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LOS ANGELES.–No one wants to beat 78-year-old former President Donald Trump more that 80-year-old former Bill Clinton strategist James Carville, once a media darling helping hand Clinton two terms as president. Carville has run afoul with the White House asking 81-year-old President Joe Biden to face the music after his disastrous June 27 CNN debate with 78-year-old former President Donald Trump. Trump and Biden are only three-and-a-half-years apart in age but light years different in mental functioning. Trump shows no signs of aging aside from a few name mixups but, other than that, he’s hitting all cylinders in the 2024 campaign, going full steam with his well-attended campaign rallies, often breaking records. Biden gets very small audiences to listen to his often lethargic remarks unless he’s on a rant about how Trump attempts to destroy American democracy.

Carville wants to make the point that Biden cannot beat Trump, handing the White back to the former president, surrendering the Constitution with it. But Carville spews Democrat talking points, not realizing that the biggest threat to U.S. democracy is Biden’s age-related cognitive decline and abysmal decision-making. Funding proxy war against the Kremlin was a real doozey for Biden, ending decades of U.S.-Russian diplomacy, détente and arms control. Russia and the U.S. worked over the decades to improve cooperative, pragmatic relations until Biden. Now the Kremlin considers the U.S. a mortal enemy, no longer cooperates on arms control or important global issues like the Red Sea. “If the people don’t want you to win, you’re not going to win,” Carville said. “And they certainly don’t want Biden,” Carville said, rejecting Biden’s stubborn refusal to step down.

Carville spews Democrat talking points about how Trump would destroy democracy if elected. “I think that you are going to see a destroyed NATO. We’re going to be expressing the values of authoritarian and totalitarianism. We’re going to continue down the path of lawlessnesss. . . .” Carville said, making preposterous arguments for why Biden should go. Carville knows that in Trump four years he didn’t destroy democracy or NATO, but actually got the Transatlantic Alliance to pay more for defense. What more lawlessness does Carville see in Biden’s open border policy that’s let millions of criminal to invade the U.S. border? Trump is all about law-and-order, not defunding police like Carville’s party. “I don’t know what else I can say?” Carville told Mediate’s editor Aidan McClaughlin. Carville has concluded that Biden cannot beat Trump in November.

Carville gives all the Democrat talking points for beating Trump in the fall. He just doesn’t think that Biden has the lucidity and vigor to beat Trump, fearing that the country would move into a authoritarian direction. “They’re already telling it, this whole thing about Project 25 [actually 2025], outlining a conservative wish list. Trump denies knowing anything about Heritage Foundation’s 2025 yet Democrats have exploited the fictional document as Trump’s blueprint for the future. “It would be so tragic and so against who we are as a country that you almost want to laugh at it,” Carville said, worried that Biden cannot defeat Trump. Carville wants to make the point that 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris or some other Democrat could beat Trump but not Biden. Biden insists he’s the best qualified to beat Trump because he’s already done it in 2020.

Bernie came out forcefully stating that, regardless of all the anti-Biden cacophony, Biden will be the 2024 Democrat nominee. Carville wants to make the emphatic point that Biden can’t beat Trump in November. “But the catastrophe that awaits, and I literally think this. I thnk it’d be the end of the Constitution. I really do,” Carville said, not laying out the real issue about Biden staying in the race. If Biden stays and wins, he’s not fit for commander-in-chief, requiring him to step down and leave the White House to Kamala. So, Carville argues to let Kamala run now so she can have a better job of beating Trump in November. Whether that’s true or not, she’s 58 not 81 going on 82. Carville wants voters to put as much pressure on Biden to stand down, letting Kamala take the reins. Carville doesn’t think that in his current state Biden can beat Trump in November.

Carville makes the same Democrat argument that Trump is a threat to democracy, trying to persuade voters to ditch Biden because he’s less likely than Kamala to beat Biden in the fall. Whether that’s true of not is anyone’s guess. Biden might be right that he’s the best option Democrats have of beating Trump, if, for no other reason, he beat him in 2020. Biden has lost the confidence of many Democrats and certainly the liberal press. Most the recent commentary has opposed Biden continuing in the race, even if he’s best positioned to beat Trump. Members of the progressive press would like to see a half-Black, half-South Asian as president over the old White guy. Carville doesn’t make the right argument to switch horses this late in the campaign. Carville can’t guarantee that Kamala, or anyone else, would do any better against Trump in November.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.