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LOS ANGELES.–Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said threat of sanctioning China over dual-use materials sent to Russia was tantamount to blackmail. Citing 77-year-old Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s threats to sanction China, Peskov said Russia would not tolerate threats against its Chinese comrades. Peskov said Washington’s threats were totally unacceptable, saying the China and Russia were in complete solidarity. President Joe Biden, 81, during his four years in office, has all but wrecked for the foreseeable future U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relations, stepping up the temperature for a possible world war, one in Ukraine the other in Taiwan. Biden has made such a mess of U.S. foreign policy, but specifically relations with Russia and China, that he’s pushed the world to the brink of WW III, something completely ignored by the U.S. press, pretending the U.S. has normal relations with Russia and China. Peskov reminds voters that things have gotten really bad under Biden.

Biden has his war hawk backers in Congress on both sides of the aisle, not realizing the pushing the two nuclear superpowers to the brink of war was not good for U.S. national security. “We are well aware that comrades do not accept such language, do not accept such messages and such threats, such blackmail,” Peskov told reporters. U.S. press pretends it’s business as usual with Russia and China, when it’s anything but. New reports by former White House physician Rep. Ron Jackson (R-Tex.) say the Biden is a danger to U.S. national security, is not fit as commander-in-chief. Most voters know that Jackson tells the truth about Biden, despite the highly partisan Election Year, where the White House does anything to cover-up Biden’s age-related cognitive decline. Judging by his relations with Russia and China, it’s clear that Biden can’t conduct U.S. foreign policy or diplomacy.

White House officials have accused China of trading with Russia in dual-use materials that could be used for military purposes. Russia has been under heavy U.S. sanctions since the Feb. 24, 2022 Ukraine invasion, imposing a Russian oil embargo among other sanctions of Russian officials and institutions. So far, Biden’s sanctions have done next to nothing to harm the Russian economy for invading Ukraine. Russia is well aware that the ongoing war with Ukraine is a proxy war with the U.S. supplying the cash-and-weapons to Ukraine, all but wrecking U.S.-Russian relations. Russian President Vladimir Putin sees the Ukraine War as an existential crisis with the United States, not just with Ukraine. Putin sees Biden as seeking to degrade the Russian military, topple his government.

Yellen said the China has increased its exports to Russia, mainly dual-use material that could be used in ballistic missiles and other types of armaments. “China is the top supplier of machine tools, microelectronics, nitrocellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket propellants, and other dual-use items that Moscow is using to ramp up its defense industrial base,” said 62-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Since taking office, Blinken has done just about everything to antagonize Russia and China, leading to the current deteriorated diplomatic relations. Biden at different time has called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer” and Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator, driving both Communist superpowers into a close economic, military and strategic alliance. Yellen becomes the latest Biden official to provoke China.

Yellen thinks that provoking China helps U.S. foreign policy and national security but has left the U.S. with few allies willing to take on Communist China. Biden said in 2022 he would commit U.S. troops to defend Taiwan against the Beijing invasion. Biden violated the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act in which former President Jimmy Carter promised to recognize only one China in Beijing, but, more importantly, end the 1954 Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty. Biden won’t commit U.S. troops to Ukraine even though he says Putin wants to take over more countries in Europe. Biden has no proof for his accusations only mirrors statements made by 46-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, insisting that the Ukraine War defends European democracy. Neither Biden nor Zelensky offers any evidence related to Putin’s aim to invade more European countries.

Biden administration continues to push China and Russia into WW III or possibly nuclear war. Putin has said if the U.S. and NATO threaten Russian territory with weapons, all options are on the table when it comes to using nuclear weapons. “I have been extremely clear at the highest levels of the Chinese government that this is something we will not tolerate, and that we intend to sanction this activity,” Yellen said, referring to dual-purpose Chinese exports. “Even the United States can hardly afford to speak in such a tone. Perhaps not everyone in America’s leadership has understood this at the moment, but over time they will understand it,” said Peskov, warning Yellen to back off the threats. Peskov said that China does not like the threats coming from the White House over dual-purpose export sales to the Russian Federation. Yellen continues to provoke conflict.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.