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Showing that it doesn’t matter what they attack 74-year-old President Donald Trump on, CNN’s John Berman slammed him for pardoning what he calls “corrupt Republican congressmen.” Berman of course excuses his network for spreading four years of lies about Trump for alleged ties to the Kremlin, something fabricated by former Secretary of State and 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton. Berman and his primetime hosts at CNN circulated nightly news for four years about Trump alleged ties to the Russia. CNN routinely paraded House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on CNN’s nightly line-up, saying without evidence that Trump was a Russian asset, regardless of a lack of proof. Yet to Berman and other CNN hosts, only Trump or his surrogates lie about everything under the sun, especially the Covid-19 crisis and the sputtering U.S. economy.

Pardoning former GOP congressmen, Trump served notice to what he calls the
”fake news media” that he wouldn’t let the corrupt U.S. law enforcement and intel community get away with murder. Unlike members of the press, Trump knows what it’s like to be persecuted by the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and National Security Agency [NSA], spending four years defending what he calls the Russian hoax. Untold numbers of articles appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post claiming Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. When Trump accused former President Barack Obama of spying on hi campaign, he watched the press laugh in his face. But whatever lies Democrats or press reported, there were no consequences. Former President Barack Obama’s White House, Department of Justice [DOJ], FBI, CIA and National Security Agency [NSA], there were not consequences.

When 78-year-old President Joe Biden gets inaugurated Jan. 20, 3020, he will be the first President that knowingly participated in a conspiracy while vice president to sabotage Trump’s 2016 campaign. Biden was president at a Jan. 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting with the national security apparatus, members of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA and other White House officials to set up former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for allegedly violating the 1799 Logan Act for having a few innocent conversations with former Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak. Former FBI Direct James Comey was present giving the green light to interview Flynn after the Jan. 20, 2017 inauguration at the White House, asking him about conversations with the Russian government during the transition. Flynn was charged by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller of lying to FBI agents.

When U.S. citizens now think of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA, they have suspicions that they play politics, framing innocent people, accusing them of Russian collusion. All Democrats and the press talked about for much of Trump’s four years were fake stories published in the New York Times, Washington Post and other anti-Trump outlets talking about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Trump has former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to thank for letting Obama’s White House use her bogus paid opposition research AKA “The Steele Dossier” to make wild allegations of Russian collusion. Trump knows that Democrats and the media never accepted his presidency from Day 1, yet they expect Trump to accept that Biden won the Nov. 3 election fair-and-square. Without proof, Trump tired but failed to make his case of voter fraud to the federal courts.

CNN and other corrupt broadcast news networks continue to hammer Trump until the bitter end. “It’s a good night to be a corrupt Republicans congressman or a confessed liar from the Russian probe or a convicted murderer of Iraqi civilians,” Berman said today on CNN. Yet Berman never talks about CNN’s four years of lies, with its hosts and pundits all preaching to the choir accusing Trump of Russian collusion. Even after 76-year-old former Special Counse Robert Muellerl cleared Trump and his campaign of wrong doing March 23, 2019, the fake news media continued to promote the discredited Russian collusion conspiracy. Yet Berman accuses Trump of inappropriately pardoning anyone connected with the Russian hoax, something to his day CNN and other anti-Trump news outlets promote without evidence or proof. No, it’s only Trump that lies, not corrupt Democrats and the news media.

Trump’s presidency raised many important issues of how a corrupt news media can demonize anyone they seek to destroy politically with impunity. No one in the fake news has paid any price for spending four years spreading the Russian hoax yet has the nerve to blame Trump for pardoning anyone caught up in the most egregious government conspiracy in U.S. history. When former Atty. Gen. Bill Barr failed to return indictments for former Obama White House officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein and others, Trump realized the fix was in. He would get no justice after harassed by his own government for nearly his entire four-year-term. But to political hacks like Berman, they must continue the cover-up for the fake news industry.