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LOS ANGELES.–Only one day before 81-year-old President Joe Biden ended his 2024 bid for reelection, 59-year-old Kamala Harris said she can vouch personally for Joe’s mental sharpness and fitness for serve another term. Kamala’s statements remained consistent for years when asked about Biden’s fitness for office, vouching for his command of the office, fully in charge and mentally sharp. Knowing otherwise, Kamala played the White House and press game of duping the public from knowing about the extent of Joe’s age-related cognitive impairments, leaving serious questions about his ability to perform his Constitutional duties. Kamala joined Biden’s 73-year-old wife Jill and his 78-year-old sister Valerie Owens in camouflaging with every tool at their disposal Joe’s cognitive disability. Forget about all the horrific decisions he was making on U.S. foreign policy and national security.

Up until July 21, the day Joe ended his presidential run, Harris vouched for Joe’s mental fitness and ability to carry out his presidential duties. When you consider Joe is the first-and-only post WW II U.S. president to go to war against the Kremlin, Biden ended decades of diplomacy, détente and arms control with Russia, formerly the Soviet Union before 1991. Joe decided it was more important to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty than to maintain normal diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation. Opting to fund Ukraine’s war with the Kremlin, Biden promised he would vanquish the Kremlin, degrading the Russian military to the point it can no longer wage war. Together with Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden decided to fund proxy war with Russia, ending 80-years of post-WW II, history trying to maintain a peaceful world in the atomic age.

When it comes to voters trusting Kamala over her misleading statements about Biden’s fitness for office, it’s understandable when you consider her loyalty to the president. But it does raise doubts about her ability to lie to the public without batting an eyelash, saying, one day before Biden quit the race, that Joe was sharp and hand no problems completing a second term. Looking back, it’s obvious that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and former President Barack Obama thought that Joe was a liability to down-ballot races heading into November. Joe faces the nation tonight to explain his decision to end his 2024 campaign. Based on past leaks, he’s going to say it was the “honor of his life” to serve as president but decided to end his reelection bid for the sake of the party and country. All that sounds good, but Joe was forced out of the race.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tx.), said Biden was like night-and-day from his encounter with him in 2022 and in 2024. “Totally different person. And the cognitive decline had gone down progressively,” McCaul said, knowing that everyone inside the White House knew about the change to Joe’s mental fitness. “I can’t image that people in the inner circle didn’t see that. They protected him, there ‘s no question. I don’t know what [Harris’s] role was in all that. But they know that there wasn’t—I think the debate kind of exposed them, and then everybody knew,” said McCaul. Kamala knew as long as anyone that Joe suffered from age-related cognitive decline that threatened his ability to perform his Constitutional duties. McCaul makes the point the all the president’s men-and-women did everything to cover up Joe’s decline.

Harris did everything possible, showing loyalty to Biden, to shirk her vice presidential oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. If she knew the president was disabled due to memory and cognitive impairment, it was her duty under the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to remove Joe from office. Kamala wouldn’t do that because of her loyalty to Joe supersedes her loyalty to the country. Kamala knew for years that Joe was not fit to carry out his duties as commander in chief. When you look at the blazing Ukraine War, war in Gaza, terrorism in the Red Sea and growing tensions with Communist China in the Taiwan Strait, you’d think that Harris had a duty to activate the 25th Amendment to deal with Joe’s danger to the state. Kamala had no problem gaslighting the public that Joe was perfectly OK for four more years.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) questioned how Harris could not have known about Joe’s age-related cognitive decline. “I think Kamala is front and center in that,” Scalise said, covering up Joe’s cognitive decline. “She’s been closer to President Biden than anybody. And it does beg the question when did Kamala Harris start recognizing the president’s cognitive decline, and why didn’t she do something about it,” Scalise questioned. If Kamala can’t be trusted to tell the truth about Joe, how can she be trusted about anything related to the economy and foreign policy? Harris shows no signs of changing any of Biden’s polices on Ukraine, Mideast and Communist China. Voters need to ask whether they can afford a continuation under Harris of the Biden policy, including spending untold billions to topple the Russian Federation.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.