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LOS ANGELES.–Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), 50, lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci June 3 in the House Select Committee on the Corona Virus pandemic, turning the hearing into a partisan circus, leaving Fauci off the hook because of her grandstanding. Had Committee members been given the opportunity to interview Fauci without the dramatics, it might have exposed his corruption at the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic that killed over 1.1 million Americans, over 8 million worldwide. Taylor Greene made a circus of the hearing by slamming Fauci for alleged experiments on Beagles, when many questions remain about the role he played in developing the deadly novel coronvirus by funding “gain-of-function” research through his colleague Peter Daszak at New York-based EcoHealth Alliance who Fauci gave about $15 million in NIH grants to study bat coronaviruses.

Instead of using valuable time to get more information about Fauci’s role in funding research that led to the deadly novel coronavirus, Taylor Greene turned the hearing into a partisan farce where Democrats defended Fauci and Republicans attacked him for contributing to the virus. Fauci played a key role for Democrats in 2020 in discrediting 77-year-old former President Donald Trump who was managing the coronavirus response during the final year of his presidency. Fauci and Washington Post Journalist Bob Woodward spent much of their time in 2020 pushing the narrative that Trump mismanaged the crisis. President Joe Biden, 81, and Vice President Kamala Harris, 58, used the Covid-19 pandemic against Trump, slamming him for the economic downturn and for all the deaths linked to the virus. By the time the election rolled around, voters were scared into a change.

Taylor Green blew a good opportunity to question why Fauci backed the natural occurrence theory that said the deadly novel coronavirus emerged naturally from bats to animals, jumping to humans at a wet market in Wuhan, China. So much corruption took place in the early days of the pandemic outbreak at the World Health Organization [WHO], it was sickening, leaving Trump blindsided by a conspiracy between China and the WHO. Despite the all the deaths piling up in Wuhan in Dec. 2019 and Jan. and Feb. 2020, WHO Secretary-Gen. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus didn’t declare a global pandemic until March 11, 2020. Tedros helped cover-up the deadly pandemic for Chinese President Xi Jinping, refusing to accept any responsibility for unleashing the virus in a Wuhan Institute of Virology lab. Tedros did everything to cover-up the origin of the virus for China.

Taylor Greene attacked Fauci exactly the way he wanted, baiting her into lashing out in the Select Committee hearing, prompting Democrats to defend him. But Fauci was in cahoots with Tedros and Xi in covering up the origin of the virus. Fauci’s friend EcoHealth CEO Peter Daszak emailed Fauci during that time, thanking him or refuting the lab-leak theory. What’s most ironic is China’s official position after Tedros announced a global pandemic March 11, 2020. Foreign Minister Spokesman Zhao Lijian said the deadly novel coronvirus was created in a U.S. bioweapons lab and planted in China. When China put out its Communist disinformation, Fauci said nothing, other than sticking with his natural occurrence theory, saying a lab-leak was a specious conspiracy theory. U.S. press, led by Fauci and Woodward, discredited Trump for saying April 30, 2020 the virus leaked from a Chinese lab.

Trump’s presence at a variety of coronavirus task for meetings only created more controversy, leading to blistering attacks by Fauci and Woodward, using the pandemic to usher Trump out of office in Nov. 2020. By the time the election rolled around, the public was so frightened by Covid they were desperate to make a change. Trump did everything possible with the Covid-19 team to respond to the growing infectious disease crisis, but it just snowballed to the point of avalanche. Trump was blindsided between Covid-19 and George Floyd inspired race riots, prompting voters to toss him out of office. But let there be no mistake, the Fauci and Woodward did everything possible to cover-up China’s role in creating the deadly novel coronvirus, still a mystery to U.S. officials. White House officials like NSA Director Avril Haines insist that the origin of the virus is still in doubt.

Fauci exploited Taylor Greene’s outburst to further the cover-up of his role in the development of the deadly novel coronavirus. Biden asked Vice President Kamala Harris to lead a task force to protect against another pandemic outbreak in the future. If the White House believes Fauci’s propaganda and disinformation, there’s no hope for the future. Fauci funded EcoHealth Alliance’s dangerous “gain-of-function” research on harmless bat coronaviruses at Shi Zhengeli’s bioweapons lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. U.S. scientists like Univ. of No. Carolina, Chapel Hill, Dr. Ralph Baric visited Shi Zhengli’s lab to inject Angiotensin 2 [ACE-2] into harmless bat coronaviruses to make them lethal. Fauci covered up the origin of the virus because he funded EcoHealth Alliance who gave Zhenglin nearly $1 million to experiment on harmless bat coronaviruses.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.