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LOS ANGELES.–Showing why 46-year-old Volodomyr Zelensky can’t be trusted with anything, his office categorically denied a definitive Wall Street Journal [WSJ] report that he knew about the Sept. 26, 2022 bombing of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Germany’s $12 billion project to ferry Russian natural gas to Germany. Earlier reports of Ukrainian agents chartering a German boat to travel to Nord Stream 2 pipeline have been validated by multiple sources, showing, for all to see, that Zelensky lies about just everything related to the Ukraine War. Zelensky’s chief Spokesman Mykhailo Podolyak denied that Ukraine had anything to do with the Nord Stream 2 bombing, despite overwhelming proof to the contrary. “Such an act can only be carried out with significant technical and financial resources . . .and who possess all of this at the time of the bombing? Only Russia,” Podolyak said.

Podolyak had not caught up with statements from Zelensky’s office admitting that the Ukrainian president tried to stop the secret mission to bomb the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. “Ukraine has nothing to do with the Nord Stream explosions,” Podolyak said, claiming that Ukraine got nothing out of the bombing, no strategic or tactical advantage from the explosions. Caught in the bald face lie, U.S., European Union and NATO officials should seriously question support for the Ukraine War that continues to put the European Continent on the precipice of WW III, possibly nuclear war. Destroying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline advantages Ukraine by blocking the Russian-German supply chain access to Russian natural gas, forcing Ukraine to broker natural gas deals to Europe. So, when it comes to “strategic and tactical” advantage, of course Ukraine would benefit from the sabotage.

Wall Street Journal reported Aug. 15 six Ukrainian divers chartered a 50-foot German boat that sailed to the Baltic Sea and planted the explosive devices, detonated them, destroying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. WSJ reported that the bombing mission was financed by a Ukrainian businessman for $300,000, receiving backing from Ukrainian military chief Valeriy Zaluzhniy, claiming that Zelensky did not authorize the bombing attack but knew about it. Zaluzhniy currently works as the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.K. in London, where he refused to comment on the recent WSJ report. Reports of Zelensky knowing about, but opposing the bombing mission, cannot be confirmed. Zaluzhniy was fired a Zelensky’s chief general Feb. 8, 2024, over a dispute with the Ukraine War. Zaluzhniy said there was no military solution to the Ukraine War, requiring political settlement.

Zelensky fired Zaluzhniy because he was honest about the Ukraine War being a stalemate with the Kremlin with only a political settlement. Thinking that Zaluzhniy’s remarks could affect future U.S. and NATO funding, Zelensky sacked his chief general who agreed with former U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Miley who said that there was only a political solution in Ukraine. Podolyak gave away the exact motives for the Ukrainian bombing of Nord Stream 2, saying that Ukraine had no “strategic or tactical” benefit to knocking out the pipeline. Ukraine had every reason to benefit by forcing all Russian natural gas through Ukrainian pipelines, benefitting Kiev directly. U.S. journalists Tucker Carlson and Seymour Hirsch suggested that 81-year-old President Joe Biden gave his blessing to the plan of sabotaging the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Investigative journalists for the WSJ, New York Times, Washington Post and Der Spiegel all fingered Ukrainian Special Operations officer Roman Chervinsky led the mission to bomb the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Germany’s former Chancellor Angela Merkel invested $12 billion in building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to assure Germany a steady flow of cheap Russian natural gas for the indefinite future. “Our critical infrastructure was blown up by a country that we support with massive weapons and billions in cash,” said an unnamed German official. Denying Ukraine’s involvement opens up a can of worms for the U.S., EU and NATO, currently funding proxy war with the Kremlin. How can anyone trust anything Zelensky says or does in the Ukraine War. Zelensky has gaslighted the U.S., EU and NATO from Day One, claiming that Ukraine defends European democracy.

Biden and Zelensky have sold the EU and NATO a bill of goods on the Ukraine War, claiming that 71-year-old President Vladimir Putin has his sights on seizing more NATO countries. Putin has said consistently he has no interest in European territory, he wants the U.S. and NATO to stop encroaching on Russian national security by supplying unlimited lethal weapons to Ukraine. Now Zelensky breached his agreement in a classic “mission creep,” using U.S. and NATO weapons to invade Russian territory. Zelensky knows U.S. and NATO weapons are limited to use inside Ukraine to fight Russian occupation. So whatever Zelensky says about the necessity to the Ukraine War to European security should be taken with a grain of salt. Now that it’s known that Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, there’s nothing Zelensky says that can be trusted by Western officials.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.