Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.), 75, talked crazy about the conditions under which NATO could intervene in Ukraine, if 69-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin decides to use tactical nukes. Romey’s rambling shows that he’s lost it from the days only 10-year-ago when he was the Republican nominee in 2012 running against former President Barack Obama. Former President Donald Trump, who became president four years later, said Romney “choked like a dog,” losing to Obama in a landslide. But ever since Romney became U.S. Senator Jan. 3, 2019, he’s led a band of anti-Trump Republicans to the detriment of the GOP and the country. Romeny got exactly what he wanted working feverishly since taking office to help President Joe Biden get elected, upending peace-and-prosperity in the U.S. Romney can’t help himself spewing utter rubbish about the Ukraine War.
Romney should push in the most vociferous way to peace talks in Istanbul to end the Ukraine War before it engulfs all of Europe. “NATO could engage in Ukraine,” “potentially obliterating Russia’s struggling military,” Romney said, if Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons. Raising hypotheticals like us flagrantly irresponsible, knowing NATO has now interest in starting WW III, or, for that matter, continuing the current war which potentially threatens Europe. Romney, who has no influence whatsoever of U.S. foreign policy, urges President Joe Biden, 79, to tell China, India or Saudi Arabia, “You’re either with us, or you are with Russian—you cannot be both,” Romney said in a New York Times editorial. Where Romney thinks he’s being constructive in today’s unstable situation is anyone’s guess. He thinks Biden can bully China, India and Saudi Arabia into back the U.S. Ukraine war.
Countries in Europe, Asia and the Indian subcontinent already have grave reservations about the U.S. mission in Ukraine. No one in Brussels or NATO signed up to take on the Russian Federation. All you hear in the fake news is about Putin’s terminal illness, today forecasted by a former MI6 chief to end up in a sanitarium soon, never to return to power in 2023. Ukraine and Western intelligence officials have been wildly speculating about Putin for months, meanwhile the Russian military has seized nearly all of Ukraine’s Black Sea Coast. If you listen to the White House, Kiev and the Western Press, you’d think Russian is close to surrendering in Ukraine because of depleted troops and weaponry. Well, for a depleted army, how has Putin managed to land-lock Ukraine, takeover nearly the entire Black Sea coast and wreak unspeakable damage over Ukraine’s infrastructure?
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov wasn’t kidding declaring May 16 that Russia had completed most its goals in Ukraine. Creating a corridor from Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, controlling nearly all of Ukraine Black Sea coastline, it’s hard to imagine there’s much left to do for Putin. Yet if you listen to Biden and Zelensky, Putin’s ready to surrender, because they can’t admit that they’ve lost the battle with the Russian Federation. How sad for the some 6 million exiled Ukrainians that their leader, 44-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, lies to the public about Ukraine’s military success almost daily. Zelensky has duped Biden about the great progress in Ukraine, touting the fact that Putin decided to pivot in Kiev, moving his army to the Donbas region. In only a few weeks, Putin now controls nearly the entire Black Sea coastline in Ukraine. How’s Zelensky supposed to reclaim all the lost land?
When you listen to Romney, he 100% backs Biden’s proxy war, using Ukrainian troops to battle the Russian Federation. Romney says if cornered, Putin could use tactical nukes in Ukraine. Romney parrots the rubbish of CIA Director William Burns who warned about the possibility of Putin getting desperate in using nukes. Romney said that if Putin becomes “cornered and delusional” he could use tactical nukes, saying NATO would have every right to start WW III. Romney speaks to know one other that the lunatic fringe of war hawks that could push the conflict into WW III. Romney says that if Zelensky makes concessions to Putin, he might “invade subjugate” other European countries, the same excuse made by Zelensky for U.S. or NATO intervention. Romney’s arguments are an incoherent hodgepodge of neocon warmongering, typical of certain Republicans and Democrat war hawks.
Calling Putin a “small, evil, feral-eyed man,” Romney continued the insults that got Biden into hot water with Putin, calling the Russian leader a “soulless killer” March 18, 2021. Romney gets traction in the left-wing press because of his hatred of former President Donald Trump. Listening to him now, he sounds like a madman talking about conditions for WW III. Talking about Putin using tactical nukes is preposterous, using the same scare tactics as other neocons itching for a fight. In case Romney hasn’t noticed, Biden is in a proxy war against the Russian Federation, using Ukrainian troops to weaken and eventually topple Putin’s government. Romney laps up all the wild speculation about Putin’s medical condition, jumping on the bandwagon with Christopher Steele, the architect of the fake Steel dossier Hillary used in 2016 to discredit the Trump campaign and presidency. Romney sounds like a fool arguing that Biden should send NATO troops into Ukraine, for any reason.