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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) whipped up the Democrat base calling the Supreme Court the “MAGA Court,” after rulings not liked by progressive Democrats. Schumer once threatened the High Court with unleashing a “whirlwind” in 2000, when the Supreme Court began idebates on 1973 Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling legalizing abortion in the United States. “After a multi-dcaade, special interest-funded effort to reshape the federal judiciary, the fanatical MAGA right have captured the Supreme Court and achieved dangerous, repressive policies that they could never attain at the ballot box,” Schumer said, calling or civil war. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts admonished Schumer while Minority Leader, calling on Democrats to protest conservative rulings. Schumer blasted recent rulings against affirmative action, student debt and LBGTQ rights.

Schiumer doesn’t accept any ruling unless it’s a leftist, suggesting that the Supreme Court has been hijacked by a Trump-controlled majority. Schumer blasted recent rulings giving a Colorado web designer the right to refuse a gay couple, ending affirmative action and halting 80-year-old President Joe Biden’s executive order discharging some $400 billion in student debt. Schumer doesn’t accept anything but leftist court rulings, railing against conservatives in the recent court session. When it came to canceling student debt, Schumer can’t see the other side of the argument that no president has the power to rewrite contract law and eliminate debt when students put their signatures on promissory notes. Schumer only wants his way, casting the Supreme Court ahs bough-and-paid-for by conservatives. Schumer won’t consider that the Supreme Court got the rulings right.

Schumer’s statements are irresponsible, promoting violent insurrection by the left, not thinking that former President Donald Trump controls the Supreme Court. Roberts tried to remain dissenting justices that they’r welcome to disagree but must accept that majority rule still counts on the High Court. When decisions don’t match ideological preference by liberals on abortion rights, affirmative action, student loan debt of LBGTQ rights, it doesn’t mean Schumer should denigrate the Supreme Court. Denigrating one of the three independent branches of government only give violent protesters reason to act out. Whether Schumer gets his liberal ways or not, he should respect the High Court’s role in U.S. Constitutional government. If the court only ruled in favor of Schumer’s liberal ideology, how would that support the Constitution? Schumer had nothing good to say about Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Thomas and Alito were called out by ProPublica, an government ethics group, for taking unreported lavish gifts from GOP donors. Roberts said he would remind justices about the proper role in accepted gifts from outside sources, resisting efforts by Congress to perform oversight on the Supreme Court. “This MAGA-captured Supreme Court feels free to accept lavish gifts and vacations from their power, big-monied friends, all whole they refuse to help everyday Americans,” Schumer said, reciting Biden campaign talking points ahead of the 2024 election. Schumer knows that Thomas and Alito, having service the High Court for years before Trump, are not MAGA conservatives but have their own ideas independent of Trump. Bush Schumer choose intellectual dishonesty to characterize recent Supreme Court rulings. Roberts tried to call Schumer out for his extreme views on the High Court.

Schumer agrees with recent statements by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (R-N.Y.) who would like to pack the Surpeme Court with four more liberal justices. Even Biden, that tends to go along with Sanders and Cortez, said it would be a “mistake” to pack the court, knowing the independence of the three braches of government. “The ill-founded and disappointing decisions from the Supreme Court are a stark reminder that it will take sustained effort to rebalance our federal courts . . .” Schumer said, not admitting that the rebalancing he talks about are packing the court with liberals. “The Court’s decision today deals a heaby blow to Democrats’ distorted and outsized view of executive power,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). McCoonnell has been on both sides of Supreme Court rulings, knowimg the pendulum has swung toward conservatives.

Schumer has politicized the Supreme Court, one of the three independent branches of the U.S. government. He doesn’t see how inappropriate to characterize recent rulings as Fascist and repressive, all because they don’t match his personal liberal views. “It has become a disturbing feature of some recent opinions to criticize the decisions with which they disagree as going beyond the proper role of the judiciary,” Roberts wrote in his last opinion about. Roberts sees Schumer as not respecting the Judicial branch of government, accusing conservative justices a legislating from the bench. Roberts would like the public to know that, regardless or ideology, the Supreme Court calls balls-and-strike as it relates to the Constitution as they see them. Schumer and other liberals may not like the call but the public needs to know justices follow the Constitution and rule of law.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
