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LOS ANGELES.–Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky continues his prodigious smoke blowing now pushing the fake narrative that 71-year-old President Volodoymr Zelensky is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Zelensky has pushed numerous fake narratives since the start of the war Feb. 24, 2024, saying Putin was committing war crimes and genocide in Ukraine, when in fact both sides, Ukraine and Russia, were involved in a war designed to complete certain military objectives. Since Putin invaded Crimea March 1, 2014, Ukraine had geared up during the Obama administration to arm itself to retake the territory, home to Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol. Once the CIA-backed Maiden revolution took place Feb. 22, 2014, ousting duly elected, Kremlin backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, the U.S. has armed Ukraine with hopes of retaking Crimea.

President Joe Biden, 81, was Vice President during the Maiden Revolution, watching 71-year-old President Vladimir Putin annex Crimea and go to war in Donbas, supporting Russian separatists in the region. Former President Donald Trump continued to supply arms to Ukraine but with the knowledge that the U.S. must maintain cooperative relations with the Russian Federation. Trump’s foreign policy in Ukraine aimed at working with both sides to compromise on Russia’s operations in Crimea and Donbas, all with the intent of avoiding war. When Biden took office Jan. 20, 2021, everything changed, with Biden ramping up arming Ukraine, pushing for Kiev to join NATO, something than never happened. NATO didn’t want to admit Ukraine and go to war with Russia. Yet Biden stepped up arms shipment to Ukraine to the point Putin asked Biden to discus new security arrangements for Kiev.

Putin got no response from Biden for months before the Feb. 24, 2022 invasion, watching the U.S. supply Kiev with more advanced weapons systems. Putin eventually had enough and moved the Russian army into Ukraine in what he called a “special military operation,” designed to demilitarize Ukraine to protect Russian national security. After Putin’s invasion, Biden decided to join Ukraine’s War against the Kremlin, essentially funding Kiev and its war against Russia. Biden and Zelnsky have told NATO and the European Union over the last three years that Putin was seeking to destroy European democracy, with the Ukraine War the only obstacle to Putin taking more European territory. Putin has made clear to Washington and Kiev that arming Ukraine was a threat to Russian national security yet Biden continued to escalate military shipments to Ukraine with the intent escalating the war.

Zelensky told the U.S., EU and NATO that Putin suffered from a terminal illness and the Russian military was near collapse in the first year of war. When his narrative proved false, he switched to convincing the U.S., EU and NATO that Ukraine was defending European democracy, the reason for backing the war against the Kremlin. Forget about the fact that two years of war had decimated Ukraine infrastructure, killing thousands of civilians and driving millions of Ukrainians to flee the country. Yet Zelensky continued to sell the U.S., EU and NATO on the idea that Ukraine was the only buffer to stop Putin from conquering Poland and the Baltic States. Now Zelensky, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, says Putin is the next Adolf Hitler, another attempt to gaslight world leaders. Zelenksy has his last ditch propaganda on maintaining his failed war against the Kremlin.

Zelensky wants no part of any realistic peace plan because he wants U.S. cash to subsidize his bankrupt Kiev government, whose chances of defeating the Russian Federation are slim and none. Zelensky and Biden have been told repeatedly by their own generals and military experts that there is no military solution to the Ukraine War. “No, because there are no lines for evil, either 80 years ago or now. And if someone tries to draw temporary lines, it will only give a pause before a new war . . .” Zelensky said, giving excuses why he won’t entering into ceasefire and peace talks with the Kremlin. Zelensky wants to push the Putin-Hitler comparison, capitalizing on what happened in the 1930s. What happed in Ukraine is straightforward: Biden kept arming Ukraine to the point in threatened Russian national security and forced Putin to start his “special military operation.”

Biden and Zelensky’s claptrap about Putin become the next Hitler at a D-Day commemoration was inexcusable, fanning the flames of a reckless war that has no end in sight. Gaslighting the EU and NATO about the imminent danger of Putin taking over Europe is beyond preposterous and should be confronted in the strongest possible way. If the EU and NATO wish to avoid WW III or nuclear war, they need to stop listening to Biden and Zelensky’s rubbish and start pushing the U.S. and Ukraine into ceasefire and peace talks. “It is the same now as it was when evil was unleashing its aggression against its neighbors in the 1930s. Hitler crossed line after line. Putin is doing the same,” Zelenksy says, disgracing the memory of D-Day because he refuses to accept reality. Zelensky is a prodigious smoke blower, gaslighting anyone that will give him arms-and-cash.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’d editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.