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Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, 50, expressed concern about the world’s declining population, an astonishing reversal considering that every leading population demographer and biologist in the mid-Twentieth Century said the world population was growing at an exponential rate, predicting overpopulation and worldwide famine. Speaking at the Wall Street Journal’s annual CEO Council, Musk said there were “not enough people,” something that threatens human civilization as we know it. How ironic that in Maoist China those same faulty population scientists were so concerned about China’s billion plus population in 1949 that the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] under Deng Xiaoping implemented a one-child policy in 1980, so concerned that China’s population was out of control. World’s best “scientists” said with certainty that over population spiraled to dangerous levels.

So when Dr. Paul Erlich, distinguished Stanford University biology professor, published his 1968 “The Population Bomb,” it was a global best seller, especially in the developing world. CCP officials used Erlich’s tome to justify forced sterilization of Chinese women, extreme punishments for any woman violating the one-child policy. Erlich, now 88, has never admitted his predictions were all rubbish, based on phony statistical models, all claiming, like today’s climate change zealots, that the world is coming to an end, or, in population terms, mass famine is on the way. “I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birth rate,” Musk told the WSJ CEO conference. Musk puts his money where his mouth is, siring six children, way above the 1.93 child average in the United States or 1.56 average in the European Union.

Erlich’s cult of population demography were just a certain in their predictions about world population growth as the world’s leading climate scientists today, predicting that fossil fuel carbon pollution has contributed to global warming and climate change. It’s been 54 years since Erlich published his “Population Bomb,” frightening world leaders around the planet that if countries don’t use a combination of birth control and abortions the world’s population would be uninhabitable. Fifty-four years later, Erlich’s “scientific” theories are completely debunked, something that could happen with today’s overly zealous climate scientists. “And yet, so many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control . . “ Musk said. World leaders can thank best selling authors like Erlich for brainwashing the public.

Must, the entrepreneur business, worries about labor shortages, unable to get sufficient personnel to make his electric cars and spaceships. Mush was asked about his Tesla Bot designed to fill labor shortages with robots. “Please look at the numbers—if people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble, mark my works,” Musk said. Another best-selling author of 1970 “Future Shock,” prided himself on “science”-based analysis, futurist Alvin Toffler insisted automation, artificial intelligence and computers would create widespread unemployment. Musk can’t find the skilled bodies to work in his electric car and spaceship factories. Musk’s humanoid robot, along the lines of Philip K. Dick’s “Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep” AKA “Blade Runner, so-called Nexus 6 “replicants,” can lift 150 pounds and walk 5 m ph. Dick’s “replicant” could do much more that that.

Musk told the WSJ audience that he plans to use the Artificial Intelligence [AI] from his self-driving software to power the brain of his new Tesla Bots, capable of replacing the human component in manufacturing. Musk plans to debut his Tesla Bot in Aug. 22 at an AI event. Tesla’s Bots will be “generalized substitute for human labor over time, “ Musk said, blowing the minds of the WSJ audience. World Bank confirmed Musk’s concerns about negative population growth since 1980, turning Erlich’s “Population Bomb” into pure rubbish. Like so many scientists, the line between science and science fiction is a murky one, just look at President Joe Biden’s Chief medical officer Dr. Anthony Fauci, who calls himself a “scientist,” even though he’s worked as a government bureaucrat for his entire career. Facui had utmost faith in Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists to tinker with bat coronaviruses.

Musk raised some controversial topics at the WSJ CEO Council, including whether U.S. leaders can perform high-capacity jobs when they’re beyond a certain age. “I’m not poking fun at aging. I just am saying if we’ve got people in very important positions that have to make decisions that are critical to the security of the country, then they need to have sufficient presence of min and cognitive ability to make those decisions well—because the whole country is depending on them,” Musk said. Mush was obviously referring to Biden who’s in the process of dealing with life-and-death decisions when he’s shown unmistakable signs of cognitive decline. Musk worries that aging elected officials can’t perform their jobs in a way to protect the country. Whether his Tesla Bots can perform the duties in Congress is anyone’s guess. What’s known for sure is that Elon Musk makes people think.