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LOS ANGELES.–President Joe Biden, 81, touts his vast foreign policy experience, having served for 30 years on the Senate Foreign Policy Committee, Vice President of eight years under President Barack Obama and now nearly for years as President. For all the years before Biden became President, the understood stood the value of linkage in American Foreign policy, where the U.S. would do its utmost to get along with adversaries and allies alike. Every post WW II president since Harry Truman worked hard to get along with foreign adversaries until Biden, working hard on global cooperation and arms control. But since Biden became president he’s alienated American adversaries, creating a bipolar world, in which allies and adversaries are polarized on ideological lines, ripping 71-year-old Vladimir Putin and 70-year-old Chinese President Xi Jinping from his first day in office.

Today, Biden has pushed the U.S. into a reckless proxy war with the Russian Federation and drives the U.S. closer to war with Communist China. Biden can’t control his mouth, often heard calling Putin and Xi ruthless dictators, now driving both Communist superpowers into an economic, military and strategic partnership, all because Biden has been relentless in attacking both countries for backing each other during his war against the Kremlin. So, when Putin visits North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to invite Kim to join his economic, military and strategic alliance against the United States, the media acts surprised. Putin has cleverly out-maneuvered Biden, making the most of a bad situation. When Putin invaded Ukraine Feb. 24, 2022, Biden said he would hit the Russian Federation with the most punitive economic sanctions in modern history.

Biden launched, with European allies, a Russian oil embargo, trying to cripple the Russian economy all for what he called an imperial land grab in Ukraine. Biden repeatedly called the invasion “unprovoked” and “unjustified.” But when the record is examined closely, Biden rejected months of Putin’s overtures to resolve the Ukraine issue, trying to stop Ukraine’s feverish attempt to join NATO and Biden arming Ukraine to the teeth with lethal weapons. Putin asked Biden for months to come up with a new security plan for Ukraine but Biden refused to talk. So, when the invasion happened Feb. 24, 2022, Putin said he was forced to take a “special military operation” to demilitarize and “de-Nazify” Ukraine from threatening the Russian Federation. Now Biden blames Putin to evading his economic sanctions by consolidating relations with America’s enemies.

Instead of buckling under Biden’s crippling economic sanctions, Putin has sold more oil and natural gas on world markets, expanding the BRICS economic alliance to include Malaysia, another Asian economic powerhouse, plus collaborating with North Korea and Iran. “Washington, refusing to implement previous reached agreements, continuously puts forward, new increasingly stringent and obviously unacceptable demands,” Putin said, explaining why he’s partnered with North Korea. “Russia has always supported and will continue to support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their opposition to the insidious, dangerous and aggressive enemy,” Putin said, referring the United States. Putin’s economic, military and strategic reliance on U.S. adversaries comes because of Biden’s insistence on proxy war against the Kremlin.

Biden thinks he punishes Putin but he’s actually helped Putin develop alternative economic markets for Russia’s prodigious petroleum trade, making Russia richer than ever, while creating the worst inflation in the U.S. and Europe in the last 40 years. Biden punitive foreign policy approach to Russia and China has backfired, creating coalitions in Europe and Asia that does nothing economically for Europe and Asia other than promote more conflict. Biden opted to fund Ukraine’s war with the Kremlin at the expense of U.S. foreign policy and national security. Biden forgets the history of North Korea with the Soviet Union backing Kim Il-Sung, Kim’s grandfather, Demoratic Peoples Republic of North Korea [DPRK]. Now Biden complains about Putin visiting Kim Jong-un.

Only four years ago, former President Donald Trump made a historic visit to North Korea, the first of any president since the [1950-1953] Korean War. Since losing 36,000 U.S. soldiers in the Korean War, Biden hasn’t learned a thing about waging war against communist adversaries. U.S. foreign policy advisers learned little from the Korean War, going to war in Vietnam [1964-1975], where another 58,200 U.S. soldiers lost their lives. Russia and Communist China furnished much of the soldiers and arms during the Korean and Vietnam Wars to defeat the United States. Biden stands dangerously close to repeating history again. When Putin makes his next stop to Hanoi, the message is clear to the U.S.: War against the Kremlin is a catastrophic mistake. Biden’s foreign policy mistakes have destabilized world peace and harmed the U.S. and world economy.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.