Using only anonymous sources, the Washington Post reports that 76-year-old former President Donald Trump can’t find a lawyer to represent him because of his past track record of going rogue, not following legal advice or paying the bills. “Everyone is saying no,” said a unnamed GOP lawyer, saying no lawyer is willing to take on Trump’s expected legal problems stemming from his business dealings in New York, any indictments that might come from the Jan. 6 House Select Committee hearings or, more recently, the Department of Justice and FBI’s Aug. 8 raid on Trump’s Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago residence where the recovered some 11 boxes of classified documents. Washington Post doesn’t know whether or not Trump will ever get indicted for any of the allegations facing him. Losing by 40% last night in Jackson Hole, 56-year-old Rep. Liz Chensy said in defeat she would do anything to prevent Trump from the White House.
So, Cheney admitted that it’s not about the facts, certainly not for the Washington Post, New York Times, broadcast outlets like CNN and MSNBC who spent five years insisting Trump was a Russian asset. None of the broadcast and print outlets every admitted or apologized to Trump for spending five years spewing endless fakes stories about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin. Another anonymous lawyer said that no one trusts Trump after all his tweeting during the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. What was Trump supposed to do, accept the baseless witch-hunt built off former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s opposition research AKA the Steele dossier? No one at the Washington Post questioned the factual basis to the endless stories about Trump’s Russian contacts. Even after Mueller said Trump had no Russian contacts March 23, 2019, the Post kept writing fake Russian stories.
So, when the Post writes today about Trump’s many alleged crimes, where’s the credibility, after spending so much fake news on Trump? “In the olden days, he would tell firms representing him was a benefit because the could advertise off it. Today it’s not the same,” said 56-year-old former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen. Cohen was convicted of income tax evasion, money laundering and bank fraud, spending two years in prison. How low can the Washington Post go quoting convicted felon Michael Cohen? Washington Post and other news outlets did the same thing with 51-year-old former Attorney Michael Avenatti, convicted of extortion and stealing cash from legal trust accounts, including Stormy Daniels. But no, it never stopped the Post from quoting Avenatti as gospel if it besmirched Trump, all because Avenatti was a renegade bipolar disorder ready for a break down.
Quoting Michael Cohen shows how low the Washington Post goes to get out a story, all because it advances their anti-Trump agenda. Post writers like 60-year-old Jennifer Rubin doubled down with fake stories about Trump. Today, she finds every reason why Trump should be fried in Sing Sing for his crimes removing classified docs from the White House. Rubin would be the first one to cite Michael Cohen, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.) or Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) or anyone else willing to sell Trump down the river. No Post columnist has written more fake columns citing bogus facts about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin or, now, his abuse of the 1917 Espionage Act. Rubin would never say that 79-year-old President Joe Biden has endangered U.S. national security starting a proxy in Ukraine against Russia and threatening to defend Taiwan May 23 in the event of a Communist Chinese invasion.
Trump has plenty of top attorneys to represent himself in the event the indictments start flying from Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland, or, to be more accurate, from Obama deep-stater 54-year-old Deputy Atty. Gen. Lisa Monaco. Garland said Aug. 9 that he signed the search warrant to remove boxes of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago. “President Trump is represented by some of the strongest attorneys in the country, and any suggestion otherwise is only driven by envy,” said Trump’s spokesman Taylor Budowich. No one knows yet what, if anything, Trump will face in the way of indictments. Cheney said in her loss to 58-year-old neophyte Harriet Hageman that he work was only beginning in overdrive to prevent Trump from running for president. Losing by 40%, the once popular Cheney destroyed her political career to go after Trump, her patriotic duty.
Anything from the Washington Post, other than weather reports, are most likely fake news, only promoting a Democrat political agenda. What does the Post say about Cheney’s landslide defeat in Wyoming? Only that Trump has a stranglehold on the Republican Party. But in reality, Cheney lost because she stabbed the GOP in the back, obsessing herself with Trump at the expense of her political career. Voters gave Hageman a whopping victory because they realized Cheney’s fixation on Trump, all because she’s part of the Jan. 6 House Select Committee where they’re all convinced, without proof, that Trump planned and orchestrated the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Cheney went over the deep end with her Trump obsession, like other anti-Trump Republicans who despise him for whatever reason. Four years of economic prosperity and solid foreign relations with Russia and China, was enough to hate Trump.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.