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LOS ANGEELS.–So while the fake news whistles Dixie, consumed by its Democrat-biased reporting over the Sept. 10 ABC News debate, 71-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West that any used of ballistic missiles supplied by the West to strike inside Russia would alter the scope of conflict, brining in European targets. ABC News spent no time talking about the dangers of the Ukraine War, precisely because it hurts 59-year-old Democrat nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris used her debate time to haze trump with memorized, worthless, old Democrat talking points but deliberately avoided revealing any of her real policies. Harris came closes to revealing her Ukraine policy at her Aug. 23 DNC acceptance speech, saying she would continue the Biden policy of proxy war in Ukraine. Harris said she would continue to defend Ukraine’s democracy, not pander to dictators like Putin.

Harris is as clueless about foreign policy as she is about the U.S. economy, blaming Trump for the economic mess she and Joe inherited when they took office Jan. 20, 2021. Harris says that inflation is due to corporate price gouging, ignoring all the profligate government spending and Russian oil embargo, two of the main factors for triggering the worst inflation in over 40 years. Yet if you ask Kamala, it’s all Trump’s fault, blaming him for the Covid-19 crisis. Kamala and Joe never gave Trump a lick of credit for fast-tracking life-saving vaccines, released to the public one week after the Nov. 3, 2020 presidential election. Biden and Harris said they would never trust a vaccine developed under Trump, telling voters that the vaccines were a long way off. When it comes to the economy, Kamala doesn’t listen to bipartisan economists all blaming inflation of excessive government spending.

When it comes to foreign policy, Kamala is even more oblivious, blaming Putin for everything about the Ukraine War. Biden-Harris called the war a “naked land grab,” refusing to accept any responsibility in arming Ukraine over the Kremlin’s objections. Putin warned Biden for months before the Feb. 24, 2022 invasion that they must renegotiate new security arrangements for Ukraine or face a “special military operation.” Biden said the invasion was “unprovoked and unjustified,” just not to Putin and the Kremlin. Putin warned against Biden’s blind arming of Ukraine over Kremlin objections, forcing Putin to invade Ukraine. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who’s maintained neutrality in the Ukraine War, said Biden provoked Putin into taking his “special military operation.” Kamala plans to carry on arming Ukraine regardless of Putin’s new warnings.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, 74, said last week that Ukraine’s Kursk invasion and missile strikes deep inside Russia triggered the Kremlin’s first-strike nuclear doctrine, permitting a nuclear strike to defend the Russian homeland. Yet ABC News and Kamala pretend that the Ukraine War is not a direct-and-immediate threat on U.S. national security. Former President Donald Trump said at the Sept. 10 ABC News debate that Ukraine could easily trigger WW III or nuclear war, yet its ignored by Democrats and the press. “So this is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is question of deciding whether or not NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict,” Putin told Russian State TV. Biden has just given Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky the green light to attack inside Russia.

What’s wrong with ABC News that they consider women’s reproductive rights more important to spend time on than U.S. national security? ABC news moderator David Muir gave Kamala all the time she needed to recite all her memorized Democrat talking points lashing out against Trump. But, in so doing, nothing substantive was covered in the 90-minute debate on the economy and foreign policy. “If this decision is taken, it will mean nothing less that the direct involvement of NATO countries, the United States and European countries in the war in Ukraine. This will be their direct participation, and this, of course, will significantly change the Ukraine War” even if it means igniting the European Continent into a new world war or, worse yet, a thermonuclear war.

Trump raised many of the critical issues facing the United States, especially the inflationary economy and war in Ukraine. Unlike Kamala, Trump said he would end the Ukraine War at the earliest possible time, prompting Kamala to accuse Trump of isolationism and abandoning U.S. allies. Can you image ABC New David Muir asking Trump who he wants to win the Ukraine War? What’s wrong with Muir other that exposing his undeniable anti-Trump bias. Trump did everything possible to avoid war and let diplomacy work out difficult problems with U.S. adversaries. Biden-Harris has done the exact opposite, opening up a war with the Kremlin that could now engulf all of Europe. Biden-Harris have driven Russia and China into a close economic, military and strategic alliance, pledging they would oppose U.S. encroachment in Eastern Europe and Indo-China.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.