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LOS ANGELES.–Speaking to a campaign crowd in Las Vegas, Nevada, 59-year-old Kamala Harris repeated the fake Democrat talking points that 78-year-old President Donald Trump was out to destroy American democracy. But it was Kamala, not Trump, who told the crowd they must reject the July 1 Supreme Court limited immunity decision that all but wrecked Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against Trump for obstructing the 2020 presidential election. “So much is on the line in this election and understand, this is not 2016, this is not 2020. This time around, the stakes are even higher,” Kamala told the crowd. “And that’s because last month the Supreme Court basically told the former president that going forward, he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House,” Kamala said. Actually, the Supreme Court only said that U.S. presidents are entitled to limited immunity.

Kamala says that Trump violates the Constitution and rule of law but she’s the one rejecting the Supreme Court’s ruling, clarifying the extent of presidential immunity, not for Trump but for all presidents, including for her, if she wins the 2024 election. Imagine that, Kamala, a former California Attorney General, tells the Democrat crowd to reject the Supreme Court’s ruling, all because it prevents Special Counsel Jack Smith from prosecuting Trump. Six of the nine Supreme Court justices ruled that there must be protections for presidents from rogue prosecution by the Justice Department. Kamala blames the Supreme Court but not rogue prosecutors authorized by the White House to prosecute political opponents, the definition of weaponization. But the real issue is about who’s shredding the Constitution and the rule of law—and it’s not Trump.

In 2020, Democrats repeated faked talking points that Trump caused the widespread disease and death from the Covid-19 global pandemic. Voters were too frightened to stick to the facts that Trump did everything possible to deal with the deadly novel coronavirus, including shutting down the government on the recommendation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and others on his Covid-19 medical team. In 2020, Biden and Harris accused Trump of botching the U.S. response to managing the Covid-19 infectious disease crisis. Yet Trump was the one who ordered urgent work on developing vaccines in record time. Kamala and Joe said they would never trust vaccines developed under Trump but said there was no way they would be available anytime soon. One week after the Nov. 3, 2020 presidential election, Pfizer announced the release of the first mRNA vaccine.

No Kamala spews the same rubbish to the public about Trump trying to destroy American democracy, providing no facts, only the most crass political talking points. Kamala essentially tells her audience they must reject in the strongest possible terms one of the three independent branches of the U.S. government: The Supreme Court. Kamala knows the justices, whether conservative or liberal, evaluate cases before the Court in the most objective way possible and rule accordingly based on the Constitution and established case law. Telling voters to reject the Supreme Court, Kamala is the one that rejects American democracy, saying the only the Executive Branch, under Article 2 of the Constitution, can decide what’s appropriate for presidential immunity. Harris and Democrats reject the three branches of the U.S. government, seeking an Article 2, Executive Branch dictatorship.

So, when it comes to saying Trump wants to destroy American democracy, it’s really the Democrats, telling her audience they must reject the Supreme Court’s decisions whether on presidential immunity, or Kamala’s favorite topic, women’s reproductive rights. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade June 24, 2022, the 1973 Constitutional right to abortion, Kamala and Democrats have used the issue to rally voters to defeat the Republican Party. But in reality, Kamala asks Democrat to reject the Constitution’s tripartite structure, respecting all three branches of government. “Donald Trump has vowed to be a dictator on day one of reelection. He said he will weaponize, essentially the Department of Justice against his political enemies and even called for the termination of the Constitution of the United States,” Kamala told her audience.

Kamala knows that Trump fights against a rogue Justice Department that accused him of Russian collusion before he took office in 2016 and all through his four years in office. Who’s the real dictator with Kamala telling her partisan crowd that they must reject the Supreme Court. Who wants to terminate the Constitution when she says voters should not follow the Supreme Court and rule of law. “We know what we stand for as Americans and you know, it all comes down to this,” Kamala said. We love our country and I do believe it is the highest form of patriotism to fight for the ideals of the our country,” Kamala said, rejecting the independence of the federal courts to rule on Constitutional issues. Democrats want a Executive Branch dictatorship, bypassing the Constitution to advance their political agenda. How’s Trump the dictator when Kamala rejects the Supreme Court?

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.