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LOS ANGELES.–Dr. Anthony Fauci, 83, likes to sell himself as a devoted public servant in his new autobiography, “On Call,” but he’s anything but having played an integral role for Democrats in the 2020 election campaign taking down 78-year-old President Donald Trump. Fauci gave untold numbers of interviews, largely on anti-Trump outlets, blaming Trump for incompetent management of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether admitted to or not, Fauci helped drive voters away from Trump scaring them with unprecedented death rates from the Covid-19 global pandemic. Interviewed by the Trump-hating Washington Post, Fauci told journalist Rick Anderson that he got along “very well” with Trump at certain times but clashed with him on the nature of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Trump hoped that Covid was similar to the seasonal flu but it was anything but. Fauci should known as an infectious disease specialist the differences between Covid and the seasonal flu.

Fauci admitted that once Trump agreed to shut down the government to start social distancing to slow the spread of the virus in April 2020, he started to have disagreements with Trump, especially over how long and severe the Covid-19 global pandemic would be. Fauci encouraged Trump to do the right thing from an infectious disease standpoint and shut down the government and order social distancing. Trump realized after the shut downs caused catastrophic damage to the U.S. economy that he’s been duped by Fauci. “And I was saying, you know, it’s not,” Fauci said, referring to Covid-19 acting in anyway like seasonal flu. Fauci said early on in 2020 that the Covid-19 pandemic would not go away soon. “Because that’s not the nature of the disease,” Fauci said, admitting that he knew the bioengineered virus was going ravage the country with no vaccine or effective treatment in sight.

Fauci played Trump like a fiddle, urging him to shut down the government and private sector, but knew the bioengineered virus was far more resistant and deadly. Fauci knew all about 2002-2004 SARS coronavirus epidemic that infected 8,096 cases and killed 774 worldwide. However similar the SARS-1 virus to SARS CoV-2, Fauci knew from the outset that Covid-19 was anything but the SARS-CoV-1 virus. Yet all of Fauci’s energy and professional reputation went to claiming the SAR CoV-2 virus occurred naturally, a mutation away from the SARS CoV-1 virus. When the dust settled on SARS CoV-2, it infected 775,615,772 worldwide, killing 7,051,323 and as much as 11-33 million worldwide, dramatically different from 2002-2004 SARS CoV-1, with only 774 deaths worldwide. Fauci know all about SARS CoV2 because he funded research creating the virus.

Fauci knew early on that SARS CoV-2 was dramatically different from SARS CoV-1 because it was engineered in Wuhan lab as a bioweapon. Fauci wanted to deny any involvement in creating the deadly novel coronavirus because he funded the “gain-of-function” research through New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, giving over $15 million in grants. Fauci has denied any involvement in creating the deadly novel coronavirus, trading barbs under oath with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and other Republicans in Congress. Fauci has the Democrat Party behind him because he was used as a political hack to wreck Trump’s 2020 campaign. Well, White House strategists, like by Mike Donolon, think Fauci upended Trump in 2020, he can do it again in 2024. Fauci appears back in the media again to remind voters to give Joe Biden another four years in office.

Fauci worked with 80-year-old Washington Post journalist of Watergate fame Bob Woodward to discredit Trump in the 2020 campaign. Don’t be surprised for the White House to use Woodward again to make their case against Trump. When it came to Fauci, it was even more egregious in 2020 to listen to Fauci denigrating Trump on numerous interviews in the Trump-hating press, looking for anything to upend his 2020 campaign. Biden and his 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris told voters they’d never trust any vaccine developed under Trump, but, more importantly , that Trump had no vaccine in the works. Pfizer’s mRNA was released one week after the Nov. 3, 2020 election. Biden and Harris readily embraced the vaccine, never giving Trump any credit. Now Fauci reappears in the 2024 campaign, reminding voters about Trump’s mistakes.

Fauci’s responsible for over 1.1 million U.S. deaths from the deadly novel coronavirus, engineered with Fauci’s grants at Shi Zhengli’s bioweapons lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci’s the first to say the origin of the virus still isn’t known, despite all the compelling evidence pointing to Shi Zhengli’s bioweapons lab. Fauci did everything humanly possible with his friend Peter Daszak and the World Health Organization [WHO] to deny the virus was bioengineered in Wuhan, China. When Chinese Foreign Minister Spokesman Zhao Linjian said March 14, 2020 that the deadly virus was made in America and exported by the U.S. military to China, Fauci said nothing. Watching the stealth Democrat political hack return in 2024 shows that he’s anything but a dutiful public servant. Fauci has blood on his hands for creating the Covid-19 global pandemic.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in global and national news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.