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LOS ANGELES.–For the last four years, the corrupt, Democrat-controlled U.S. press has covered-up 81-year-old President Joe Biden’s age-related cognitive decline, getting worse by the day and showcased for all to see in the June 27 CNN debate where Biden mumbled, bumbled and jumbled his way through a 90-minute debate with 78-year-old former President Donald Trump. Trump had to do very little other than let Joe make a fool out of himself, sounding incoherent while he tried to deliver memorized Democrat talking points. Bide revealed the degree of his dementia that robbed him of the right under the U.S. Constitution to serve as president of the United States. No one with cognitive impairments can preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Yet the corrupt press tries for political purposes to keep Biden in power. Now ABC News George Stephanopoulos tries to rehab Joe.

White House spin doctors have pulled all the strings in a fierce post-debate damage control effort to restore Joe’s damaged credibility. Even 83-year-old former Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci came out of retirement to vouch for Joe, saying he probably had a cold and used antihistamines to account for Joe’s abysmal debate performance. All of the White House communication team are committed to continuing the lie about President Joe Biden, that he’s fit for president. How ironic that four years ago, Trump said Biden was shot and would destroy the U.S. economy and get the U.S. into another foreign war. Well Biden created the worst inflation in over 40 years and decided to fund proxy war in Ukraine against the Kremlin. No one can say Biden has not damaged the U.S. economy, foreign policy and national security in the last four years in office.

Speaking on Philadelphia’s WURD radio yesterday, Biden said he was “proud” to be the “first Black woman to serve with a Black president,” showing, again, for all to see, that Biden’s cognitive impairments were not fluke but a deteriorating chronic condition, only getting worse by the day. Even liberal firebrand Michael Moore said the Democrat Party should find a humane way to let Biden withdraw from the 2024 race and bow out with dignity. Billionaire Abigail Disney, heir to the Disney fortune, a major Democrat donor, said she was pulling all funding until the Party picked an alternative candidate. “By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president,” Biden told WURD radio. What are voters supposed to think of the way Biden talks to foreign leaders? Everyone must remain silent while he embarrasses himself and his country.

Democrats and the press don’t see the clear-and-present danger Biden exhibits as president of the United States. No president or any other elected official can perform their jobs with dementia, a serious deteriorating mental disorder, robbing the brain of executive, decision-making functions. Biden’s handlers, including his wife Jill, have run out of excuses for Joe to stay in the 2024 race. Whatever the verbal gaffes, they can’t be attributed to sleep deprivation, over-work or exhaustion any longer. Certainly blaming Joe’s debate performance on a bad cold is preposterous. Giving a staged, pre-digested interview to fake journalist George Stepahopoulos will only make voters mad, thinking that they can be duped by the press. Everyone knows what they saw-and-heard on June 27. No amount of smoke-and-mirrors can change public perception of Biden at this point
No voters should take ABC News’ attempt to rehab Biden seriously, other than another sign that the press is controlled by the Democrat Party. Former President Bill Clinton’s Communication Director George Stephanopoulos is just a Democrat hack designed to give Biden more damage control in the wake of his disastrous June 27 debate. It’s disgraceful that the press uses its platform to advance Biden’s agenda of staying in the 2024 race. How ironic that Biden talks of what he’s done for Black people but knows that his 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step up to run against Trump. Biden’s decision to stay in the race is more related to his wife Jill wanting to continue her job as First Lady. She knows she sent her disabled husband in to get slaughtered on June 27, not admitting his memory and cognitive impairments. How sad that Jill’s ambition outweighs Joe’s.

If enough Democrat donors pull their funding to Biden’s campaign, he’ll eventually get the message to get out of the 2024 campaign. “Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democrat leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” said Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings. All the talk about Biden’s fitness should really focus on whether he’s fit to complete his first term. Despite the best attempts by the press to cover-up Joe’s deteriorating cognitive condition, Joe can’t possibly expect the most partisan voters to blindly give him four more years. Once he decides to leave the race, the focus should turn to whether Vice President Kamala Harris should step in now to safeguard U.S. national security. Letting Joe stay in office threatens all Americans, especially at a time of heightened tensions with the Kremlin and Communist China.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.