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LOS ANGELES.–Since 81-year-old President Joe Biden called it quits July 21, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post and practically every broadcast and print outlet have pushed for 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris and her 60-year-old running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Democrats spent nearly a month battling Biden’s after his disastrous June 27 CNN debate with 78-year-old President Donald Trump. Trump didn’t need to say much, only let a 70 million national TV audience watch Biden look incoherent. Once Democrat party bosses like former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) push Biden out July 21, Democrats were euphoric over turning the nomination over to Harris. Harris is only days away from the Aug. 19 Democratic National Convention, carrying what Democrats call unstoppable momentum into the 2024 campaign.

CNN pundit Van Jones, a former Obama strategist, says that “as long Trump continues to throw fits, he’s going to keep falling,” but is he really? Jones forgets that Kamala was still in her honeymoon phase when she announced her economic plan at a campaign rally yesterday in Raleigh, North Carolina. Kamala blamed inflation on corporate price gouging, proposing new government price controls to combat the practice. But price controls have been tried-and-failed in the past, prompting independent voters to questions Kamala’s plans. Democrats like to call anything Trump says as “throwing fits,” validating the Democrat narrative that the former president is unhinged. Kamala looks like the one unhinged trying to sell skeptics on how government price controls would control inflation. Kamala takes no ownership for the three-year-old inflationary cycle.

Van Jones is the last pundit to show any objectivity when it comes to the 2024 presidential election. He’s all in on Kamala’s race for the White House, looking to knock down more glass ceilings when it comes in 2024 to Blacks and women. “What we’ve gotta keep doing is focusing on what’s working for us,” Van Jones said. “There is an optimistic message here, there’s a hopeful message here, there’s a change message here,” referring to Kamala talking about what can be done to change things especially for minorities in the future. But Biden and Kamala have been in office for three-and-a-half years and their economic policies have generated so much inflation it robbed most middle class voters from any prosperity, leaving consumers strapped. Van Jones reprises Obama’s message of “hope” now tying it to Kamala, even though her economic plan makes no sense.

Data clearly shows that before the pandemic hit in 2020, minorities were better off under the Trump economy, with the highest levels of pay and lowest levels of unemployment without inflation. Biden and Harris have touted the bounce-back economy after Covid ended. But many Americans have suffered under the 20% to 30% inflation, that’s robbed many middle class voters from any prosperity. Biden and Harris refuse to acknowledge how the Feb. 24, 2022 Russian oil embargo threw gasoline in the inflation dumpster fire, generating nearly 10% inflation in 2021, forcing the Federal Reserve Board to hike interest rates to the highest levels in 23 years. Harris told her North Carolina audience that inflation was caused by corporate price-gouging, something that clearly doesn’t add up. Biden and Harris created inflation with the Russian oil embargo and profligate government spending bills.

Once independent voters see more unrealistic ideas coming from Kamala, all euphoria for Kamala will begin to unravel. Anyone watching the DNC convention will see the kinds of minority groups driving the Democrat agenda, including wild socialist ideas about the economy, including price controls. When the DNC convention, middle class Americans recognize that the picture of the future Kamala doesn’t work for the middle class. If Kamala can’t recognize how she and Joe caused the worst inflation in 40 years, then she’s bound to make the same mistakes. Whatever gains Kamala has made in recent polls, it will start uraveling when voters realize that the country can risk continuing Biden’s economy or foreign policy. Kamala won’t begin to talk about she and Biden ended decades of diplomacy, détente and arms control to fund proxy war in Ukraine, destabilizing the world order.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.