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Speaking to an overflow crowd in Middletown, Penn., Sept. 25, 74-year-old President Donald Trump slammed the fake news media for not mentioning his two nominations for Nobel Peace Prizes. While Trump used self-deprecating humor to show the ways of today’s anti-Trump media, he raised a more serious point about how the media omits anything that could be seen as positive or a success for the president. Trump’s had many successes that are entirely passed over by the press, not wanting to give Trump any rocket fuel before the Nov. 3 election. Every story about Trump is negative, from the fake story about Trump disparaging U.S. WW I War dead to claiming he had secret ties to the Kremlin. Pointing out to his Middletown crowed that the press mentioned nothing about, reminds swing voters that the media has been grossly unfair when it comes to reporting on Trump.

When the economy was humming along with a 3.5% unemployment rate, anti-Trump media outlets heard from pundits saying the actual numbers were much higher. Forget the Federal Reserve or Labor Department that reports the unemployment stats, no the audience hears from anti-Trump pundits giving the president no credit. When it came to ending the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] and passing the U.S.-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement there was no mention in the mainstream press.
Trump pointed out Friday that the press mentioned nothing about achieving three historic peace deals, two with Israel and Arab Gulf States and one with Serbia and Kosovo. Any Democrat president would have been lauded for days but, no, Trump’s foreign policy accomplishments weren’t even mentioned. Forget about Trump getting any credit, what about keeping the public uninformed?

Trump’s peace deals with Israel, the United Arab Emirates [UAE] and Bahraiin, were truly historic. When former President Bill Clinton signed an historic peace deal with Israel and Jordan Oct. 26, 1994, it was written and talked about for weeks. But when Trump does something even more historic, more consequential, more revolutionary for Mideast Peace, the public hears nothing. Democrats dismiss peace deals between Israel and the Arab Gulf states as if they don’t count because the deal isn’t with Palestinians. Former Democrat Presidents Clinton and Barack Obama couldn’t get peace deals with Palestinians, largely because of Palestinian recalcitrance. But instead of getting discouraged by 84-year-old Ramallah-based Mahmoud Abbas rejecting Trump’s latest peace deal, Trump went to the Arab Gulf States, receiving nothing but praise from the Nobel Prize Committee.

Trump’s accomplishments were entirely dismissed by the mainstream press because they’re heavily invested in defeating Trump’s a second term. If you listened to the U.S. media, it sound like an infomerical for the Democrat Party. Today’s media have blurred the lines of ethical journalism with advocacy for the Democrat Party. Pointing out the media’s glaring omissions reminds voters that they can’t trust anything presented by the mainstream press. “Somebody had a show where they said the amount of time devoted to Donald Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize—two of ‘em—[was] zero on the networks, zero,” Trump said. It is so disgraceful. They’re so bad,” prompting the media to say Trump lied about receiving Nobel Peace Prizes. Trump never said he received Nobel Prizes, he said he was nominated. Instead to correcting the record, the media finds the worst possible interpretation.

“ is a Democrat-driven organization designed to discredit Republicans, certainly Trump, anytime possible. They’ve made a mockery out of fact-checking, exposing for all to see the extreme prejudice toward Trump and Republicans. Voters have been wising up quickly, realizing that the mainstream media is out to get Trump. wants voters to know that getting nominated in “no big thing. “ But does think after 26 years it’s not a “big thing” to land three peace deals within a few weeks. Whether Trump was nominated or not for a Nobel Peace Prize, doesn’t think it’s odd that the media would not mention Trump’s historic peace accomplishments to inform the public. No, exist as a political tool for Democrats to discredit anything Trump. Trump’s many accomplishments only get dismissed or discounted by

Pretending that Trump did not nail down three peace deals with UAE, Bahrain and Serbia-Kosovo is the real disgrace because it violates every principle of ethical journalism. Since before took office, the media routinely published or reported on national TV un-sourced or anonymously sourced stories accusing Trump of ties with Russia. Even when 75-year-old Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded his 22-month and $40 million investigation into Trump’s alleged Russian collusion March 23, 2020, the press continued to publish fake stories about Trump’s Russian ties. “Any person or organization can be nominated by anyone eligible to nominate,” said NBC News, pointing out it’s no big deal. But achieving two peace deals with Arab Gulf States and Israel and one peace deal with Serbia and Kosovo are very big deals worthy of reporting by any ethical news outlet.