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Writing on the opinion page of the Wall Street Journal [WSJ] Dec. 11, 83-year-old Joseph Epstein put his foot in his mouth, telling 69-year-old First Lady-elect Jill Biden to stop using the title “Dr.” before her name. Jill earned a Ed.D., educational doctorate, at the University .Delaware in 2007 as the age of 55, returning to complete her doctorate under her maiden name Jill Jacobs. “Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if Your Need an M.D.,” Epstein wrote in the Wall Street Journal, urging the soon-to-be First Lady to not use the title Dr., something he thinks is only for M.D.s. Epstein is either completely ignorant or wrote the incendiary piece, injecting controversy where it’s unwanted. Epstein knows that the medical field has no monopoly on doctorate degrees with different fields holding Ph.D., Ed.D., D.O., D.D.S., Psy.D. and other doctorates running the gamut in academia.

Epstein was tongue-in-cheek when he addressed the First Lady-election in familiar terms. “Madame First Lady—Mrs. Biden—Jill—kiddo: a bit of advice on what may seem like a small but I think is a not unimportant matter,” Epstein wrote. “Any chance you might drop the ‘Dr.’ before your name? ‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic,” Epstein said, making one non sequitur after another. Epstein’s in no place to advise people with advanced terminal degrees to use any title to which they’re entitled. Jill earned her doctorate while teaching English full-time at North Virginia Community College. Epstein’s unctuous manner calling the First Lady-elect “kiddo” tries to be cute but is actually quite insulting to anyone who earned a doctorate degree. Epstein can’t be serious making indefensible statements about Jill’s Ed.D. degree.

Epstein can’t possibly think that medical doctors have a monopoly on the use of the prefix Dr., when numerous other recognized doctorate degrees exist. “A wise man once said that no one should call himself ‘Dr.’ unless he has delivered a child. This about it, Dr. Jill, and forthwith drop the doc,” Espstein said. Apart from trying to be funny, Epstein shows his sexism referring to a “Wise man once said that no none should call himself ‘Dr’ . . “ referring to men in the medical field. In case Epstein hasn’t noticed, this is not the 1950s where mainly men held doctorate degrees, whether MDs, Ph.D., or anything else. Esptein should know better since with his bachelors’s degree he once taught English at Northwestern University. While it’s true that some universities hire best selling authors or other professionals to teach classes, it’s also true that individuals with advanced degrees often call themselves Dr.

. Why Epstein has a problem with Jill using her title Dr. is anyone’s guess? It’s possible as an accomplished writer without an advanced degree, he may have envied others with doctorate degrees. “As for your Ed.D., Madame First Lady, hard-earned though it may have been please consider stowing it, at least in public, at least for now. Forget the small thrill of being Dr. Jill, and settle for the larger thrill of living for the next four years in the best public housing in the world as First Lady Jill Biden,” Epstein wrote, who has no advanced degree but has a problem with people that do. In case Epstein doesn’t know, most people using the prefix “Dr.” do not get a “small thrill” calling themselves “Dr.” When you’ve earned a degree, it’s not a “small thrill” but a venerable title you earned in your field. If Jill stopped using the title “Dr.” she’d do a disservice to anyone with advanced degrees.

Epstein thinks doctorate degrees have lost their prestige, saying that Northwestern no longer requires doctorates to teach at the institution. Epstein, who holds no advanced degree, has a problem with people that do. There’s nothing Jill should feel guilty about using her “Dr. Biden” title because advanced terminal degrees are universally recognized in the United States, Europe and Asia. Why Epstein has a problem with Jill’s doctorate degree is anyone’s guess? Judging by his remarks it sounds like when he taught at Northwestern he was tired of addressing Northwestern’s Ph.D. or Ed.D. faculty as “Dr.” Niether Epstein nor his editor at the Wall Street Journal had any clue how many people he’d offend with this article. Referring the First Lady-elect as “kiddo” shows that Epstein wants to get cute but is actually obnoxious. It’s no business of his how Jill wants to be addressed, Dr. or not.

Wall Street Journal must be thoroughly embarrassed by Epstein’s foolish article telling the First Lady-elect how to address herself. “Mr. Epstein was never a tenured professor at Northwestern and has not been a lecturer her since 2002,” said a Northwestern spokesman. “While we firmly support academic freedom and freedom of expression, we do not agree with Mr. Epstein’s opinion and believe the designation of doctor is well deserved by anyone who has earned a Ph.D., an Ed.D., or an M.D. Northwestern is firmly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic view.” Whether Epstein is a misogynist or not, he’s certainly sexist referring to “he” for people with doctoral degrees. Wall Street journal created quite a stir allowing Epstein to use their space to poke fun at the First Lady-elect. Epstein’s remarks display ignorance and obsolete thinking