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LOS ANGELES.–Former Deputy Asst. FBI Director Andrew McCabe, 56, said the he and members of the intelligence community were fearful of a Trump presidency and consider fleeing the country to avoid possible prosecution. McCabe told CNN’s Caitlin Collins that members of the intel community were fearful of prosecution under Trump in what the media has deemed Trump’s “retribution” tour should he win back the presidency in 2024. McCabe was fired March 17, 2018 by former Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions for the role he played in 2016 deciding to not prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary at the time was accused of deleting 33,000 emails off her private server for time as Secretary of State. McCabe knew at the time that destroying evidence, especially under Congressional subpoena, was prima fascia evidence of obstruction of justice.

McCabe let Hillary off the hook in 2016 before the Nov. 3, 2016 presidential election, hoping that it would help her sputtering campaign. McCabe became Acting FBI Director when 63-year-old former FBI Director James Comey was fired by former President Donald Trump May 8, 2017 for conducting an illegal counterintelligence investigation of Trump and his 2016 campaign based on the fake probable cause from Hillary’s paid opposition research AKA the discredited Steele Dossier. Comey, McCabe and others at the FBI were involved in a pre-2016 election conspiracy to sabotage Trump’s campaign, to help Hillary get elected. Comey leaked continuously fake stories to the New York Times and Washington Post, all accusing Trump of having secret ties to the Kremlin, the narrative painted by Hillary’s Steele Dossier. Sessions fired McCabe with cause denying him pension benefits.

McCabe eventually won back his pension benefits in 2021 but continues, like former FBI Agent Peter Strzok, as a discredited, rogue FBI agent, doing everything possible in 2016 to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign. “It’s terrifying. It’s frightening,” McCabe said of Trump possible return to power. McCabe says Trump “will become your retribution” by “really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and FBI,” misstating what Trump has said about “retribution.” Trump might give orders to his new Attorney General to go after rogue DOJ and FBI officials that broke the law in 2016 to sabotage his 2016 presidential campaign but got away with violating their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States and rule of law. McCabe did everything possible to exonerate Hillary from undeniable obstruction of justice by destroying evidence.

McCabe and Peter Strzok appear as regular CNN and MSNBC contributors despite their sordid history of breaking the law while serving the FBI. When you consider their former boss James Comey led the conspiracy to sabotage Trump’s campaign, it’s no wonder that they joined Comey’s conspiracy to sabotage Trump’s campaign. So, when Comey, McCabe, Strzok and other former DOJ or FBI officials fear future prosecution, it’s with good reason. Trump hasn’t said it’s about punishing former DOJ and FBI officials that broke the law, it’s about defending the Constitution and rule of law at the DOJ and FBI. CNN and other anti-Trump news outlets refuse to admit the crimes going on under Comey at the FBI, only talk about Trump’s “retribution.” McCabe said he’s talking with former Obama administration officials that are considering leaving the country if Trump gets in.

CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and Washington Post spin Trump’s “retribution” to mean he would go after former Obama administration officials that illegally investigated his 2016 campaign to help Hillary get elected. No one from the Obama White House has been prosecuted for participating in the illegal attempts to used government agencies like the DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA to undermine Trump’s campaign. “I mean people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extrajudicial detention,” McCabe said. CNN hoped to use McCabe to make their case that Trump plans “retribution” to frighten off voters. McCabe’s concerns related to the part of the FBI conspiracy he and others played to undermine Trump 2016 presidential campaign. CNN continues to play a devious role in discrediting Trump before the 2024 presidential election.

McCabe and other rogue former FBI agents have much to worry about not because of Trump but because of their illegal actions while they abused positions of authority at the FBI. Comey denied any conspiracy to sabotage Trump’s campaign. But emails and texts uncovered between former Agent Peter Strzok and former FBI Atty. Lisa Page showed active involvement in working to undermine Trump campaign, or once elected, his presidency. Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others violated their oaths of office to about their positions to sabotage Trump’s campaign and presidency. Comey continues to push Hillary’s fake Russia hoax, saying that Trump had ties to the Kremlin to win the 2016 election. Even after Trump was cleared by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of any wrong doing in 2019, House Democrats continued to accuse Trump of Russian collusion.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.