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Since former Hunter Biden business partner 48-year-old Tony Bobulinki came forward with evidence that 77-year-old Vice President Joe Biden not only knew about Hunter’s overseas business dealings, he was an active participant. With his uncle James Biden, Hunter raked in $30 million from China, with big commissions going to the “Big Guy,” Joe Biden. Biden told a national TV audience Oct. 25 in the Nashville presidential debate that, “He never took one penny from a foreign source, not ever,” Joe said, not saying how much cash his 50-year-old son Hunter and 75-year-old brother Jim raked in from China, Russia and Ukraine. Bobulinski went public after Joe lied brazenly that he knew nothing of Hunter’s foreign business deals. Boblulinski provided the FBI proof with cell phones and emails that he met twice with Joe in 2017 after Joe left office as former President Barack Obama’s Vice President.

Bobulinski’s bombshell public testimony has been blacked out in the mainstream media and on major Social Network platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Bobulinskikj went public with his information Oct. 28 the Bidens on Fox News drew over 7 million viewers. Bobulinski recounted in meticulous detail his relationship to Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and Joe Biden, serving as CEO of SinoHawk his company contracted with the Bidens to manage their financial transactions with Community Party-owned CEFC China Energy Co. Bobulinski provided his cell phones, texts and email records documents his meeting with Joe May 2, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Bobulinksi could not have been more clear to Tucker Carlson about the former Vice President’s direct involvement in a transaction that earned the Biden family $30 million.

Telling Carlson on national TV that his joint venture SinoHawk with CEFC China Energy Co. and the Biden family, Bobulinski left no doubt about Joe Biden’s direct involvement in the China energy deals. No one in the Biden campaign has disputed Bobulinski’s public testimony on Fox News, calling Joe Biden out as a liar. Biden’s campaign concluded they’d say nothing until after the election, if ever. Going on record denying something would make headlines, just like they did Oct. 22 when Joe said he new nothing about Hunter’s private business dealings. Bobulinski shared a Mach 13, 2017 email with a plan to split the proceeds from the China deal up five ways, essentially 20% shares. In the email 10% of the transaction was to be kept by “H” for the “Big Guy,” referring to Joe. ”Held by H for the Big Guy?” read the email, referring of course to the former Vice President.

Watching Bobulinski trashed in the media prompted Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) stepped up to defend Bobulinski’s integrity. Khanna told Fox News that “Tony was never a political hack,” vouching for his credibility. “Tony, I hope you are doing OK. I did give a one the record statement to the New York Times that I know you, you have always acted honorably with me, and you and other family members supported me,” Khanna wrote in a message. “I have told any media outlets that have asked the same thing,” Khanna said, puzzled that none of his statements validating Bobulinski’s credibility were reported in the press. No, only Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a familiar voice during 74-year-old President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing, chimed in on revelations about the Biden family. Schiff said emails found off Hunter’s disabled iBook found in a Delaware computer repair shop is “Russian disinformation.”

Khanna wants to make sure that Schiff doesn’t accuse Bobulinski of being a Manchurian candidate, a kind of brainwashed Russian agent trying to help Trump get elected. Any damaging information about the Biden clan, according to Democrats, must be Russian disinformation. Only disinformation spewed today is from Democrats and their friends in the press. Blacking out Bobulinski involves criminal collusion by the medias to prevent the public from knowing the truth about Joe Biden and his family. Bobulinski spent seven hours yesterday with the FBI taking his testimony about his meetings with Joe, Hunter and James Biden regarding the SinoHawk-CEFC China Energy deal that earned the Bidens $30 million. If Trump loses Nov. 3, it’s going to be difficult ceding the election to someone under FBI investigation. Hunter’s been under investigation for money laundering for over a year.

Blackballing Bobulinski in the mainstream media shows criminal conspiracy with the Biden campaign to prevent the public from knowing the extent of his corruption before the Nov. 3 presidential election. “I also have made it clear that I don’t not think you are a Russian agent,” Khanna said, disputing Schiff’s feeble excuse to disregard egregious corruption by the Biden family. If the FBI possesses evidence that Joe was involved in Hunter and Jim’s Chinese transactions, then he should resign immediately from the race so Democrats can find a more suitable candidate. Whatever Khanna says to the media, it’s part of a massive blackout, keeping anything about Joe’s corrupting out of the news. “Throughout 2015 and 2016 while Joe was a sitting vice president of the United States, these guys had been doing extensive work around the world,” Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson Oct. 28.