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Questions over the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago to return boxes of classified documents issn’t about to end anytime soon. What’s known for sure is that Trump had in possession documents removed from the White House designated classified, Top Secret or Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI], supposedly the highest level of classified document classification. But whatever the level of classification, the documents were essentially tucked away in a locked basement or some other area. When it comes to finding violations of the Presidential Records Act, U.S. Code Title 18, Section 270 or the Espionage Act it’s easy to throw the book at Trump, for whatever reason. Trump’s many enemies in the liberal press want the government to indict Trump for endangering U.S. national security. But the sad reality is the one endangering U.S. national security is not Trump it’s 79-year-old President Joe Biden.

Trump had good foreign relations for all four years of his presidency. Where does the U.S. find itself today under the current White House occupant? Biden has wrecked for all practical purposes U.S. relations with Russia and China to the point the U.S. is at war with Russia and close to war with Communist China over Taiwan. Biden tossed generations of U.S.-Russian relations under the bus, deciding, for some unknown reason, that he would adopt Ukraine as a puppet U.S. state. Biden then decided once Russian invaded Ukraine Feb. 24 that he would fund a proxy war against the Russian Federation with the intent of removing 69-year-old President Vladimir Putin from power and destroying the Russian military. Biden said March 26 that Putin should no longer remain in power as Russian President. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, 69, confirmed April 26 that the U.S. would destroy the Russian military.

So, when the angry press wants to point finger at Trump for violating document records acts to protect U.S. secrets, who’s the real one destroying U.S. national security? When Trump was in office, Democrats and the media accused Trump falsely to having ties to Moscow all based on former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fake Steele dossier, a document totally discredited by Christopher Steele himself. Steele admitted he had no underlying sources to his dossier because he deleted everything. So, all the five years of accusations against Trump were all fake but damaging to U.S. national security. Every time Trump made progress with Putin, China’s Xi Jinping or North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, it was all to undermine U.S. national security. Now look where Biden has taken the country.

Biden has started a proxy war using Ukrainian troops with the Russian Federation. He’s made so many contradictory statements about Taiwan, Xi is ready to invade Taiwan and take back the territory for Beijing. No, the media is in a feeding frenzy over old, useless documents, even the most classified ones have no bearing on today’s national security. Biden announced another $700 million in new weapons systems for Ukraine, saying that the U.S., as long as he’s president, will never give up on the Ukraine War. What does Biden hope to accomplish paying for Ukraine’s government salaries and funding the proxy war against the Russian Federation? Does Biden really believe he’s going to topple Putin’s government? Destroy the Russian Army? Why would that be good for world peace and stability? Russia has many allies around the world, just not in Washington.

All the chatter about documents found in Mar-a-Lago, especially by the New York Times Maggie Haberman completely ignores the reality of today’s threats to U.S. national security. Generations of U.S. presidents all believed that working for practical purposes with the ex-Soviet Union or the Russian Federation was essential for U.S. national security up until Biden. Biden decided that Ukraine was more important to U.S. national security than the Russian Federation. Biden’s Russia policy has driven Beijing and Moscow into a new military and economic alliance to oppose what they see as U.S. overreach in Russia and China’s internal affairs. Biden called Putin as “soulless killer” March 18, 2021, setting a bad tone from the start. Then on the same day, he told China it committed genocide against Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province Western China, wrecking prospects of U.S.-Chinese relations.

New York Times, Washington Post and broadcast outlets like CNN and MSNBC, can run 24/7 programming fixated on how Trump’s classified doc threaten U.S. national security but it’s all rubbish. Biden’s proxy war in Ukraine puts the European Continent dangerously close to WW III, all because Biden claims that Putin threatens to go beyond Ukraine to other European capitals. But the elephant in the room is Biden’s madness of trying to topple the Russian Federation. No document found at Mar-a-Lago or anywhere else in Trump’s possession threatens U.S. national security like Biden’s abysmal decision-making. Going to war against the Russian Federation was the most self-destructive move of any U.S. president since WW II. Whatever problems Ukraine has with Russia, they must work out their problems. Biden has wrecked U.S. foreign relations for generations.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.