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Speaking on “Fox News Sunday” with 73-year-old Trump-hater Chris Wallace to nearly 70-year-old Karl Rove, both added to the cable news feeding frenzy over the Nov. 3 election. Before it was about preventing 74-year-old Donald Trump from another four years, now it’s about why the president won’t concede. Showing his nasty side with Wallace, who has no love lost for Trump, Rove said American doesn’t like a “sore loser,” a predicable statement from the architect of former President George W. Bush’s Iraq War. Rove was regarded as “Bush’s brain,” something today that seems inconceivable by his sophomoric analysis of Trump’s future. “If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination . . .” Rove said, making zero sense. Rove knows that Trump’s not going to make another run for president at 78-years-of age.

Wallace, who hosted the first presidential debate in Cleveland Sept. 29, set Trump up for failure, asking questions about climate change and race relations. Rove, who 100% backed Bush’s Iraq War, still harbors animosity at Trump for calling out his former boss Feb. 13, 2016 in the South Carolina Presidential debate in Columbia. Trump boldly told an audience with the Bush family present to support Jeb that “W” made a colossal mistake with the Iraq War. Rove has only reluctantly bit his tongue hoping to collect a paycheck from Fox News over the last four years. Now that Trump’s all-but-dead, Rove showed his true colors. “But I think in the long run he’s not helping himself or the country,” Rove said, referring to Trump’s refusal to concede. Rove offers no insights into the situation before today’s vote in the Electoral College that seals 78-year-old Joe Biden’s win in the Nov. 3 election.

Wallace and Rove know that there’s no controversy left when it comes to Trump’s last-ditch theatrics before moving out of the White House. Trump thinks that he was robbed by Democrats and the media from a second term, getting the second biggest vote total in the history of modern presidential politics, next to Biden, collecting 74,223,755 popular votes to Biden’s 81,283,495. Trump’s problem with the election involved universal mail-in ballots, where ballots were counted without proper signatures, addresses or time frames. But whatever happened Nov. 3, Biden came out the winner, largely because Democrats enjoy a numerical advantage in voter registration. With four years of fake news about Trump alleged ties with Russia and a more recent impeachment, Trump didn’t get enough independent votes to win the election. Rove and Wallace gloated calling Trump a “sore loser.”

Rove makes the phony point that if Trump wants to run again in 2024, he should graciously concede the election. “America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers and he’s on the edge of looking like a sore loser, and probably will look like it after Jan. 6,” Rove said. Rove thought former Vice President Al Gore looked like a sore loser in 2000 when Bush won the lection in the Supreme Court by 567 votes in Florida. Gore recently told Trump to graciously concede like he did Dec. 12, 2000 after the Supreme ruled that Democrat challenges had to stop. Unlike 2000 with Bush v. Gore, Trump never got his day in court when the Supreme Court said Dec. 11 that it would not hear the Texas suit over Electoral votes in battleground states. Whether or not Trump deserved a hearing is anyone’s guess. But it’s a matter now of historical record that Trump did not get his day in court.

Trump’s refusal to concede stems from his belief that he was cheated by Democrats and the media out of winning the Nov. 3 election. Trump lost the election because he was so demonized by the media over the Covid-19 crisis, that independent voters flocked more to Biden, believing that Trump had become a menace to American Democracy. Trump’s neophyte communication director 32-year-old Hope Hicks did next to nothing to confront the Democrat and media narrative that Trump botched the coronavirus epidemic. Whatever Trump does or doesn’t do now, it makes no difference because he’ll leave the White House before Jan. 20, 2021, Inauguration Day. While Biden expressed a desire to have Trump at the event, it’s doubtful Trump would show up, continuing his protest over the election. When it comes to 2024, everyone knows Trump is done with politics.

Cable and network news have lapsed into the new normal of having little to talk about other that Covid-19 or Trump’s refusal to concede. Once Trump’s out the picture, cable and network TV will have little to excite audiences, now that they accomplished their mission of getting rid of Trump. At no time in U.S. history has the press openly campaigned against a presidential candidate, spending 24/7 programming defeating Trump’s bid for a second term. Calling Trump a “sore loser,” Rove confirms the Democrats narrative that Trump refuses to accept the Nov. 3 election results. But its clear to everyone except Democrats and the press that continues to hype the story, Trump will be gone forever on Jan. 20, 2021 if not before. His protest over the Nov. 3 election results will remain Trump’s historical record, since the Supreme Court denied him his day in court.