President Donald Trump, 77, faces many legal challenges, showing all foreign powers, that democracy in the land of the free isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. When foreign powers fighting for democracy in Europe look at how the U.S. prosecutes Trump, it makes them wonder if any of the charges are real or, as Trump says, fake based purely on partisan politics? Most foreign countries looking up to the U.S. justice system don’t like to see how politics play into the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, National Security Agency [NSA], etc. Watching from afar, foreign government must question what is going on in America with the witch-hunts and prosecution of Trump, a former president. When you look at the charges, they seem all to optional, not one with any serious criminal consequences. What does Special Counsel Jack Smith mean that Trump “defrauded the U.S. government?”
How are foreign power suppose to take the United States seriously watching the FBI raid a former president’s home, rifling through moving boxes and finding old worthless junk and some outdated classified documents? No foreign government can take any of this seriously while Trump runs in GOP primaries to win the nomination and face 80-year-old President Joe Biden in 2024. How can Smith sell anyone but the most partisan Democrats with what look like completely contrived charges? When Biden calls Russia’s charges against detained U.S. citizens “unlawful detention,” what would Biden call if they lock Trump up for worthless old classified docs? What possible message does it send foreign countries watching the government go after Trump with partisan zeal, 50% of the country opposed to the charges? There’s no government, Communist or Democratic, that can watch this farce without cringing.
All the talk of what’s Trump supposed to do facing charges while the GOP primaries are going only sends more bad publicity abroad. Trump’s the prohibitive front-runner in the Republican primaries because primary voters see the farce of the government’s case against Trump. How can Trump be charged for Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riots when he had nothing to do with them? Why does the Democrat-biased press call the rioters “Trump supporters?” Does the press think they can try-and-convict Trump in the media? Are future jurors supposed to be immune to the 24/7 fake Democrat reporting stipulating to Trump’s guilt on all charges? No jury in the country could possibly, at this point, give Trump a fair trial. How’s Trump supposed to get a fair trial in New York or D.C.? Special Counsel Jack Smith seems more like a partisan hack than an independent government prosecutor.
GOP primary voters have sent a loud signal to the government that stop the witch- hunts against Trump. When Smith said that Trump threatened U.S. national security with old, useless classified docs found in moving boxes at Mar-a-Lago, you knew he spoke for the most partisan wing of the Democrat Party. Does Smith really think that Biden’s proxy war against the Kremlin doesn’t threaten U.S. national security? Trump has a loyal following not because they following him like a cult master but because ordinary citizens want peace-and-prosperity restored to the country, not Biden’s hyperinflation and war. What’s hard to understand that GOP primary voters don’t accept what they see as an abuse of the nation’s criminal justice system to go after Trump. Where all the civil rights advocates watching Trump railroaded and framed by the government? Civil rights only apply to one class of Americans?
When foreign government see Trump accused of paying off an extortionist over an allege sexual affair, what do they think? How can the government charge Trump with a crime for paying off someone trying to wreck Trump’s reputation? Yet Manhattan DA Alvin Brgg claims Trump committed 34 felonies. Under his charging guidelines, bookkeeping errors are charges a misdemeanors, not felonies. What’s Bragg trying to do by arbitrarily upgrading Trump’s charges from misdemeanors to Class 3 felonies? Foreign governments look on what’s happening to Trump and can only shake their heads, wondering what happened to the rule of law in America. No foreign government wants to hear about such arbitrary-and-capricious charging guidelines in the service of American justice. Trump’s been subjected, like no other president, to political witch- hunts for years over the so-called Russian hoax. What’s different about the current hoax against the former president?
Republican primary voters don’t take the government’s charges against Trump seriously, raising serious doubts about the U.S. criminal justice system. While Trump isn’t the first to be falsely charged, it does expose the world to see American justice in action. From an outsider’s perspective, the American justice system seems broken when you have partisan hacks like former Atty. Gen. Bill Barr condemning Trump before he’s faced his first legal proceeding. Barr like other disgruntled former Trump employees likes to blow off steam with the liberal press looking to convict Trump before he faces a jury. Barr knows better but can’t control his vitriol when it comes to Trump. With the government witch-hunt against Trump, Biden has no moral high ground to lecture any foreign government about the American Way. All governments see are partisan witch-hunts, not justice.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.