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LOS ANGELES.–President Joe Biden, 81, who was tossed by Democrats to the sidelines in the 2024 presidential race, pushed Russia into a close economy, military and strategic alliance with Communist China and North Korea. Now supplying Russian with over 6 million artillery shells, 40-year-old North Korean President Kim Jong-un welcomes the opportunity to get back at the United States and European Union [EU] for all its sanctions and hostile relations with his government, especially over his undeniable nuclear ballistic missile program. Whether admitted to or no publicly by the West, North Korea is a nuclear power with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles [ICBMs] capable of hitting the United States. Former President Donald Trump worked feverishly to improve U.S.-North Korean relations, once invited by Kim to summit in North Korea, a first for any American president.

Yet over the last four years, all of Trump’s diplomacy with Communist China and North Korea has fallen by the wayside, with U.S.-North Korean relations worse than ever. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, 46, just finished with three days of talks with Beijing to mend fences before Biden leaves office Jan. 20, 2024. Biden’s relations got so bad with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Biden threatened to commit U.S. troops to defend Taiwan. Biden knew he violated the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, signed into law by former President Jimmy Carter, ending the U.S. mutual defense treaty with Taiwan and recognizing only Beijing in a one-China policy. Biden’s actions toward China pushed Xi to form an extra close economic, military and strategic alliance with the Kremlin. Kim welcomes the chance to serve as a proxy force to battle the U.S. and NATO over Ukraine.

Putin’s war in Ukraine was caused when he moved Russian forces Feb/ 24. 2022 across the Ukrainian border in what he called a “special military operation.” Putin spent months trying, but failing, to renegotiate new security arrangements for Ukraine, watching the U.S. and NATO supply the pro-Western government of 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky unlimited cash-and-weapons. Putin objected saying that the weapons would be used to invade Russia, with Biden saying U.S. weapons or NATO weapons would only be used inside Ukraine. Ukraine crossed into Russia Aug. 6, proving that Putin’s forecasts were right on the money. When Biden tried to pull the same stunt of Communist China, Xi decided he would back Putin 100% in his Ukraine War, buying unprecedented amounts of heavily discounted Russia oil to offset U.S. and EU sanctions on the Russian Federation.

Biden’s foreign policy toward Russia and China have all but wrecked cooperative relations worked on by generations of U.S. presidents. When Biden joined Ukraine’s war agains the Kremlin, it pushed Communist and China and North Korea to enter into an economic, military and strategic alliance with Russia. Biden demanded that China denounce Putin for his war in Ukraine, claiming it was a naked land grab. Xi disagreed with Biden’s assessment, saying that Biden tries to do the same thing by forming a NATO-like alliance to undermine China in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. So, instead of letting China play a neutral role in the Ukraine War, Biden pushed China to join an alliance of North Korea against the U.S. and NATO. China wants Biden to stop meddling by forming an anti-Beijing alliance to confront China’s aggression in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea.

Western military experts say North Korean artillery shells lack the reliability of more modern-produced weapons but Ukraine certainly knows that Russian fires plenty of rounds in what’s become a war of attrition. “Russia can offer some fairly important incentives in terms of technology transfer, which Pyongyang may judge to be more valuable that a portion of its armaments reserved,” said Jacob Parakillas, a Rand Europe defense analyst. Russia also has veto-wielding power in the U.N. Security Council, capable or protecting North Korean against more economic sanctions, especially about supplying artillery shells to Moscow. Kim ignored U.N. Security Council sanctions over its nuclear program, now with advanced ICBMs capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. Developing a close military alliance with Pyongyang comes with Xi’s full blessings.

Biden has all but wrecked U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relations over the last four years. Sending National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, 46, to mend fences after years of antagonistic relations does very little to restore U.S. Chinese relations. Xi is acutely aware of Biden’s attempt to develop a NATO-like alliance in the Indo-Pacific to counter China’s growing influence in the region. So, when Sullivan tries to improve relations now, it’s not trusted by Xi other than a PR stunt. ‘Much of the materiel it [North Korea] has produced during that time will still be minimally viable for Russian purposes, since the bulk of its weaponry is Soviet-designed and there compatible with what Russian forces use,” Parakilas. Biden’s foreign policy has pushed Russia, Communist China and North Korean into close military, economic and strategic alliance to challenge the West.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.