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Opening his Zoom Democracy Summit today, 79-year-old President Joe Biden declared that “democracy needs champions,” pretending that the current state of affairs is anything but a Democracy. Biden’s administration has done more to rule the United States by oligarchy, doing everything possible to wreck the two-party system, denigrating the Republican Party as a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Democratic party, doing everything possible to let the Democrat Party rule by oligarchy. Biden’s officials routinely slam the one dissenting voice in the media, Fox News, denigrated by Democrats as a white media outlet, despite the fact that 99% of the press pushes a liberal Democrat agenda. So when Biden says “democracy needs champions,” he certainly no one to lead the fight against today’s authoritarianism that has swept the Democrat Party, now engulfing U.S. politics without real opposition.

Biden’s Democracy summit is designed to denigrate Russia and China, two superpowers that he’s disparaged since taking office. Biden’s White House announced it would officially boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics to protest human rights abuses, especially on Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province in Western China. Biden and his 59-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinke have accused Beijing of genocide against Muslim Uyghurs without offering any facts, evidence or proof. Slandering the Peoples Republic of China [PRC] is Biden’s way of advancing Democracy around the globe. “In my view, this is the defining challenge of our time,” Biden told delegates, referring to the rise of authoritarianism around the planet. Blinken and 45-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told China March 18 at a get-to-know-you summit in Anchorage, Alaska, they were engaged in “genocide.”

Biden’s relations with Russia and China breaks new ground in hypocrisy, criticizing the two superpowers for egregious human rights abuses, justifying the diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Games. Blinken and Sullivan didn’t like hearing senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi tell them that no country that practices “systemic racism” has a right to lecture another country about human rights. Biden acknowledged that the U.S. was a “systemically racist” in its treatment of African Americans. But Jiechi pointed out even greater hypocrisy citing the U.S. government’s treatment of Native Americans, perhaps the biggest real genocide in world history. Yet to Biden, he used a pro-Democracy summit to slam other sovereign nations that don’t support the democratic model to govern their nations. Biden presented himself as the champion of Democracy, when he suppresses the U.S. two-party system.

Biden wants to spend $424 million for “democratic renewel” programs around the globe, while he works with the Democrat Party to assure that no Republican ever wins election in the U.S. again. “The United States is approaching the summit from a place of humility,” said an unnamed White House official. Surely the White House knows how badly they’ve alienated Russia and China, telling Russian President Vladimir Putin to release 45-uear-old dissident Alex Navalny from prison. Biden knows that Navalny runs a covert nationwide network designed to topple Putin’s government. Yet Biden and Blinken see nothing wrong with demanding Putin release Navalny from his two-year-10-months prison sentence. Biden’s touts the U.S. free press as an example of Democracy in America. Yet the Democrat Party controls 99% of the press, with the exception of some minor print and broadcast outlets.

Biden criticizes what he calls a government controlled press in Russia and China, where no dissent is tolerated. Yet when it comes to the so-called “free press” in America, Biden seeks to have the Democrat Party control 99% of the broadcast and print media. Republicans are often compared to authoritarian rulers around the planet, especially to Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. “Our constitutional structure is designed to preserve Democracy and prevent authoritarianism,” said a notice from the Congressional Office of Management and Budget [OMB]. “That promise is imperiled when a President places himself about the law, disregards the separation of power, remains against legitimate whistleblowers, allows corruption to take hold or enables foreign interference in out elections, said the OMB statement. Democrat congressional leaders continue to demonize former President Donald Trump.

Biden’s idea of Democracy in the United States is one-party rule, an oligarchy by the Democrat Party. What disregards the Constitution more than when a Democrat –controlled Congress weaponizes their Article 1 powers, lauching on impeachment after another because they never accepted the 2016 election of Trump? Democrats abused the whistleblower statute to launch phony witch-hunts against the past Trump administration. Biden’s idea of Democracy allows the past Obama administration to order the FBI to investigate the GOP’s elected nominee, accusing him with fake evidence of collusion with Russia, using the powers of the state to violate the due process of a GOP nominee and president of the United States. What’s interfered more with U.S. elections then ordering the FBI to investigate Trump, lying about the probable causes and turning the Constitution on its head?