American people,” said Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.). “It is clear that President Biden is no longer able to meet his burden,” Smith said. “I’m pleading with him—to take a step back,” Smith said on CNN. “Look at what’s best for the party, look at what’s best for the country,” asking oblivious Joe to exercise some insight into his current physical and mental condition that renders him unfit for president.

Smith was a big Biden backer and strong Democrat partisan opposed as anyone to Trump’s 2024 campaign. Smith said if Biden continues to run he would back his candidacy disabilities and all, making you wonder whether he really cares about U.S. national security. Clearly, Smith knows that Biden is not fit for the White House in his current mental state. “The president’s performance in the debate was alarming to watch and the American people have made it clear they no longer see him as a credible candidate to serve four more years as president,” Smith said. “Since the debate, the President has not seriously addressed these concerns,” despite all the post-debate interviews, including the ABC News exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos. Biden’s White House handlers thought he would undo damage done during the June 27 CNN debate.

Smith thinks that 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris or any other candidate would run a more competitive race against Trump. Smith has no crystal ball but, like most Democrats, Republicans and independents, knows what he saw on June 27. “This is unacceptable. The stakes are simply too high. Donald Trump and MAGA extremism pose an existential threat to our nation, and we need to be in the strongest possible position to win in this election,” Smith said, showing his degree of Democrat partisanship. Smith knows that Biden has let millions of illegal immigrants stream across the border and threaten the country with illegal drugs, violent criminals, and, most importantly, stretch federal government resources, including Medicaid, to the breaking point. Yet Smith’s concern about Biden’s disabilities leads him to ask the president to step down for the good of the party.

Democrats have a real dilemma letting a disabled president call the shots, defiantly refusing to do the right thing for the party and country. Biden thinks because he beat Trump in 2020, he can do it again. He runs in 2024 with a track record of foreign wars and runaway inflation, not simply denouncing Trump for his management of the global Covid pandemic. Voters in 2020 were scared out of their minds about the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, killing Americans in droves. It was easy to blame Trump for the out-of-control epidemic, killing untold numbers of Americans in 2020. Now that Covid no longer threatens voters, it’s a whole new ballgame for Biden in 2024. Smith wants to support the strongest possible ticket to challenge Trump, not seeing Biden as viable. Only Biden, with cognitive challenges, thinks he’s uniquely positioned to beat Trump.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.