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LOS ANGELES.–Spelled out in black-and-white for a long time, U.S. leadership under 81-year-old President Joe Biden is titular only, with the U.S. president bogged down with his own mental and physical disabilities hobbling his presidency. Democrats and the corrupt U.S. press was on full display at last night’s CBS News debate in New York City where moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan acted clueless about world events, preferring instead to help 60-yar-old Minn. Gov. Tim Walz get through the debate unscathed but instead highlighted the bereft leadership at the White House with both Kamala and Joe. Well, what’s Kamala excuse for making her 2024 campaign about civil, gender and women’s reproductive rights, when American voters suffer from economic hardship and a world set ablaze with wars in the Middle East and Ukraine nowhere near resolution.

Foreign leaders who’ve watched Biden in action know he’s a shell of his former self, no longer a force to be reckoned with on the world stage. “I’m more aware than you might know and I’m comfortable with them stopping. We should have a cease fire now,” Biden said, showing that he’s behind the curve when it comes to managing world events. Israel has launched an unprecedented series to strategic attacks on Iranian-backed Hezbollah, actually a part of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. What’s Biden talking about when he says he’s more comfortable with Israel stopping. Biden has been so far on the sidelines he doesn’t know what’s happening in the Middle East, but, more importantly, what’s good for Israel as it battles Iran for its own survival. Does Biden think it’s a matter of 62-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken waving a magic wand?

French leaders signed a joint communiqué with the U.S. on the sidelines of the U.N. calling for a three-week ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. Well, how did that go over? U.S. officials knew that Iran was sponsoring attacks on Israel than can only be repelled by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu going aggressively after Israel’s enemies. “The Biden administration has largely been a bystander to these events—one that has supplied Israel with the military means to conduct thse operations but has been repeatedly caught by surprise by its actions,” said Brian Katulis, senior fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Middle East Institute. Without saying it explicitly, everyone knows that Biden is not in charge at the White House and hasn’t been for years, realizing that the U.S. government works without a president. Former President Donald Trump has been saying this for years.

When Biden dropped out of the 2024 race July 21, Democrats and the press pretended he did so to allow a new generation of leadership to rise up. Actually, Joe went kicking-and-screaming despite that fact that he’s not fit to serve as commander-in-chief. Democrats and the fake news agreed to accept Biden’s false narrative that he resigned for the “good of the country” when, in fact, he was not fit to serve another term. But since leaving the race, Biden continues to be baby sat by his domestic and foreign policy team, all hoping to dupe that public that he’s in charge. Foreign leaders that have interacted with Joe know differently. If the White House is “bystander” to recent Israeli events, it’s because Biden isn’t in his right state of mind to keep track of domestic and world events. Pretending otherwise, dupes the public into thinking that there’s a real commander-in-chief in charge.

All of Biden’s subordinates, including VP Kamala Harris, have been covering for Joe for years, pretending that he’s normal when he’s far from it. “The question is not, does Israel have a right to deal with existential threats to its security and enemies across its border with the avowed intent to destroy Israel. Of course it does,” Blinken said. “But the question is the best way to achieve its objectives,” Blinken said, saying the same thing since the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas massacre. Blinken’s message conveyed is let’s not expand the Gaza War to the rest of the Middle East. Blinken knows that Iran, not Israel, is responsible for state-sponsored terrorism, igniting the Middle East in its current state of war. Now Iran, after launching 200 missiles at Israel yesterday, wants to launch another strike, hoping that this time some to the missiles actually hit their targets.

All of Biden’s men-and-women have been lying for him for years, pretending he’s fit enough to run the White House. If Biden doesn’t know what’s happening in the White House, how can anyone expect him to know what’s happening with Israel and the Mideast? Biden comes from a generation of U.S. leaders that used to threaten to hold back cash-and-arms to Israel if it didn’t acquiesce to U.S. policy. Netanyahu has shown he’s a different kind to leader that knows how to protect the Jewish State. When it comes to Biden, Democrats and the fake news must continue the hoax that Joe functions as commander-in-chief. Judging by the out-of-control events in Ukraine, Mideast and Horn of Africa, it looks like Biden isn’t paying much attention. Kamala and the rest of Biden’s underlings have done a real disservice to the country letting Joe play president since he quit the 2024 race.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.