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LOS ANGELES.–Atty. General Merrick Garland, 71, was slapped with a Contempt of Congress citation for refusing to release the Oct. 9-10, 2023 audiotapes of 81-year-old President Joe Biden’s two-day interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. Democrats and the press were furious when Hur released his final report Feb. 8, 2023 in which he reviews the interviews and concluded that Biden was too memory impaired to prosecute, deciding he would not pursue any legal action against Biden for retaining classified docs from his days in the U.S. Senate and Vice President under former President Barack Obama. Hur’s report was slammed by Demcorats and the press to daring to say Biden had any memory impairments which would affect his ability to stand trial, or, more realistically, affect his work as president. Biden declared executive privilege May 16 ordering Garland to reject a Congressional subpoena.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), 52, rejected Garland’s logic, knowing that the courts certainly rejected any of former President Donald Trump subordinates that tried to declare executive privilege to avoid testifying before Congress. Former Trade Representative Peter Navaro and former strategist Steve Bannon were both slapped with Contempt of Congress and do or face jail time for their refusal to respond to Congressional subpoenas. “It is up to Congress—not the Executive Branch—to determine what materials it needs to conduct to own investigations, and there are consequences for refusing to comply with lawful Congressonal subpoenas,” said Johnson. White House officials act outraged that anyone would want to hear the truth about Biden’s cognitive state. Every voter has a right to hear the facts about Biden’s fitness for office.

Biden’s recorded transcripts expose for all to see what the White House is covering cup with smoke-and-mirrors, Biden’s memory lapses and cognitive impairments. Hur was condemned by White House strategists for daring to say that Biden had enough memory impairments to make prosecution of the president impossible. “Today’s vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the Justice Department’s need to protect its investigations, and the substantial amount of information we have provided to the Committees,” Garland said. Garland knows that under Article 1 Congress has a right to perform oversight, especially over whether the president is fit or not for commander-in-chief. All the presidents’ men-and-women are actively engaged in a cover-up of Biden’s cognitive deterioration, something that endangers U.S. national security.

Garland wants to invoke the Separation of Powers yet has shown utter contempt for Navarro and Bannon who faced Contempt of Congress citations for refusing a Congressional subpoenas. Democrats and the press claim that Johnson and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) want to use the audiotapes purely for political purposes. Well, if it involves exposing the public to Biden’s real cognitive state, that’s not subject to executive privilege. What kind of logic does Garland have saying that an audiotape is subject to executive privilege but a redacted transcript is not? Garland has no legal basis behind his argument other than stonewalling to prevent Biden’s cognitive impairment from going public. White House officials, Democrats and the press are all involved in a conspiracy to cover-up Biden memory and cognitive impairments before the election.

Garland said he will always stand for the Department of Justice, whatever its alleged malfeasance or crimes. Does Garland stand for the years of Trump’s illegal investigations accusing him or Russian collusion all based of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fraudulent opposition research AKA The Steele Dossier? “I will always stand up for the Department, its employees, and its vital mission to defend our democracy,” Garland said. How does preventing the public from hearing Biden’s 2023 audio with Hur stand up for democracy? Garland is doing everything possible hide and cover-up Biden’s memory and cognitive impairments that directly affect U.S. democracy. How do you defend democracy with a memory and cognitive impaired commander-in-chief? Garland said Johnson should be happy with a heavily redacted transcript.

Garland has proved to be a political hack for Biden, furthering the White House, Democrats and press cover-up of Biden’s memory and cognitive impairments. There’s only one reason Garland screams Executive Privilege to prevent the public from knowing the truth about Biden’s cognitive state. “The Committees need the audio tapes to verify the accuracy of the written transcripts given this White House has been known to heavily edit the President’s statements,” Johnson said. “This is a simple matter—we nave the transcript and we need the audio,” something rejected by the White House and corrupt Justice Department. Garland acts like he’s doing his job but he’s become a White House hack involved in the cover-up. “I will not be intimidated. And the Justice Department will not be intimidated . . .” Garland said, stonewalling Johnson’s simple request.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.