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LOS ANGELES.–Returning to the 2024 campaign, White House Democrat strategists led by 66-year-old Mike Donolon, have reprised 83-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci to his role as Trump slayer, the same role he played in the 2020 campaign. Donolon figured out why not use, in the height to the Covid-19 crisis, the man who led the White House conornvirus response team, to discredit 78-year-old former President Donald Trump. Democrats and the press worked hand-in-hand to destroy Trump’s credibility with the overarching strategy that Trump botched the response to the Covid crisis unnecessarily killing hordes of Americans. Democrats figured out there’s no bigger issue on the minds of 2020 voters than the Covid crisis, why not use it again to destroy Trump politically. No one was better suited to do that than Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci worked feverishly in 2020 to wreck Trump’s reelection bid.

Now Fauci is back on the campaign trail denouncing Trump again with his new book, “On Call: A Doctor’s journey in public service,” a great smokescreen for reentering the 2024 race as Trump’s nemesis. Fauci worked closely with 80-year-old Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward who just happened to have a 2020 book, “Rage,” frightening voters off from giving Trump a second term. Trump was naïve enough to allow Woodward to interview him for a new book, a ruse to take Trump out-of-context, blaming him for underestimating the Covid crisis in early 2020 when the first cases were turning up in Wuhan, China. Woodward accused Trump on endless liberal talk shows of saying the crisis would go away like the seasonal flu. Like Fauci, Woodward also worked as a Democrat hack to discredit Trump, painting him has the wrong person to lead the fight against Covid.

Fauci was a far more devious case of a Democrat confederate planted in the White House for the main purpose stopping Trump’s 2020 reelection bid. Trump didn’t know what hit him going to briefings with Fauci trying to reassure the public about the escalating infectious disease crisis that started to sweep the nation in 2020. Fauci’s new book gets him back in the news where he can divert attention away from the undeniable role he played in creating the Covid crisis out of Wuhan, China laboratory. Trump had no clue in 2020 that he was stabbed in the back by Fauci while pretending to do his job managing a new infectious disease crisis. Having lived through the AIDS and Ebola crises, Fauci had all the credibility needed to destroy Trump’s chances for reelection. Trump couldn’t stop Fauci from his unending disparaging interviews against Trump in the liberal press.

Fauci has been raked over the coals in numerous Congressional hearings, all cleverly denying his role in funding the “gain-of-function” research that manufactured the virus at Shi Zhengli’s bioweapons lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci worked furiously with his friend EcoHealth Alliance CEO Peter Daszak to cover-up the origin of the virus, working with other scientists to deny the virus was made in lab, tinkering with harmless bat coronviruses until they were the most deadly pathogens known to man. Fauci funded EcoHealth Alliance over $15 million, where Daszak gave Shi Zhengli’s lab nearly a million dollars for dangerous “gain-of-function” research, eventually unleashing the deadly novel coronavirus on the Wuhan population before it spread like wildfire around the planet. Fauci denies to this day under oath that he funded Daszak’s research.

Watching Fauci is a like a circus act, following a huckster sell snake oil to unsuspecting audiences, now talking about his new book. Fauci told CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, all about when he worked on the Covid team for Trump. “My God, these ratings are amazing. They’re better than cable, they’re better than network,” Fauci recalled Trump saying. “Wow, did you see those ratings?” Trump allegedly asked Fauci in 2020. “My feeling was, Ratings?” We’re in the middle of a pandemic,” Fauci said, making him look like the dutiful public servant. Fauci was anything but, playing Democrat hack in 2020, now he’s back at it again in 2024. Donolon wants to use the same thing that worked to get rid of Trump in 2020, to do it again in 2024. Fauci likes all the media attention as much as Trump but the difference is he’s working for the White House to stop Trump’s 2024 campaign.

Fauci’s new book helps cover-up his role in funding the deadly novel coronavirus that killed 1.1 million U.S. citizens and 8.5 million people worldwide. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) exposed Fauci’s role in funding the deadly research that created the Covid-19 global pandemic out of Shi Zhengli’s Wuhan bioweapons lab. Fauci worked feverishly with Daszak and World Health Organization [WHO] Director-General Tedros Adhanom Gheybresus to cover-up the origin of the virus. Fauci called the lab-leak conspiracy a conspiracy theory, up until recently when he said he encouraged all origin theories. When Trump said it came from a Wuhan lab April 30, 2020, Fauci dismissed Trump conclusion as an unfounded conspiracy theory. Now Fauci is back in the news at Trump-hating CNN working for Biden’s reelection campaign trying to discredit Trump again in 2024.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.