NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, 63, warned yesterday that the Ukraine War could take years to resolve, urging NATO countries to continue backing Ukraine. Stoltenberg’s heading out the door Dec. 31 to become the head of Norway’s Central Bank. Stotenberg’s warning about the Ukraine War lasting years stems from the fact that Ukraine has lost its entire strategic Black Sea coastline, partitioning the country and land-locking Kiev for the foreseeable future. Stoltenberg has no crystal ball, only knows the devastating losses of sovereign territory acquired by the Russian Federation under direction of 69-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin, someone the West says suffers from a terminal illness. Judging by Putin’s 73-minute speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum June 16, then a two-hour Q&A session, Western intel got it wrong again.
With all the propaganda and disinformation coming from Kiev and Washington, the public is left in the dark on the Ukraine War. No one at the White House ever admits how badly the war has gone for Ukraine. All you hear is about great Ukrainian battlefield victories, Russian losses and bad rapport in the military. Now it turns out that Ukrainian forces are the ones abandoning the battlefield, realizing that Ukraine’s 44-year-old neophyte President Volodomyr Zelensky has been a disaster as commander-in-chief. Zelensky appears camera-ready in battle-fatigue green T-shirt, giving the most twisted pep talks, all saying out Ukraine is winning the war. Nothing could be further from the truth. With Biden running the war from the White House, it’s been a disaster for Biden, despite all the cover given to him by the U.S. press. Rarely does the U.S. press tell the truth on the battlefield.
British Defense Ministry, known for its pro-Ukrainian propaganda, said that both sides face combat fatigue, morale issues sustaining the war. “Combat units from both sides are committed to intense combat in the Donbas and are likely experiencing variable morale,” British Defense Ministry said. Stoltenberg talks out of his hat when he says the war could drag on for years. President Joe Biden, 79, faces a strong backlash in the polls for the hyperinflation caused by boycotting Russian oil, creating widespread shortages and skyrocketing costs, fueling the worst inflation in 40 years as retailers struggle with the high price on transportation costs. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell continues to hike the Federal Funds rate to slow inflation but is the first to admit the Fed has no control over geopolitical events like the Ukraine War. Biden acts like the Russian Federation must be defeated.
With Stotenberg going out the door by year’s end, the 30-nation NATO block must reevaluate what it’s doing in Ukraine. Stotenberg’s right that Zelensky and his 40-year-old Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba would fight in perpetuity to reclaim lost Ukrainian sovereign territory. But the point of it all is that Russia isn’t going anywhere, contrary to what Biden wants. Funding the bankrupt Ukraine government and paying for the war, Biden does Ukraine a disservice, already seen in the first four months of he war. While it’s true Putin pivoted away from Kiev, it’s also true he’s accomplished most his objectives in Donbas, controlling the strategic Black Sea coast. Stotlenberg simply mirrors Zelensky and Kuleba’s sentiment about getting back lost soverign territory. But at some point, Biden, or some other U.S. president, will have to tell Zelensky, enough-is-enough.
Sacrificing over $40 billion in U.S. taxpayers cash, the Treasury can’t afford the kind of extra debt racked up to finance an endless war, with little prospects of success. No one in Brussels should fool themselves about glowing war reports from Washington and Kiev. Ukraine has been losing sovereign territory at an alarming rate with all the advance U.S. and NATO weapons. Because Biden through down the gauntlet March 26 in Warsaw, Poland, telling the world that Putin shouldn’t remain as Russian leader, the Kremlin took the war a lot more seriously. Kremlin officials see the Ukraine War as a U.S. proxy war designed to topple Putin’s government. On April 26, 69-year-old U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in Ramstein, Germany that the goal of the U.S. is to degrade the Russian military to the point it can no longer wage war. If that’s no a declaration of war, then what is?
Stolenberg will be out of the loop in six months, when he goes back of civilian life in Norway. “We need to be prepared for it to last for years,” Stotlenberg said, urging allies to continue backing Ukraine’s war effort. Stotenberg urged allies to “not weaken support for Ukraine, eve if the costs are high, not only in terms of military aid but also because of the increase in energy and food goods prices.” Stotenberg has no clue what he’s talking about. With the U.S. and EU teetering on a prolonged recession, Stoltenberg’s in no position to advise other countries what to do with their national resources. Ukraine has no national security significance to the U.S., despite Biden saying he’s saving democracy. Biden isn’t saving democracy, he’s saving Ukraine from bankruptcy, unable to pay government salaries. Biden won’t admit his Ukraine strategy of weakening Russia has failed.