Provoking the Democrat Party while running for president, 70-yer-old Atty. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. praised 77-year-old President Donald Trump for being the greatest debater since President Abraham Lincoln in the historic 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates. RFK Jr. recalls well Trump, real estate tycoon and political novice, debated a formidable GOP field of professional politicians, including the likes Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.), Sen. Marco Rubio and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.Y.), and many other experienced Republican candidates. Once winning the nomination in June 2016, Trump debated former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, dismantling her chances of winning the 2016 presidency. Democrat Party officials and her experienced political strategists thought they had Trump on the ropes, when, as RFK Jr. points out, Trump knocked Hillary out.
Hearing RFK Jr.’s praise of Trump infuriates the Democrat Party because they’ve spent years demonizing Trump, branding him a white supremacist and racist, not to mention botching the U.S. response to the deadly Covid-19 global pandemic. When the dust settled after the 2020 election, 80-year-old President Joe Biden beat Trump handily, with Trump’s performance debating Biden already a foregone conclusion. Trump was so demonized by Democrats in the 2020 election, he had little chance debating Biden, largely because Biden didn’t have to say much to convince as sizable contingent of Democrat voters it was time for a change. RFK Jr. recalls well Trump making his lone argument against the Iraq War before the 2016 South Carolina primary, eviscerating a pro-Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fl.) crowd. RFK Jr. sees Trump making the same arguments about he disastrous Ukraine War.
Biden committed the U.S. government, under the 1973 War Powers Act, to fund a proxy war against the Russian Federation to back Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Trump and RFK Jr. are the only Republican or Democrat candidates to oppose the Ukraine War, promising, if elected president, to end the conflict after winning the 2024 presidential election. Biden has promised, should he be reelected, to continue funding the Ukraine War into the indefinite future, costing the U.S. Treasury untold billions in U.S. tax dollars. Trump is “probably the most successful debater in the country since Lincoln-Douglas,” RFK Jr. said, referring to Trump’s 2016 with GOP candidates and Hillary. Whether Trump, at age 77, can repeat the same performance is anyone’s guess. Judging by how did with Biden in 2020, it wasn’t his finest hour, certainly nothing like 2016.
RFK Jr. recognizes something similar between his current run for president and Trump’s back in 2016. Democrats and the U.S. press have blindly supported Biden, regardless of the damage to economy, U.S. foreign policy and national security. Biden has rallied the Democrat-friendly press to adopt the Ukraine War, regardless of the damage done to the U.S. economy and world peace. Finishing the July 11-12 Vlinius NATO summit, Biden committed U.S. cash-and-weapons to Ukraine with the intent of breaking the Russian Federation, driving Russia out of Ukraine. Biden told the world March 26, 2022 in Warsaw Poland less than a month after the Feb. 24, 2022 Russian invasion that Putin should no longer stay in power. Biden’s 70-year-old Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the press April 26, 2022 in Ramstein, Germany that the goal of the Ukraine War was to degrade the Russian military.
RFK Jr. sees Biden destroying U.S. diplomacy and détente, reminding voters that his uncle, President John F. Kennedy worked feverishly with the Soviet Union to improve U.S.-Soviet relations. Biden has done the opposite. In joining Ukraine War against the Kremlin, Biden has wrecked decades of diplomacy and détente with the Russian Federation, weakening U.S. foreign policy and national security. RFK Jr. agrees with Trump that the war cost the U.S. more than billions in precious U.S. tax dollar that could be better spent fixing the horrendous problems faced today in American society. RFK Jr., like Trump would prefer to spend taxes on fixing the nationwide homeless crisis and Southern border than has damaged U.S. sovereignty. Biden’s failure to lead U.S. foreign policy was on full display in Vilnius, watching foreign leaders no longer respect U.S. world leadership.
RFK Jr. hopes he can get Biden to debate if he doesn’t drop out of the 2024 presidential race. As of now, Biden intends to run for reelection, despite his age and deteriorated functioning. Only the most partisan Democrats and friends in the press think Biden is fit to run for another four years. World leaders scratch their heads asking themselves is this the best America can do? “We’re gonna try to get the president to debate, we think it’s really important. It is important for the Democratic Party because ultimately the president will have to debate a Republican, and likely, we don’t know, but it’s gonna be Trump,” RFK Jr. said. Praising Trump’s debating skills irks Democrats and the press, who’s branded RFK Jr. a conspiracy nut and crank because of his views on vaccines. RFK Jr. sees how Democrats and the Press have demonized him the same way they do to Trump.