LOS ANGELES.–Asking for Tomahawk Cruise Missile as part of his “Victory Plan,” 46-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rejects any attempt to restrict Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons to prosecute its war with the Kremlin. Zelensky doesn’t accept 81-year-old President Joe Biden’s reluctance to give Kiev the green light to attack deep inside the Russian Federation. Biden views any escalation as potentially causing WW III, something Zelensky says has already come to Ukraine. Zelensky wants long-range missile capability to start attacking military and civilian targets in Moscow. Zelensky gets annoyed with U.S. and NATO decisions to oppose his NATO membership even though he’s told that Ukraine defends European democracy by fighting the Kremlin. No one really believes that war-battered Ukraine defend European democracy.

Zelensky wants long-range weapons to escalate the war because he’s lost so much ground to Russia, roughly 20-25% of Ukraine’s sovereign territory in the last three years. Zelensky promised he would drive every Russian soldier from Ukraine in 2023 in his so-called “counteroffensive.” When that didn’t happen, Zelensky blamed the U.S. and NATO for not giving him permission to use long-range weapons in Russia. Now he wants Tomahawk Cruise Missiles one of the most deadly long-range U.S. weapons. Tomahawk Cruise Missile have a range of 2,500 km [1,550 miles] enough to target Moscow from the Ukraine border, roughly 1,186 km. “Against the background of this dynamic, the Kiev regime is beginning to show considerable nervousness,” said Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Zelensky wasn’t happy to find out his request for Tomahawks was in the media.

Zelensky finds himself in limbo because of the upcoming Nov. 5 election where 78-year-old President Donald Trump looks poised to win the election. If that happens, Trump promises to end the Ukraine War in short order, pushing Zelensky and 72-year-old President Vladimir Putin to settle the conflict at the bargaining table. Zelensky’s request for Cruise Missiles should tell all voters that Zelensky has no intent of settling the conflict at the bargaining table. JP Morgan billionaire CEO Jamie Dimon says the U.S. must switch gears in foreign policy and national security and end the Ukraine and Mideast wars. Democrats 60-year-old nominee Vice Preident Kamala Harris promises to keep the war going into the indefinite future. Dimon sees that as a direct threat to civilization. Trump says he will push Zelensky kicking-and-screaming to the peace table to end the conflict.

Giving Zelensky Tomahawk Cruise Missiles would be a disaster in the making, where Putin would hold the U.S. accountable for any attacks on his territory. Zelensky has no realistic “Victory Plan,” only one to escalate the war causing more destruction to Ukraine but, more importantly, drag the U.S. and NATO into a war with the Kremlin. Peskov said Zelensky’s plan “boils down to Kiev dragging Western countries complete into the war up to their ears as quickly as possible and legitimizing it. All these tricks have this ultimate goal. This is how we view it,” referring to the Kremlin’s perspective. Kremlin sees the Ukraine War as between the U.S., NATO and the Kremlin, not the Ukraine and the Kremlin. Zelensky doesn’t understand how the media gets confidential information about expected weapons requests or possible approvals and deliveries by the U.S. and NATO.

Zelensky doesn’t get that the Ukraine War could be coming to an end sometime soon if Trump wins the Nov. 5 presidential election. Dimon gave his opinion one week before the election that the U.S. cannot go on funding proxy war with the Kremlin. “This is confidential information between Ukraine and the White House,” Zelensky said in Reykjavik, Iceland. “How should we understand these messages? So, it means between partners there’s nothing confidential?” Zelensky asked. Zelensky knows he can’t make private, back-channel deals with Biden, when it comes to Congress funding his over $200 billion proxy war with the Kremlin. Asking for Tomahawk Cruise Missiles is audacious enough but expecting that it’s a backroom deal with the White House is outrageous.

Zelensky thinks the can bamboozle the U.S. an NATO into membership even though it would drag the U.S. and NATO into an unending war with the Kremlin. Giving Zelensky long-range weapons to hit Moscow or St. Petersburg would drag the U.S. and NATO into the conflict, but, even more ominous, prompt Putin to used nuclear weapons on Kiev. Zelensky continues to beg for NATO membership, even when he’s told he doesn’t meet the entrance requirements especially with his lack of democracy running his Kiev government. Zelensky likes to tell the U.S. and EU that he’s defending democracy but his country has never really been democratic since breaking away from the Soviet Union in 1991. When it comes to military secrets, Zelensky isn’t entitled to secrecy because Congress must pay the whopping price tag for building up Kiev’s arsenal in Ukraine.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.