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LOS ANGELES.–Today’s New York Times/Sienna College poll shows that 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris leads 78-year-old former President Donald Trump by 4% in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, when last month’s poll showed Trump winning by one to two percent. Democrats are quick thinking that Kamala has made the difference, when Democrats could have run anyone other than Biden and gotten the bounce after Biden dropped out of the 2024 race July 21. Democrats want to conclude that the poll shows that it’s Kamala’s popularity when, in fact, Kamala was the least popular Vice President in modern history with an average approval rating of 36%. Since Biden dropped out and Democrats were given only Kamala as the presumptive Democrat nominee, Kamala’s approval ratings have bounced 7% but only because she replaced Biden on the Democrat ticket.

Democrats think they’ve developed some magic bullet with Kamala Harris, when, in fact, she’s a mediocre candidate, someone whose approval ratings as Vice President were the lowest in modern history. After a month of battling with Biden to quit the race after his disastrous June 27 CNN debate with 78-year-old former President Donald, Democrats have been euphoric since Harris took the reins. Polls reflect the same sentiment of complete relief over Biden quitting the race. Democrats and the press hype Kamala as the best thing since sliced bread but after the Aug. 19 Democratic National Convention [DNC] in Chicago, reality should start sinking in. Kamala wants to talk about women’s reproductive right, blaming Trump for appointing Supreme Court Justices that overturned Roe v. Wade. But Trump only appointed three justices that made up their own minds.

Kamala wants to run her entire campaign on sound bites-and-snippets, keeping her out of press interviews and certainly press conferences. Kamala says she’ll speak to the press after the DNC convention, preferring to let her PR team get out her message. But if you listen to Kamala and 60-year-old Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on the campaign trail, it’s all about demonizing Trump, sort of what Biden did in 2020. Biden hid out in his basement and let his Democrat media handlers make flattering TV ads, exactly what they’re doing for Kamala. But eventually Kamala will be forced to answer real questions what she’d do differently than Biden on the economy, border, Ukraine War, relations with Russia and China, etc. Campaigning so far Kamal only wants to talk in platitudes about an economy the works for all Americans. Well she and Biden have been there for four years.

Kamala talks in her ads and campaign messaging like she’s running against Trump economic and foreign policy record. In a bizarre way, she’s completely ignoring the damage she and Biden have done to the U.S. economy, foreign policy and U.S. national security. Biden said he would keep the Ukraine War going indefinitely, guaranteeing at least 10 more years of U.S. support. When voters hear about Kamala’s plans, how do they differ from Biden’s? Trump says clearly he will end the Ukraine War and return to normal diplomatic relations with Russia. Kamala has some big decisions to make but knows she can’t completely disavow her record with Biden over the last four years. What does Kamala think she’s done with Biden on the economy and foreign policy? How close is the U.S. under Biden-Harris to starting WW III or nuclear war in Europe?

Polls reflect the pulse of the country, forever changed in the liberal press since Biden was forced out of the 2024 race July 21. What do Democrats think is going to happen after the vast majority of independent voters tune in to the DNC conventioin? Are independent voters going to jump on the civil rights and women reproductive rights bandwagon? Most independent voters want the inflation to end and to see the border fixed, not to talk about how badly Trump handled the Covid-19 global pandemic. What worked in 2020 isn’t going to work in 2024, certainly not blaming Trump for Covid-19 and race riots. Kamala wants to run her campaign against Trump’s character, not Kamala’s actual record with Biden. Today’s New York Times/Sienna College poll indicates that only 44% of likely voters think Kamala is too liberal. Well, maybe they need to get to know her a little better.

Voters don’t know the real Kamala Harris from her role as Vice President under Biden. Kamala has rubber stamped all of Biden’s policies, whether domestically or overseas. When it comes to relations with Russia, Biden has the worst U.S.-Russian relations since the end of WW II. Trump’s past polling showed himself handling beating Biden, something no that called into questions with Kamala. Once voters actually get to know Kamala and her leftist agenda, it’s going to be a whole new ballgame, realizing the she and Walz are the most liberal ticket since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan ran against Minnesota Sen. Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro. Whatever bounce Kamala sees now, it could all vaporize after the DNC convention. Indpendent voters will get a good look at the woke Democrat agenda, pandering to African Americans and the LGBTQ community.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.