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Now that 74-year-old President Donald Trump has been tossed out of office, more information comes out daily about the fake Russian witch hunt that hounded Trump for his entire four years in office. Mainstream U.S. media used the Russian hoax together with Democrats to find any way possible to remove Trump from office. Once Special Counsel Robert Mueller poured cold water March 23, 2019 on the four year Russian witch hunt led by the New York Times, Washington Post and key members of the House, 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif., 60-year-old House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and73-year-old Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.I), the gang of three pursued other reasons to impeach Trump. All used a secret whistleblower to accuse Trump of meddling in the 2020 election talking to Ukraine.

Pelosi’s efforts to impeach Trump backfired but it continued the negative publicity that eventually destroyed Trump’s approval ratings enough to give 78-year-old President-elect Joe Biden the edge in the 2020 election. So Pelosi & Co. accomplished the mission of defeating Trump at the ballot box Nov. 3 but not without a grave expense to U.S. democracy. Listening to the 24/7 cable and network news besmirch Trump, a relentless drumbeat led by Democrats and the press for his presidency. When it comes to the Russian hoax, Democrats and the press did everything possible to use 73-year-old former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fake “Steel Dossier” to make wild allegations against Trump. When the late Sen. John McCaine (R-Az.) gave the dossier to 60 year-old former FBI Director James Comey he knew it was fake.
Both Comey and McCain had something in common: Their mutual desire to prevent Trump from becoming president.

Declassified documents of email and text exchanges between form former FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his lover former FBI attorney Lisa Page revealed the FBI conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president. Recently declassified documents show that the “Steele Dossier” was used to manipulate the public. Not that you can trust anything Strzok says, his comments about the Steele Dossier confirm what’s already known: It was a hoax. “Looking at the Yahoo article, I would definitely say at a minimum Steele’s reports should be viewed as intended to influence the public as well as to inform,” Strzok wrote Sept. 23, 2018, nearly two years before hie was fired Aug. 6,, 2018 for ins inappropriate activity with Page.

Strzok’s statement of how the Steele Dossier was used to influence the public or the media was the least concern to the outgoing president. Trump hoped that 70-year-old Atty. Gen. William Barr and his 70-year-old deputy U.S. Atty. John Durham (R-Conn.) would have returned indictments of key FBI and Obama administration officials, all of whom were involved in a conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president, or, once president, oust him from office. Strzok’s admission is just one more statement that confirms that the Obama administration used the national security apparatus of he country to discredit the Trump campaign to help Hillary get elected. While Barr appointed Durham as Special Counsel to continue his investigation into Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump campaign and presidency.

Trump leaves office with Democrats in charge of the White House and House and possibly the Senate after the Jan. 6, 2021 runoff elections in Georgia. No justice for Trump over the Obama administration wiretapping his campaign and presidency, but, more significantly, the media’s relentless pursuit of bogus charges that Trump was a Russian asset, as Hillary charged in the 2016 campaign. So Trump was ruined politically by an illegal FBI investigation and media conspiracy to spread lies about him and his campaign. Barr delivered no indictments, leaving Durham with the unenviable task of working with Biden’s attorney general who won’t cooperate, meaning that all the illegal activity at the DOJ, JBI, National Security Agency and CIA gets covered up forever. It’s no wonder Trump has trouble conceding the 2020 election.

Trump leaves office after watching his presidency destroyed by key members of Congress and the media all on fake charges about his contact with Russia. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler must all continue to deny they conspired with the media to get rid of Trump. But the record’s clear that the Obama administration, including President-elect Joe Biden, targeted Trump in 2016, before he left office. When Biden left office Jan. 20, 2017, he left Trump’s persecution into the capable hands of former FBI Director James Comey and his former upper brass at the FBI to continue making false charges against Trump. After four years of horrific publicity in Congress and the media, enough voters were convinced with the spiraling Covid-19 crisis to get rid of Trump.. It’s doubtful with a new attorney general, Trump will every see justice.