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No one knows yet the contents of the Department of Justice search warrant executed by the FBI yesterday at 76-year-old former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach, Florida resort. But what’s known today, beyond any doubt, that it’s a continuation of the same witch-hunt that led former FBI Director James Comey to open up a counterintelligence investigation into Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign. Comey, who was fired by Trump May 9, 2017, knows all about political witch-hunts, justifying his decision to investigate Trump based on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA the Steele dossier. All of the contents of the Steele dossier was totally discredited, with Christopher Steele admitting in a legal proceeding that the deleted all the underlying sources. Yet that didn’t stop Comey, then former FBI Director Robert Mueller from investigating Trump.

Special Counsel John Durham (R-Conn.) continues to investigate the origins of Comey’s FBI investigation into Trump, knowing the Department of Justice and FBI conspired to sabotage Trump’s 2016 campaign and his presidency. It took Mueller nearly two years to conclude March 23, 2019 that there was no evidence tying Trump to the Kremlin in the 2016 campaign. Democrats and their friends at the New York Times and Washington post, not to mention 24/7 cable news outlets an network news, ran countless stories about Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow, all fabricated, citing anonymous sources or pure fabrications to prove their point. Democrats in Congress led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) swore on a stack of bibles they had proof that Trump was a Russian asset, who exploited the Kremlin to win the 2016 presidential election.

When it came to the Russian hoax against Trump, there’s little doubt that former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were heavily involved in authorizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA, National Security Agency [NSA] to help promote the fake narrative that Trump was a Russian asset to help Hillary get elected in 2016. So, when it comes to the current DOJ and FBI Mar-a-Lago raid suspicions have been raised. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, a known Trump-hater, that no one is above the law.” We’re a nation of laws. Nobody’s above the law. That’s for darn sure,” Graham told Hewitt. But Graham also said he was “suspicious” of the DOJ search warrant and FBI raid. “The Russian thing was a bunch of garbage,” Graham said. “We all saw Jan. 6 unfold in front of us. Biden is president, and we’ll see what happens. But this is dangerous territory for the Department of Justice.”

Given what the DOJ and FBI did to Trump over his 2016 campaign and presidency, Graham doubts that there’s still not problems at the Justice Department. Newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post and broadcast outlets like CNN and MSNBC, continue to fuel the Russia hoax, never admitting that their reporting on Trump was politically biased. If anyone doubted the political nature to the raid on Mar-a-Lago, former Hillary Campaign general counsel Mark Elias erased all doubt. “The really, really big reason . . . why the raid today is a potentially blockbuster in politics,” Elias said, giving away the extreme political nature to the Mar-a-Lago raid. Elias should know because he was instrumental in obtaining the Steele dossier for Hillary to use as a dirty strategy in the 2016 campaign. Elias could hardly contain his glee Tweeting about the DOJ and FBI Mar-a-Lago raid

Elias doesn’t know whether Section 2071 of the U.S. Code was enough to convict Trump of a crime, preventing him from running for president. “Yes, I recognized the legal challenge that application of this law to a president would garner (since qualifications are set in the Constitution),” Elias Tweeted. “But the idea that a candidate would have to litigate this is during a campaign is in my view a blockbuster in American politics,” Elias said. If that’s not a dead give away the motive for the DOJ search warrant and FBI raid then, what is? Graham thinks the Russian thing was a “bunch of garbage,” but Elias, who created the Russia hoax, thinks the DOJ and FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago could prevent Trump from running for president. A number of Republicans, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) promised to investigate if Republicans take over the Senate in November.

Whatever content to the DOJ search warrants, it won’t be that different from the warrants to wiretap Trump campaign officials obtained by Comey, duping the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] Court to issue warrants based on fake probable cause. Garland will no doubt have his reason for the warrant but the overwhelming motive for raiding Mar-a-Lago is to stop Trump from running in 2024 for president. Trump said yesterday that the FBI search was a Democratic-led attempt to stop him from running for president in 2024, something Democrats and their friends in the press will no doubt dismiss. Whether Democrats can charge Trump with a crime for the Jan. 6 Capitol riots or not, it seems they’re executing a backup strategy to get Trump for violating 2071 of the U.S. Code. Whether proving Trump planned the Jan. 6 riots or illegally removed White House documents, both charges seem equally weak.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.