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Vilified for everything except his bagpiping, 70-year-old Atty. Gen. Bill Barr announced his resignation now that movers have been called at the White House. Barr was deprecated by the anti-Trump press as his lapdog, when in fact he was an independent voice for common sense in a Department of Justice that went wild. Barr stepped up against the anti-Trump press to inject the rule of law into a rogue Justice Department that ordered 60-year-old former FBI Director James to launch a counterintelligence investigation into 74-year-old President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, spying on his campaign and his White House. Comey denied “spying” insisting his probe was legal because he used real “probable cause” to investigate Trump and his campaign’s ties to the Kremlin. Few knew at the time that Comey used former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s opposition research.

Barr appointed 70-year-old U.S. Atty. John Durham (R-Conn.) to investigate Comey’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane that spied on the Trump campaign. No one in the media liked it when Barr said Comey “spied” on Trump’s campaign, prompting denials insisting that he had probable cause. Comey’s probable cause or “predicate” was Hillary “Steele Dossier,” a compendium of fabrications and outright lies about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin, all designed to sabotage his 2016 campaign. Comey used Hillary’s rubbish to secure warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] court to wiretap various Trump campaign officials. Two years and $40 million later, an exhaustive review of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin by 76-year-old Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved the obvious: There were no Trump ties to Russia. Yet Democrats and the anti-Trump press insisted Trump was linked to the Kremlin.

Trump has great misgiving about Barr’s performance because his investigation into the origin of Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation came up with nothing yet. Trump hoped Barr would have indicted Comey and several other FBI officials that took part in Crossfire Hurricane but no indictments came, leaving only unanswered questions. Barr’s critics, in-and-out of the Department of Justice, slammed him for recommending June 1 that 73-old U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan drop Mueller’s perjury charge against Flynn. Instead of accepting Barr’s well-reasoned logic, the Democrats and the media went wild accusing Barr or breathing his oath of office. Barr simply said that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn did nothing wrong when he talked to former Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 transition. Barr said there was zero probable cause for the FBI to interrogate Flynn at the White House.

Yet to the media they could never see Barr as a seasoned legal professional that was trying to get justice right, not continue the Democrat and media witch hunt against Trump and his campaign. Barr, like so many others in the Trump administration, sees the handwriting on the walls that President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn in as president Jan. 20, 2021. There’s simply no reason to stick around any longer than necessary. Barr said that his Deputy Atty. Gen. Jeff Rosen would take over after he leaves Dec. 23. While Trump has a bad taste over the lack of justice in the FBI’s spying operation against him, at least Barr appointed Durham Special Counsel to continue his investigation into Crossfire Hurricane. Whether Barr indicted Comey and other rogue FBI agents before the Nov. 3 election, it’s doubtful it would have changed the outcome. Universal mail-in ballots did Trump in.

Whether it was about Flynn or Crossfire Hurricane, Barr tried to administer justice in an equitable manner. Eventually Trump pardoned Flynn Nov. 26, ending Sullivan’s attempt to continue Flynn’s case. Trump can take some relief that Barr started an investigation into Hunter’s Biden’s taxes and other business transactions in Ukraine, China and Russia. Trump hoped that a Oct. 14 New York Post story implicating 50-year-old Hunter Biden and his 78-year-old father Joe in illicit Chinese business deals that netted the Biden family millions mattered. Joe said Oct. 22 in the last presidential debate in Nashville that he never took one penny from any foreign government. But it was obvious that the Biden cash run through Hunter and his 75-year-old brother Jim’s bank accounts, making Joe look like a liar. Then Hunters’s 48-year-old former business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s Chinese deals.

Barr did what he could to administer justice when it came to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, knowing that justice takes time. Whether completing the investigation earlier would have helped Trump’s chances is anyone’s guess. What’s known for sure is that Barr got his share of media condemnation without merit. Whether it was the Crossfire Hurricane probe or Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, Barr tried to get it right, despite all the negative press reports. “Good riddance,” said 60-year-old House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) who made up more stories than Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Schiff’s impeachment buddy House Judiciary Chairman Jerold Nadler (D-N.Y.) agreed. When Biden picks his Attorney General, he’ll do so not to advance the rule of law but to do everything possible to cover-up Hunter’s overseas business deals that implicate him.