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Left wing media mob slammed Fox New primetime host Tucker Carlson for criticizing war hawks in the Democrat and Republican Parties. Press reports interpret Carlson’s concerns about a potential shooting war with Russia as backing President Vladimir Putin. Just as 79-year-old President Joe Biden opens up his Zoom Democracy Summit, the Democrat-controlled press slams Carlson for criticizing war hawks beating the war drums in Ukraine, where Putin has amassed some 95,000 troops inside Russia on the Ukrainian border. Putin has said numerous times to the press he has no intent of invading Ukraine, unless NATO encroaches on the area. When Putin invaded Crimea March 1, 2014, the CIA backed a pro-Western coup in Kiev led by former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko, now mayor of Kiev. Putin hosted the Sochi Winter Olympics at the time of the coup d’etat.

Western officials and the press never mention that the CIA-backed coup Feb. 22, 2014 drove Putin to invade Crimea to protect his naval base at Sevastopol. Pro-Western Ukrainian officials, including former President Petro Poroschenko, backed the coup that toppled the Kremlin-backed government of duly elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Yet when you listen to the U.S., European Union [EU] and NATO, you’d think that Putin just invaded Crimea without any provocation. Putin moved the Russian army in quickly the day after he ended the Sochi Games Feb. 23, 2014, all because Klitschko and his friends wanted to topple Yanukovych. Carlson sees the sheer madness listening to Democrat and Republican war hawks that they seek military confrontation with the Russian Federation. Biden has only antagonized Putin since taking office Jan. 20, pushing the world to the brink.

Yet when Carlson points out the insanity of going to war against Russia, the war hawks—and the Democrat-backed press that support them—urge Biden to draw the line in the sane in Ukraine. Carlson points out that the U.S. has zero national security interesting Ukraine, viewing the current war-like climate threatening military confrontation with Russia. All the hype from the Western press is about the imminent threat of Putin invading Ukrainian territory. Putin has said publicly that he has no interest in seizing more Ukrainian territory, unless Ukraine joins NATO and moves miliary assets into Ukraine. Carlson was slammed for suggesting that Putin was only protecting Russian national security with NATO breathing down Ukraine’s neck. Ukraine’s 43-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky has practically begged NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg for membership.

Biden’s continuing threats of severe economic sanctions aren’t discouraging Putin from taking action to protect Russian national security. Biden sounded like former President Donald Trump talking to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, saying don’t mess with the U.S. because he won’t know what hit him. Biden told Putin that if he invades Ukraine, he’ll be hit with the worst economic sanctions ever applied to the Russian economy. Threats don’t solve problems with sovereign states, they only create animosity. “It’s almost impossible to believe, but we actually are moving closer to a hot war with Russia,” Carlson said Dec. 8. “You could wake up one morning and it’s 1914,” a reference to the start of WW I. What’s most disturbing to Carlson are not the war hawks in Congress but the media that looks like it’s pushing Biden to get into a shooting war with Russia.

Carlson’s a lightening rod of the left wing press, frequently writing daily articles about his commentary, accusing him of white supremacy and fueling the right wing mob. But when it comes to Ukraine, Carlson nailed the war fever in Congress and the press, pushing Biden to take military action against the Russian Federation. ‘Republicans are doing nothing to stop this,” Carlson said. “In fact, they’re egging the weak and incompetent president on to do more. Oh, Biden is weak. He’s not standing up against Vladimir Putin,” Carlson said, paraphrasing the mood in Congress to do something stupid. Nothing could be more reckless in U.S. foreign policy than starting a war with the Russian Federation over Ukraine, a country having no national security significance to the U.S. Carlson sees the GOP backing more aggressive action against Putin.

Carlson’s one lone voice more on the libertarian side of things opposing unnecessary and wasteful U.S. military action. Instead of applauded for working to keep the U.S. out of another disastrous war, Democrats and the press blast Carlson for taking Putin’s side. Carlson doesn’t side with Putin, he opposes a weak, gullible president, pushed around by both political parties. Carlson, like former President Donald Trump, thinks his “American First” foreign policy did everything possible to avoid more wasteful U.S. military intervention. ‘You’re hearing that [support for war] constantly, including on this channel from Republicans. And the rhetoric is getting hotter and crazier and more disconnected with reality,” Carlson said, questioning the judgment of Republicans and Democrats. In Biden’s world, there’s no room for dissenting voices especially when it comes to war.