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LOS ANGELES.–Watching ABC News do everything possible in full-on damage control to save 81-year-old President Joe Biden after his disastrous June 27 CNN debate, 78-year-old former President Donald Trump had enough. ABC News is just one among many TV news networks working day-and-night to sabotage Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. CNN hope June 27 to end Trump’s bid for president, gearing their questions toward Biden, giving him every out for his feeble responses. “Is there anything else you’d like to say. . . “ said CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. When Biden looked incoherent all they could do was to ask Trump more difficult questions hoping that he tripped up. But he didn’t, watching, along with 70 million TV watchers, Biden made a fool out of himself. Then came the day after, when the White House and press went into full-on damage control mode.

Next thing anyone knew, ABC News host George Steaphanopouolos interviewed Biden July 8 hoping to dupe the public into thinking Joe had a bad night. Former chief White House medical officer Dr. Anthony Fauci speculated that Joe took an antihistamine that could have affected his thinking. All the excuses under the sun, all to cover-up the obvious age-related cognitive decline making Joe unfit for president, certainly for a second term. “ABC Fake New is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “They make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the guts to fight it out—he quit,” Trump said, referring to Joe leaving the 2024 campaign. Trump has to retool his campaign for 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris, now that Joe has thrown in the towel, bowing to inside Democrat Party pressure.

Trump wants to debate Kamala but not with ABC News moderating the debate. Trump knows that all the questions would be designed to make him look bad, just like CNN tried to do on June 27. “They [ABC News] then tried to make ‘Sleepy’ look like a great president—he was the WORST, and lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not. ABC, the home of George Slopadopolous, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many!” Trump said. ABC News can only pretend that it doesn’t have a problem with its biased reporting against Trump at its major national network but also at all its local affiliates. Why would Trump—or any other candidate—submit to a debate where they’re trying to sabotage him by picking-and-choosing questions? Stephanopoulos did everything possible to rehab Biden’s obvious cognitive lapses.

If Trump refuses to allow ABC News to host the Sept. 10 debate, it’s not going to happen unless they can come up with an option. Trump would like to see Fox News, with whom he’s had some issues lately, to host the Sept. 10 debate, something ABC could refuse to do. “Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, quit the race, I think the Debate with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be help on FoxNews, rather that very biased ABC,” Trump said on Truth Social hours after Biden pulled out. What’s ABC supposed to say? We’re not biased against Trump? Everyone knows that ABC News despises Trump and would do anything to see him lose in November. All the liberal media outlets would like to see Kamala beat Trump in the November election. So when Trump says there’s bias at ABC News, is anyone from the network going to dispute his statements?

When it comes to the Big 3, ABC News, NBC News and CBS News, which one has any neutrality in the race, not seeking to elect Vice President Kamala Harris? When you add the key cable networks CNN and CNBC, they’re also heavily biased against Trump. So how can any of the networks or cable news stations host anything with so much bias toward Trump? Interviewing Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) on Fox News Monday, Trump complained. “Where is his Chinese Spy girlfriend? What is wrong with Fox News? It’s RINO Paul Ryan’s fault,” Trump said, referring to the former House Speaker who sits on the Fox Corporation Board. Trump sees Ryan’s influence on the Fox News division where past support for his candidacy has not been consistent. Trump still sees opposition to his 2024 from the usual never-Trumpers including Ryan and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.).

Rejecting any debate at ABC News is a huge embarrassment for the network that pretends to present the highest standards of journalistic ethics. But on closer inspection, ABC News does anything possible on a national level to sabotage Trump 2024 campaign, trickling down to all affiliates around the country. “I’ll defer to the president in terms of any details,” RNC Chair Michael Whatley told ABC New national anchor David Muir, referring to whether or not Trump would show up at the Sept. 10 ABC News debate. When you think of the extreme prejudice against Trump, why would Trump participate in a debate designed to sabotage his 2024 campaign? Anchors like Muir would never admit his distaste for Trump, preferring to cover-up his network’s extreme bias. If Trump holds firm refusing the ABC News debate, it’s likely to be picked up by Fox News.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.